Sunday 9 June 2024

Moses' Murderous-Vile Religion-It was NOT God's-Guru Rasa Von Werder


  1. Well-said overall, Rasa. As I like to say, patriarchal religion is basically the worship of the golden phallus. These fellas worship their own personal "jehovah" between their legs, and their balls are their witnesses, lol.

    Also, the punk rock band Anti-Flag said it best:

    "Aggressiveness is Godliness, combativesness is holiness, destructiveness is faithfulness, deadliness is devoutness. Praying to a god that they created and know damn well does not exist, we'll find them on their knees".

    Basically, they created a false god in their own image, and then superimposed it on the real One, crowding Her out.

  2. And let's also not forget Constantine the Not-So-Great either, who killed more Christians than any other Roman emperor, just for disagreeing with him about Scripture. He faked his conversion for political reasons, and only on his deathbed did he genuinely convert. And in terms of Women's rights, he was basically one step forward, two steps back, even going so far as to punish the victims of rape along with the perpetrators, per the protection racket of patriarchy.
