Monday 10 June 2024

Chinese Believer turns Disciple


 From Xiang Ling - China,  6-10-24

{some spelling corrections by Rasa} 

To Rasa:   As I said in a previous letter relating to the revelation and confirmation as your divinity it appears to me in a dream this canvas as light figures so by meditation those pictured appeared to me more often and here is a representation of those figures on paper hope this can add more relating to the Last letter, in these astral revelations I saw the men in the past destroying themselves with war, but in the distance women and Young men along side animals claimed to Mother God, the original woman and man of creation seemed like being different ages, the woman being older since other male figures are shown taller who are killing a younger male, likely is an indicative older women and Young men were the intended role of the woman being a superior being that can create life as same manner the Mother God can, the planet Saturn was floating around inspecting the acts of violence, likely a past incarnation of mine lived when Men killed each other as I despise war and the killing of nature, I firmly believe some people live many lives even as animals for a mysterious goal, as human and animals where all create by Mother God's grave, violence is an act if heresy that men under the influence of demons normalized, the destruction of the real teachings of creations were perverted but the truth is out there, coming to chosen people who know the truth, in one part of the figures one woman seems to be chosen in particular, later on that visión I saw your face, is quite a big thing I clearly saw your face and Mother God's face looking alike, it is possible by meditation and prayers to see truth even if is continents and seas away, I must return to my labor as farmer hope this is useful information, blessings from yixian, liaoning Province, china, wish I can share more eventually, Mother.  

 Dear Son,

            Your painting is auspicious.

        I want you to create something on the internet pertaining to our New Religion & common beliefs.  I can access Face Book so I can see what you do.

        Begin by posting our correspondence, with your pictures, presenting each series of letters yours & mine, in both Chinese & English.

        If any person responds, & IF the letters are positive & meaningful, put the English translation. 

    The name should be something like:  "The New Religion for Women" "from Guru Rasa Von Werder" - put after that "Men can join but it is primarily aimed to women." 

    This is important.  To become my disciple I neglected to tell you the STEPS.  That is why you have had no vision since I asked you to pray to me until you see me & report to me what happens.  You have not done so so I don't think you are joined with me yet.  Here is how: 


            Sit somewhere alone, private, quiet.  Empty your heart of all its affections & desires {for the time being} except for Rasa & her Being.  Believe in her as an Incarnation of God.  If you are in love with anyone you must separate from that person.  If you have a strong religious belief that is different from Rasa's you must put it away.  If you believe in things, money, or anything of the world as primary, you must renounce it.  Work on this emptiness.

    When you feel empty & ready, INSTALL Rasa INTO YOUR HEART.

           You can imagine her small, like an infant, curled up in your heart, or reduce her size as an adult but small enough to fit into your heart.  You can imagine her sitting, standing, dancing, sitting in a chair or couch in your house, in the air - anyway that works for you.

        When you see her within you, speak to her like this:

    "Rasa, I have you in my heart.  I belong to you; you belong to me automatically as you will give yourself to anyone who desires you.  I love you & you love me.  Stay with me, comfort me, guide me, give me Light & whatever the Infinite God wants to give me through you.  I know you are One with Mother God, the Infinite Being.  You are a Portal, a Gate, a Being of Light.  I believe in you & so I invite you & welcome you into my heart, my life.  Thank you for being here & please don't leave.  We shall continue communicating as long as I love you & open myself to you.  Your love flows continuously to anyone that desires you & I do.  Thank you & Amen."

    These words are approximate.

    Do this one night & see if it works.  If not, do it again & again each night.  And report to me how God appears to you through my Anointing.

        And pass on this teaching to the Chinese persons {or any other persons} interested, who post on your new site.

        Do good work & Son & you will be greatly Blessed.          Rasa

 From Xiang Ling  6-10-24

         {some spelling corrections by Rasa}

 Dear Mother rasa, I ask forgiveness because, but I have Just done as request as memorizing the prayer, your image indeed was shown to me as your current self, a naked figure put her hand on my head as I repeated the prayer, the touch was actually felt by me, I was also stripped of my clothing in that astral vision, I see that by accepting her into my life I have become part of something important, I will go to the city in a few days to tell people with Papers about the new religion, hopefully someone May listen, also in what I was able to synchronize with the prayer I was forced to walk I felt compelled to walk with closed eye and giving my hand to Mother rasa astral projection, the hand felt real the vision ended when I finished the prayer, the place I was sent in the vision was a huge mansión in a heavenly place where paintings of the Virgin Mary and nature was shown around, a very vivid experience.

 From Rasa:

         Excellent dear son.  Now you have me in your heart, you can proceed to work for our Cause with greater Light, strength & confidence.  Having access to my Light/Portal you have access to what I have – according to your ability to contain it. 

Proceed with your life & work, reporting to me what you do & how you are, & we will both be happy.

Thank you for loving Mother God & your obedience to Her. …………….Rasa 

         PS What you saw is perfect.  A great mansion with images of Mother God represented by Our Holy Mother Mary & Nature is what our religion is about.

Being naked is being open to God, with no mask, pretense or hiding from Her.  My hand – what is it?  It is the HAND OF LOVE on your head!  You felt the love.  And giving me your hand into mine is giving me your love for mine – our unity. - United in love.  You CLOSING YOUR EYES & trusting me is you shut down your own human self, & trust in my love guiding you - it's Supernatural.

With papers to tell people about the New Religion?  That’s a mission I assigned to you - a Holy mission.  

The mansion being great is great consciousness.

I see much dancing,  woman & man, worship with arms up, woman & son - woman dominant, the leader, rejoicing, explosions of celebration, etc.

You have not disappointed me. Bravo. 

My dreams last night were auspicious also.  Oprah Winfrey, the Queen of media was with me.  She approved - I showed her my thinness & arm muscles & she was impressed.  This could be prime publicity/media through Xiang opening up a site for us......  From Rasa



1 comment:

  1. Excellent news, Rasa! He sounds like a keeper!

    Best of luck 😊

