Tuesday 20 August 2024

Got man out of Purgatory!


8-14-24 Arnold-his pain-later reconciliation etc


Dream explains doing audio/videos{no physical presence of me} is failure while appearing in person will be a success

An IMPORTANT dream we got a man out of Purgatory!


Other dreams [8-20-24] explain my situation with the Wildlife Police has turned out fine – They like me & will not bother me again


        I’m with 2 guys – named Arnold & Frank.  We are friendly.  I want to kiss Frank, but his hair is thick & long, covering his entire head & face.  He’s lying on his right side & his left is toward me. I can’t get at this cheek to kiss him, so I brush & blow his hair away & then land a kiss on his cheek that is long & friendly - a platonic or Mom to child big kiss.

        Now Arnold goes into a paroxysm.  He’s GONE. I go look for him as I know he’s upset not getting the attention {which I was gong to give him next.}

        I find him in the bathroom tub & he has put his entire body into a burlap ‘body bag’, completely closed in – no opening, & it’s like he’s become a long French bread loaf, about 3’ or 4’ long, narrow or thin like French bread, & over this cloth are chunks of some kind of chalky substance, blotches of it. 

        I am trying to help him - I did not mean to hurt him by kissing Frank - & want to straighten out our relationship, I’m friends with both men.

        It’s like cold water suddenly appears in the shower – it hits him, it hits part of my hair – it makes me laugh as I exit the bathroom – he exits also - & am drying my hair with the edge of a towel that’s dry.  It’s like a humorous misadventure.  My hair is white with dark patches, more white, short & straight especially now that it got wet.

        It ends this way & I have other dreams, & later we get back to the subject.


        In this dream I’m in a big park – the feeling is kind of happy.  I see Arnold coming toward me from afar, I am sitting in a position that when he is near me, my face is right in front of his crotch.  He’s wearing soft tweed, light beige with multi-colored specks that is against my face, a good feeling.  Frank seems to be off to the side somewhere to the right I don’t even see him, just think he’s around.

        I laugh that my face is in front of his crotch & next thing I know, his penis with a hardon is right there, & I put it into my mouth!  It’s a pleasant feeling, I’m really getting into it, like going deeper - & then I say something to Frank while thingy is in my mouth managing that, but can’t recall what, but both Arnold & I are happy because we are reconciled.


        *{The beginning is me doing only AUDIO/videos which when done, success, personified as Arnold – goes away.  ‘Success takes a bath’ – bath means baptism, which means pain or stress.

        I go LOOKING for Arnold means seeking success.  I see ‘the picture’ which is him COVERED UP in the canvas bag, all closed in, like a long French loaf.  This represents my audience of men, who I failed to touch intimately, the covered French loaf is their penis.  The penis here means INTIMACY or being touched or stimulated.  They are not reached emotionally when I do only the voice – when I am covered up.  I have not yet figured what are the splotches of chalk on the canvas.  But me going in there & also getting wet is a bad sign, with hair white.  It’s failure, stress – hair turning white I think we all know is WORRY or FEAR.  But I am laughing in the end which says I get it & will do the visible videos from now on.

        The ‘sucking’ the penis is stimulating them or rousing them emotionally by my presence, the penis emerging from the tweed is like emerging from that closed-in French loaf bag – the bag is also like the ‘body bag’ when one is dead.  They need to see my ife.  Unfortunately or fortunately, my audience is 97% men!}*   {End}


        The next dream I recall is I haved a large wilderness back yard, & a herd of black bulls & not sure if there are cows, have come here to lounge, rest, feel better.  They come from a brutal wilderness – I see the arctic snow & cold where they came from, see thin, dry grasses here & there emerging from the frozen ice & snow - they came here to rest & recover.  They’ve been here maybe overnight & must now go back to their regular home, I see them moving.

        I also have my own animals – they’re lounging all over here, lying on the ground, not sure of even what species they are – cattle or dogs, but they are my familiar animals.  They stay.  {End}


        *{These could be animals I prayed for a lot last night.  They came in out of the cold & misery to find love & peace in my ‘domain,’ before they had to leave to get back to the cold.  I gave them respite.

My own familiar animals are either those I have known & loved, now in Heaven, or else they are my inner senses who gave me notice of the other ones.}*   {End}


8-20-24 Sounds like Purgatory


        I’m in this cub that is the worst you can imagine:  small, scarce business, all the members – men – are regulars & all ugly, miserable, & forlorn looking.  It’s like there’s no HOPE here.

        The place is DIRTY also, dust & just not been cleaned since forever. Everything is just wood, old wood, not painted or lacquered.  Tiny wood tables, small wood chairs.

      I was sitting at a table – I’ve been a regular here also, why? - Don’t know.  I see a bunch of clothes in a pile right by my chair & clothes seem to be covering where my purse was {red soft tops, other colors}.  I go to get my purse – it isn’t here!

        I go crazy as this has happened again & again, & I make a commotion, exclaiming to everyone where is my purse?

        Then I find another purse there belonging to someone else.  It’s grayish beige, soft knitted material.  And I show them this & say,

        “Instead of my good purse which contained about $500 {I exaggerate, there was only $300 in it} I have this substitute purse which probably has 50 cents!

        I open it to see who is belongs to.  I do see a name but can’t recall it.  Then I look at the inside flap where concealed things might be & see a few one dollar bills, & I say prematurely,

        “Like I said, my good valuable purse is taken away & I get this of someone who has nothing!”

