Saturday 28 August 2021


Chapter 4 - I Strip for God  Part 5

 Bill Cosby Asks Me Out  8-28-21


          This is a part of my life I had practically forgotten – the affair with Robert Culp, & the last meeting I had with him where Bill Cosby said to me,


          “Will you go out with me?”


          I can’t recall how I met Bob Culp.  He was a ‘nice guy,’ a real gentleman.  We had sex & he took me to dinner a couple times.  I met a few stars through him like Ben Gazarra {at an snobby restaurant called Dominicks} & Sammy Davis Jr. {who lived in the guest house on his property.}


          It must have been 1967 or ‘68 because he was filming ‘Bob, Carol, Ted & Alice.’  He was pissed that Natalie Wood would not take off her top.  I visited him on the set, he showed me how they looked at the day’s work through some kind of machine.


          I was wearing that nice black v cut dress I have so many pics of, but no makeup.  It was a ‘fad’ of that crazy Bogi Yogi, that I was with at the time, that women including myself, should not wear makeup.  And so, without makeup, I was not glamorous.  But Bob was so nice, he still liked me & asked the producer to put me into the movie, entering a restaurant or on the arm of Bill Cosby!


          But fortunately for me, the producer said no, he was not impressed.  Bob said, ‘Look at her body’ but the guy said, ‘Right now we are looking for faces.’  And so, no makeup, they see no beauty, no imagination, fuck him, fuck me, he did me a favor.


          As I was standing with Bob, Cosby was a few feet away & asked me out.  I begged off, saying I was dating Bob.  Thank God.


          Not much more to tell except that I brought my gal-pal Tarita to meet him & his friends, the celebs.  It was at his large house.  All they wanted was to see our boobs – Tarita’s were like DDDD implants.  They hurt her so badly later on she had to have them removed, I visited her at the hospital every day during her recovery.  Her dancing career took a sky dive without the implants.


          Since I was involved with that whack job Putz NutOn at the time, I did not pursue the affair with Robert, nor other good men who wanted me, like M.B. Scott, the handsome Playboy.


          I shudder to think that had I gone out with Bill Cosby, I could have been one of his victims.  Guardian Angels protected me.  Had I said yes to Cosby, haha, this would have been a long chapter.  {End Chapter 4}  Below - this is the dress I wore that day  BTW it was my best dress, I did not have many clothes, I was poor.:




  1. Wow, very interesting story, Rasa. This came out very good, and the fuzzies of course complement it nicely. Knowing what we know now about Bill Cosby, it looks like you really dodged quite a bullet thanks to your Guardian Angels!

    Keep up the great work!


    1. Yes Indeed Ajax the Great - I have led an interesting, risky life, & never even realized it was risky. The thing is to be a woman is risky. Second, a woman in the adult trade, who is always alone, travels alone, works at jobs & goes places alone, that woman is young attractive & sexy, incurs many risks. What is unusual about my life is how alone I've been during most of it, EVEN NOW. Most women are always with someone, a man or a group. It's the herd mentality. I stand alone, walk alone like the rhinoceros. Had to be that way to lead our Matriarchy.

    2. That is very true, Rasa. Otherwise, who would lead the movement?

  2. They can't. Others have tried but can't. They wanted the GLORY of being leaders, but there is mostly sweat, little glory. Just knowing one has done right, eventually, in Heaven, you get rewarded. Thanks for being here.
