Monday 19 August 2024

Female Trouble


8-18-24 Female begins to go cuckoo—Husband helps

a female friend I've broken up with has done something obsessive & got me into trouble with Wildlife Police

         I have a female visiting my house for some professional reason like is she a model, some kind of service that she provides?  Or am I doing her a FAVOR by allowing her here?

        It was alright for a while & then she began acting STRANGE.  Sort of like threatening me but I could see by her demeanor she was getting ‘mentally ill.’  Because it was time for her to leave but she DID NOT WANT TO but this is unclear.  {The problem is she felt REJECTED—I no longer wanted her here, but I’m not even sure what did I want her for in the first place?}

        I see her standing, her back to the wall.  Her face gets long & her hair gets sort of ‘let out’, down & slightly wavy, she looks dejected/lost as she looks to her left downward, her skin has a sort of rose-red tint, going down in soft/dull streaks, like waterfalls down her face & she says, as a threat,

        “I’m going to send you a HUGE BILL for $300.”

        I think this is ridiculous as she didn’t DO anything as far as working for me or a service, I believe I was doing her a FAVOR by allowing her here for the weekend.

        I take her by this bureau in the adjoining room here, kind of like a hallway room in between two rooms.  On this bureau there’s a bouquet with white stems & leaves & tiny flowers of all colors, blue/red, & we speak over this.  I say,

        “What makes you think I will pay it?”

        She realizes I won’t – she can’t make me.

        And I add to her,

        “Do you realize I’m a millionaire?”

        My husband {Rich, the good husband} is here working around & I go up to him to alert him that we must take this woman to the bus station ASAP, as she’s getting mental {I mean insane!}.  He was helping me ‘clean up’ or prepare, not sure for what, & this would take some more hours, but I let him know we must act fast.

        He’s standing by a doorway & I tell him more or less what I just explained, & at the same moment I see a man walk in from the right back.  He’s something important or official, but who or what I don’t know. 

        He’s dressed in a charcoal grey & has a yellow sign on his chest – the sign is about a foot long & 2” tall & has  writing on it but what it is I don’t know.  I say to him,

        “One moment – I have to tell my husband something.”

        And as I said, I say to hubby,

        “We must take this woman to the bus station right now, as she’s getting mental.”

        Soon after that – not sure if she’s already gone or if we took her & came back, he says,

        “I’ve cleaned up almost everything.”

        Yes I look around.  He didn’t like the disorder & place needing cleaning – he’s very particular about our house & I see every room has been cleaned & organized, many things are still ‘here & there’ but there’s been much improvement to cleanliness.

        I climb up on a shaky table to get to an upper closet that is large, & about 5’ deep.  It’s empty.  I’m putting 2 cleaning tools into it – like brooms or mops, but the end that does the cleaning in each case is small & light – I put them in there.  Husband is nervous about my falling off this shaky table. Its off-white, has 2 tiers & as I said, shakes while I stand on it.  Maybe I wanted him to pity me & see my predicament.

        I had given this female some gifts – I see some tops, charcoal grey  And I add one thick charcoal grey top with it & tell her,

        “You can have this also if you want it.”

        She took the gifts but returned a couple things I’d given her by sliding them back away from herself toward the middle room.  They’re made of metal, flat things or stony things.  All I can think of is a ‘horseshoe’ – the things are kind of like that, but not that.  Like one rock, very flat on the one side it’s resting on, roundish on top, the other thing is so vague I can’t even describe it.  But they were things she didn’t need.

        The important thing is Rich is here & he has CLEANED UP & has been VERY HELPFUL. {End}


        *{This is DEFINITELY about the Wildlife officers that came here today, one of them was here before, 4 years ago with a warning re feeding bears.  I feed wild animals, dozens of them, & bears do come by.  But there are more raccoons than anything - possums, skunks, fox & many other critters.  I told that to the officers & they believe me, but apparently someone complained again.

        I know who it was the first time – a neighbor.  But who was it this time, if anyone?  It seems like the woman who is ‘going insane’ is the one, but who is it?  Could be one I discussed bears with at a local store?

        If it’s the lady in the dream, she somehow felt REJECTED by me but it’s her mental condition, not my behavior that’s made her feel this.  The dream is telling me ‘a lady with a mental condition’ did this to you.  The female I think of seemed fine, but this could be saying, yes, she was OK, but the she went south.  But this seems IMPROBABLE. 

