Monday 30 August 2021

How To Achieve (Functional) Zero COVID In TWO WEEKS Without Lockdowns, Masks, Or Vaccines (Updated For Delta)

DISCLAIMER:  The following article references third-party sources and is intended for general information only, and is NOT intended to provide medical advice or otherwise diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, including (but not limited to) COVID-19.  Consult a qualified physician before beginning any sort of treatment or prophylactic regimen and/or if you know or suspect that you currently have COVID-19.  Anyone who takes or does anything mentioned (or alluded to) in this or any other TSAP article does so entirely at their own risk and liability.  The TSAP thus makes absolutely no warranties, express or implied, and is not liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from any act or omission on the part of the reader(s) or others. Caveat lector.

See also our previous articles herehereand here as well.  Also, special thanks to Bill Sardi, Dr. Gareth "Gruff" Davies, Dr. Dmitry Kats, Dr. Mikko Panunio, and Swiss Policy Research, et al. whose research this article draws upon and cites in the links throughout.

(Editor's Note:  The TSAP currently accepts that SARS-CoV-2 is essentially an endemic virus at this point and will be pretty much forever, and will eventually become the new common cold.  We use the term "Zero COVID" only in a very loose, relative, and temporary sense, as true and permanent eradication is no longer possible going forward.  Rather, it's functional Zero COVID.)

By Ajax the Great

(Originally posted on the True Spirit of America Party blog)

It's now nearly September 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic is now a year and a half old, and it looks like it the vaccines are not all they are cracked up to be.  In the USA and other wealthy countries, vaccination rates are already quite high and growing, and when combined with the at least 30% of the American population (estimated as high as 50-70% in North and South Dakota, and of course New York and New Jersey) that is estimated to have already been infected with the virus (often without even realizing it), even before Delta came on the scene, "herd immunity" has most likely already been achieved even when using the naive definition that assumes a homogeneous population.  That does not eradicate the virus, of course, but it does keep it from exploding again in the future.  Well, immunity from natural infection sure does that.  These "leaky" vaccines, at least as "leaky" as flu shots, well, not so much.

Israel has essentially become the world's largest study of the vaccines, particularly Pfizer, and the results have been rather disappointing to say the least.  The same goes for their lockdowns, masks, and NPIs as well.  And if you think boosters are the solution, well, we've got a nice bridge we'd like to sell you. 

The "Zero COVID" movement has clearly been wrong about being able to eradicate the virus using lockdownsmasks, or other non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), as that train has clearly left the station long ago.  Even the best vaccines are unlikely to do it completely either.  Rather, what would be needed is 1) a quick silver-bullet cure for existing cases, and/or especially 2) a 100% prophylaxis (or very nearly so) that is readily available to all.  That would be powerful enough reduce the R value to well below 0.5, which seems to be the barrier below which no NPIs, even extreme lockdowns, are able push it for very long (unless done extremely early, along with border closures AND extremely good luck), yet that is the level where we would actually have a chance at beating the virus for good.  Otherwise, it just keeps popping back up, leading to an "epidemic yo-yo".

So what would this secret sauce be? Well, as we noted before in previous articles, Dr. Dmitry Kats knows it:


That's right, Niacin (nicotinic acid, or Vitamin B3), in high doses would do the trick, practically overnight:

Dr. Kats himself even did an RCT, in fact:

And given how one "generation" of this virus is roughly two weeks, if nearly everyone were to follow this protocol whether they currently have COVID or not, the virus could conceivably be "eradicated" in as little as two weeks! Assuming Dr. Kats is correct about it being a virtually 100% prophylaxis, if done by at least 90% of the population for a mere two weeks, the R value would drop far too low for the virus to have any sort of chance at sustaining itself even in a totally COVID-naive and unvaccinated population.

Don't fear the flush!  It is a feature, not a bug!

Oh, and Dr. Kats knew this since MARCH 2020 and was trying to tell the world, but the ghouls in charge kept on censoring him.  Gee, I wonder why?  

Because their whole diabolical racket would collapse overnight, of course.  DUH!

(And it even works for long-haulers too!  Within a matter of days to no more than a few weeks for the worst cases.  Taking it while still acute, of course, would by definition nip it in the bud even sooner.)

Adding Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Zinc, Quercetin, Thiamine, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, Selenium, Vitamin K, NAC, and the amino acid Lysine would also help greatly as well, but the real rockstar here is Niacin, as immediate-release nicotinic acid.  As is the latest rising star, Melatonin as well.

For Vitamin D, nearly everyone taking 50,000 units once weekly for two weeks, followed by 50,000 units once every two weeks until week six, would likely be enough alone to greatly reduce death and severe illness rates within two weeks, and can even end the pandemic in as little as six weeks.  Add 500-1000 mg/day of Niacin, plus the other nutrients, and you've got a belt-and-suspenders approach to eradication.

