Tuesday 11 June 2024

New Chinese Disciple


 Letters with China  New Disciple  6-11-24

   his painting of Mother God & looks like me he says--Could be 

Hello Mother Rasa sorry for not writing any update yesterday, the crops are very time consuming and I have not had rest but I will during the week show more of the symbols I have seen in astral visions, I attempted also again visualize you Mother Rasa, I been told in the visions your name will become known for many generations to come, you are a visionary and were very ahead of time back in the 80's now that there is a call for women to take a more active role in modern society, I  now helping to fund the good cause of printing educative papers telling about the Mother god religión, the money for printing I gotten it by helping a foreign Spaniard lady to collect bones of ancient beasts that lived in these lands, the lady is a very kind person that has taught me a little about the culture of Spain, I have told her about Mother God's teachings, after spending a night together in intercourse I think she accepted the word, she is currently staying here doing research of the ancient bones found near the River, hopefully the whole world will accepted you in their heart, I will Report more on the good news of Mother God, I think this letter May not be interesting enough to include in the blog blessings from yixian, liaoning 


Hi Xiang!

            This letter is excellent! It's a great testimony, I shall spread it.  But one thing.  When you have a vision put at the end {end of vision} because I was not sure if your farm work was part of your vision or physical.  How could I tell?  You understand? Are you a farmer now & also a chef?  Or were you a chef before, & now a farmer?  What do you grow?  Yes it interests me a lot.  I look at farming & animal husbandry longingly, wish I had someone here who could farm on my land maybe with chickens & some simple animals.  I used to have ducks, geese & chickens but the foxes got them all as they roamed about freely. I have LOTS OF LAND - 50 acres - some down by the river is called Tioga soil, the best there is, some call it 'bottom land' which is very fertile.  I ave 500' of riverfront & MY OWN ISLAND, which is a few acres, you can WALK ACROSS from riverfront to island in August.

    Yesterday I forgot to put the interesting image you painted of Goddess/me, with your article.  I shall do so today, so please see it again.

    The interchange you have with this Spanish anthropologist is interesting.  Do you speak English?  Does she?  You write in English very well, do you speak it?

    We shall communicate  later. 

    When I mentioned you doing a Face book, do you know what Face book is?  It's on the internet.  You can reach more people by internet than in person, but I do appreciate you speaking to people about the New Religion as well.            Rasa 

From Xiang:

Hello Just to make things clear I write in English since I learned by myself and by praying to Mother God's grave to give me knowledge for that because it's a very important language to know, the Spaniard lady speaks with me using English too and asks me to talk for her to the locals, my side job is being a chef in a small place that cooks buns and noodles not sure the correct name for it, I grow radish and white Carrots.  My only company are a cat, 2 geese, 8 chickens and a wild female deer that shows up to eat vegetables left over, I’m also building a dam in the area to slow down the River when Rain comes, I also know a little bit of Portuguese, French and Italian, I try to learn as much as I can using the Internet, is hard to live alone, but for some reason Mother God allowed me to meet many foreign people, some women who were considerably older than me we been in intercourse a few times, it is not out of malice it is like probably something that causes it not very sure what it is.   blessings from yixian, liaoning Province, china

1 comment:

  1. Excellent news, Rasa! Things are really looking up, it seems! I will be sure to share.

    Best wishes 😊