        But as I look through the bills again I see one bill that has the value written on it, & it is worth $1,117!  It’s some sort of a bequest or stipend but from where I don’t know.  That silences me; this person is not poor or won’t be when this is used.

        Not sure if or how my own purse is restored but I look inside it & my keys & everything are here.

        OK, now I get a bright idea how to bring this place business.  It has to do with my hi-heeled white sandals {5” heels & platforms},– they are really glamorous, the leather is shiny & streaks of gold run through it the long way.

        I see a man worshipping my feet/shoes/legs wearing these platforms where I put my foot on one of the little tables - & we females will all do something like that while all the men worship us & we will ADVERTISE & promote this, & all kinds of people will come to the club.  It’ll be busy, we’ll fix it up.

        But then I leave the place & go to another club, which is successful.  It’s bright, nice colors, nice bar/stage, a group of people/audience seated to my left in rows.  As I sit there an ex-friend Scott is on stage introducing a man who used to work here, but he was away on serious sick leave & now he’s back.  It’s a celebration of his return.  Scott introduces him.

        He’s a little old man, small head – reminds me of a guy I used to know from a TV station – {he was nice to me, got me a copy of the Goddess Returning.}  He also reminds me of my Dad in old age.

        I see him standing there, small, humble, his head so little - & he says,

        “I’m here but the only difference is I don’t have the patience I used to have.”

        Yes, this man was important to this club – he worked hard & served everyone, effective & popular with all the people.  He did his job well.

        Not sure what Scott’s role is here except he’s the announcer.  He’s big, strong & healthy & the place, so different from our dismal place, is clean, colorful & successful.


        *{ME:  Need help Mother God.  The beginning sounds like Purgatory, but then what?  Who is the little old man who was away on serious sick leave & everything here is festive, successful, soft bright colors, etc.  Not Purgatory.

        MG:  Hurrah, this is a CELEBRATION of one man being LIFTED OUT OF PURGATORY.  You prayed about that, why your ministry to Purgatory isn’t being shown – no souls there & no ascensions have been given you by dreams.  So at last, here is one!

        ME:  Why is Scott introducing him?  He isn’t my friend any more.  What does he represent?

        MG:  He is someone who WAS your friend but no more.  And the little old man, little head, might be that TV man who told you he had a BAD HEART.  OK, so maybe he died & was in Purgatory.  You haven’t seen him in years – maybe 15!  He might have lived longer than anticipated or he might have had a long stretch in Purgatory.  The beginning is the Purgatory scene.

        You & the white sandals is a symbol of suffering in good intentions {high heels are suffering, white is good intentions, gold is perfect love.}  And so you got him out.

        Long ago he did you a GOOD DEED.  The foot on the table with the shoe could also represent him supporting your stand on WORSHIP OF MOTHER GOD – men  should worship women.  And apparently, by getting you this TV show re the Goddess, he supported you that way – did you a good deed – so he summoned your Anointing by this karma.

        Why Scott?  Maybe because he used to be your friend, like this guy, did you favors long ago.  And the soft bright colors, success, an audience, all point to happiness & celebration.  Congrats!

ME:  What about my purse & the poverty purse with the big stipend?

MG:  The KEY to getting these souls out is not by your POWER or strength, but your humility & poverty.  You were given a ‘purse’ of poverty, which was the ticket or stipend or GIFT to get him out.  You suffered, in other words, there is the value.  Not by strength/human skill or ability but by suffering, poverty, humility are we effective for this work  So that was the KEY/s.

ME:  What suffering does this refer to?

MG:  You’ve had some setbacks lately, a lot of unwanted intrusion into your life, physical ailments & exhaustion – worry, fear & stress.  More than the usual.}*   {End}


        Another dream:  I’m at the old farm house when I see outside a bear that is the largest I have every seen, & he must be fed – like the big one that appears here & has accidentally broken my window pane twice & one of the panes of the glass door by pushing on it to let me know his hunger!}.  There’s a small hallway from the yard to the kitchen, {which contains a bureau my Mom used to keep food in} – the cold storage room.  {She always had something like that, I recall Van Buren St., we on the third floor, she had a large bureau in the landing where no one else ever went, as we were the highest floor, it was unheated, so in winter, an ideal place for cold storage of foods!}

        To my chagrin, the outside door/s {regular & screen} are both wide open & Mr. Bear could enter the ‘foyer’ & then, if the kitchen isn’t secured, go right into the house!  But this didn’t happen.

        I see him outside.  He’s 10’ tall, maybe a thousand pounds, black fur, & he’s sitting.  I run to get food!

        But when I open the door it isn’t him but men.  It starts out with two, then somehow becomes half a dozen.

        Don’t know what is said & done but in the end, when they leave, there are extremely friendly farewells.

        Each one hugs me, especially one of two.  Then as the last man is about to exit he wasn’t going to hug me & I said something & he came out & gave me the warmest hug – like we were the best of friends.

        He’s wearing a really high-quality leather jacket, which you can see is expensive because the leather is SOFT, & it hugs his ample body. Bears usually mean suffering & stress, but this incident turned out great.   {End}


        *{It could have been a bad outcome when the Wildlife Police came, but it turned out well.  The HUGE BEAR in the beginning is I SAW the possibility of a very bad outcome, but it was not.

        The two officers liked me, & the SOFT LEATHER COAT WAS WHAT?  The main officer WENT SOFT ON ME.}*    {End}

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like great news overall, Rasa. This one came out excellent as usual, with great artwork and plenty of cute fuzzies. I will be sure to share it.

    Best wishes 😊