But who is my good husband Rich helping me?  I see my house just as it is & he’s gone like a tornado through it cleaning it.  Many things are improved, but a lot of stuff is still ‘here & there.’ But it is much cleaner, he mopped floors.  I must ask you, Mother God, who is he?

        MG: He is either one of your spiritual mates helping you or else he is the wildlife officer who’s taken a liking to you & is protective of you. You got the feeling that the original one warmed up to you & is on your side.

        ME:  OK then - Can you discern who this crazy woman is that turned against me?  And btw, if I got a real ticket – not a warning, it would be for $325 – which is close to the amount she’s threatening me for!  But the dream predicts I will not pay it, & my inner voice says I’ll never see these officers again – it keeps saying it repeatedly, ‘Don’t even think about it, forget it’ she says.

        What are the charcoal top I’ve given this female & what are the two metal/stone things she pushes back?

        MG: The charcoal tops are similar to the color the officer {in the dream} is wearing.  It’s not black but ‘charcoal grey’ – which is a sort of light black & symbolically means ‘burned up.’ This is saying your relationship is ‘over’ or ‘burned up,’ burned up is finished, ended. It could also mean pain, as being ‘burned’ or hurt is painful. Although you have no knowledge or memory of rejecting anyone nearby there is only one person you HAVE rejected, a lady you broke up with recently, but she is far, far away & knows nothing about your bears.  But could it be her evil spirit or DEMON that somehow triggered this?  Because her demon has plagued you whenever you rejected her, & yes indeed, you have rejected her totally. You told her ‘forget me & don’t annoy me with your phone calls or e mails.’

        And so, is it possible that her demon could have reached all the way here & made this happen?

        The things she pushes back might be the KEY as to who it is: this lady or a casual person in your area.  If only I could figure out what these are!

        Maybe the thought you have of ‘horseshoe’ might tell us.  This represents GOOD LUCK. SHE HAS ‘PUSHED BACK’ her luck with you.

        She has done both good & bad to you.  But recently she treated you in a way that was ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back,’ & the weight of the bad things surpassed the good & you put an end to any more communication. She was DEVASTATED & begged to know why but you were silent & will remain so.  Because you cannot recite the entire history of the Pandora’s Box of wrongs!

        Her position against the wall shows ‘can’t go any further,’ as when a person ‘hits the wall’ they are HELPLESS & can do no more – can GO NO FURTHER.

        She tried everything to get back with you – left in a position you might call ‘mental.’

        The hair being let out is when one’s thoughts are no longer ‘together’ but loosed & the long face is sorrow, while the dull streaks of rose-like waterfalls down her face are waterfalls of TEARS, her head hanging down is also sorrow.  {‘Head hung low’}

        There is ABSOLUTELY NO ONE you know that could in any way, shape or form, answer to all this sorrow as you are not even CLOSE to anyone female here, you have only acquaintances from shopping in stores or getting services like hair cut. So it’s kind of a relief to you that no female here has turned against you, it must be her demon but how?

        Back to what she pushed back.  One is a rock totally flat on one side, rounded on the other.  I’ll have to think of this, maybe it’ll come to me later.

        What comes to me now is this lady is OBSESSED with making phone calls when you might be in trouble, she can’t get hold of you or thinks harm might have come to you.  You have not confessed to her about the bears for years, but she does know that your window & glass door were broken & you pretended it was a big raccoon,, she probably figured the truth. And so, being obsessed with your safety & right now gone ‘mental’ as you not communicating with her – she probably called the Wildlife.

        And the officers did mention your own safety – an issue he did not allude to last time he was here, so she could have been saying she’s worried abut your safety with feeding bears – even though you did not confess to her they are still coming here.  Long ago when you admitted it she was frantic – so you never speak of it again.

        And in the past when she could not get hold of you she has called your webman, your hair dresser, & your neighbor, to see if she could get hold of you through them – so this is NOT FAR FETCHED.

        And what is you on the shaky stand putting away two cleaning implements into a very large empty closet?  This might indicate the officer feeling sorry for you being ‘on shaky ground,’ where your INTENTIONS are good {white table you are on} but the outcome is not.  He feels sorry for you or is concerned abut you.  This shows he’s on your side. And maybe he won’t pay attention to any more obsessive phone calls, from another state no less.  {End}


  1. This once came out great as usual, Rasa, with great artwork and plenty of cute fuzzies as well. Sorry to hear what you are going through, I hope it gets resolved soon.

    Best of luck 😊

  2. Thanks for everything Ajax!

    1. You're very welcome, Rasa. Best of luck with everything 😊
