Friday 21 February 2020

SYMBOLS that come up in this dream of 2-20-20 or relate to it:

FLAMINGO (THE BIRD):  Symbolizes a male who is tall & thin & has the long, thin legs of the flamingo {in this dream}.  Its pink color can symbolize ‘in the pink’—all set with happiness--or something to do with sex {the pink of the vagina.}  Other applications can be its beak being large & strong, or it dwells in warm climates.

CHICKEN-CHICKEN BEAK:  This is a definite clue to being young, as in one movie I saw, ‘The Roman Spring of Mrs. ?’ females who are looking for young males who are called ‘chickens’ & the women who want them are called ‘chicken hawks’—this is disparaging of course, but females, usually young are also called ‘chicks.’ 

DOWN, covered in down, no feathers:  Refers to being young, immature, a baby or fledgling. ‘Flying’ is an ability a baby doesn’t have, just as if walking or running is not possible for a human infant.  Whereas:

FEATHERS show power the ability to fly, to get some place.  Can hearken to angels or celestial beings.

WINGS:  Ability to rise above situations, the power to get some place, can refer to people or celestial beings, notably angels or someone who represents ‘an angel’ in your life.

ANGEL:  Someone who’s ‘an angel’ in your life.  I was once stranded in Gary, Indiana, with no buses back to the house I was staying.  I sat at the counter of a coffee shop praying for God to send an angel.  An older Russian man sat next to me, we talked, I told him my dilemma.  He offered to drive me there & when he did, he didn’t try anything.  I was shocked as usually men harassed me & I asked God why he didn’t.  And God said, ‘Didn’t you pray for an angel?  He was it.’

RICOTTA CHEESE:  Anything made of milk such as cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, refers to ‘Mother’s milk’ or love, nutrition.

BIRDS:  Refers to creatures who can or cannot fly or get somewhere.  In the dream here one cannot do so as he has not grown feathers, but being nourished with love, he matures & grows.

SAVANT:  Someone extremely intelligent with a potential.

FAT-PUPPY FAT:  This dream portrays someone who is immature & weighed down by ego or connection, attachment to the lower things of life rather than the eternal truths or higher realities, or even lacking the ability to see logical facts due to lack of experience.

BLIND:  Not being able to ‘see’ with the mind or understanding, not aware.

CELEBRITY:  Someone who is desired by others, stands out like a star, is ‘celebrated’ or discussed by others.

RECEDE or COME CLOSER:  In this dream, some recede from this person while one remains close in affection, near his chest & abdomen.  That which recedes fades away, becomes less important, becomes ‘distant’ or does not touch one’s emotions, while the one close to the chest & abdomen becomes dear in one’s heart & emotions.  Note also the stomach, ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’  This portrays the subject’s emotions.

CHEST & STOMACH:   In this dream it’s about love.  One person becomes dearer, as closer to chest (heart & stomach) while others go farther away.  It’s in the heart of the man this is happening, he is receiving the love of one particular woman as he grows in maturity & sees the true nature of this love, which is lacking in the other women he ‘plays’ with--& with his new understanding the other women ‘recede.’

In other dreams, we see that anything ON THE CHEST such as a vest, a shirt, a top, anything in the area of chest {& sometimes stomach when it’s close to the heart} refer to HEART & LOVE & all that this may signify.

THIN, BUFF, HARD BODIED, HAVING LOST ONE’S FAT:  In this dream the fat was the ‘puppy fat’ or ‘baby fat’ where the young person is unable to see truth for various reasons, but having lost this unnecessary weight, they then become thin, & a guru in partnership with a mature guru.  {Guru is dispeller of darkness or teacher of God, so this is a giant advancement.}

DARK SKINNED:  The flesh, the ‘lower self’ rather than the soul.  In this dream it strongly alludes to our human nature being descended from an ape, & it says his nature has improved.

GARLAND:  The same as crown – being special or victorious.  The yellow in the flowers of the garland refer to sunshine, joy, happiness as on a sunny day.

YELLOW FLOWERS:  Yellow is like the rays of sunshine in this dream; joyful, happy.

CROWN:  same as garland or laurel leaf crown—victory, success.

LAUREL LEAF CROWN:  A sign of victory, success, accomplishment fulfilled.

PARTNERS, GURU PARTNERS:  In this dream:  We can both be a Light in the darkness helping others, bearers of the Truth.  Here I am sitting on the left side of the young man, our bodies touching, as if ‘joined at the hip’.  This would be ONENESS as in Mystical Marriage, the Sacrament where two become one, ordained so by God.  “Guru partners” is a significant relationship, something that does not happen often.

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