Throw in a little help from Mother Nature, given the seasonality of this virus (which is effectively "out of season" now in the northern temperate zone until well into the fall), and we basically got it made now.

And the best part of all:  we can go 100% back to normal on literally DAY ONE!  Yes, really.

So what are we waiting for?  

(And while we're at it, let these vitamins and minerals be among the very first things we send over to countries like India.  Apparently, 70-90% of Indians are suprisingly Vitamin D deficient to one degree or another--and that was before the pandemic.)

UPDATES:  We have decided after writing this article to give an honorable mention to another promising addition to our arsenal against the virus, namely C60 (Carbon 60, aka Buckminsterfullerene or Buckyball). It is believed to be up to 270 times more potent than Vitamin C in terms of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and immune-boosting power, and is also considered to be a good detox and anti-aging compound as well.  Worth the old college try.

Also, note that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is now recommended by Dr. Kats in addition to niacin and the others.  Though it is probably still best to wait at least three hours between them to avoid interference, much like waiting six hours between NAC and resveratrol.  Bill Sardi also recommends it as well, as it seems to work well against COVID and various other ailments as well.  NAC not only raises T-cell levels, but also seems to disrupt the virus' key spike protein, and even more so when combined with the enzyme bromelain (from pineapples, and which is often found in quercetin supplements as an activator as well). No wonder the FDA is actually trying to ban it on essentially the same specious, spurious, and utterly pharisaical grounds they have been trying to ban CBD (cannabidiol) with for years--their Big Pharma masters feel utterly threatened by it.

Another thing Bill Sardi noted recently:  the latest (clearly rigged) study that appeared to cast doubt on Vitamin C has basically been refuted upon closer examination.  Thus, not only should Vitamin C (in high enough doses, and most importantly, taken frequently enough) be back on the menu, it never should have been off in the first place.  

Dr. Kats recommends taking it in a 2:1 ratio of Vitamin C to Niacin.  He also recommends taking both Niacin (nicotinic acid) and Niacinamide (nicotinamide) in equal amounts as well.  And he later added melatonin to his protocol as well, especially for long-haulers.  Apparently, the virus' messing around with tryptophan metabolism depletes not only NAD (which Niacin and Niacinamide are both precursors for), but also endogenous melatonin as well. Such depletion is very bad, but fortunately can be quickly easily corrected with supplements to restore health by jump-starting the body's natural processes.

Back to Vitamin D, there is an interesting theory from 2008 that the variation of the levels of this nutrient may explain not only the apparent Hope-Simpson seasonality of influenza, but also the tendency of some individuals to be what we would now call "superspreaders" as well, with or without symptoms.  The parallels with COVID are quite intriguing, and it seems Vitamin D would reduce not only deaths and serious illnesses, but also transmission as well.

And let's not forget Ivermectin as well, as both treatment and prophylaxis, which has practically become "the new penicillin" and "the drug that cracked COVID" in so many countries.  Budesonide is another successful and underrated early treatment as well.  And for any cases that still manage to become or remain severe or critical, there is always the rest of the MATH+ Protocol to fall back on, per the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

Ivermectin's mechanism of action is manifold, and includes binding/blocking the viral spike protein from docking onto/into our cells, as well as blocking a key enzyme needed for viral replication.  Again, one should note that NAC also works by targeting the spike protein as well, and it was recently reported in a German study that dandelion extract can also block the spike protein (at least in vitro.)  Resveratrol (from grapes) also appears to neutralize the spike protein, though again it is best to take NAC and resveratrol at least six hours apart to avoid any mutual antagonism. 

As for prophylactic nasal sprays, some are in development as we speak, though not yet commercially available.  Until then, fortunately there is already one that is likely to block the virus while yielding additional health benefits in the meantime.  It is called Xlear, a natural, drug-free saline nasal spray with xylitol and grapefruit seed extract.  Additionally, there is another one called Betadine, which contains carrageenan (from seaweed), that also apparently has a good antiviral effect as well.

And finally, stop all the funny business with the way cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are counted as well, including the ridiculously high cycle threshold for the PCR testing (should be set no higher than 30, or perhaps even 25, instead of the ridiculous 37-40+ in many places still) along with the routine testing of people without any symptoms in the community.  And no more double standards either:  use the same cycle threshold and definitions for vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike, period.  If you feel you absolutely must test asymptomatic people, go with the rapid test first, and only use PCR as confirmation if positive.  The "casedemic" is a big chunk of the overall pandemic, if not the vast majority of it currently.  Problem solved. 

UPDATE OF UPDATE:  Ivermectin (and even HCQ to an extent) actually works when used properly under the guidance of a qualified physician, but it should go without saying, DO NOT use any sort of veterinary medications, especially ones designed for horses!  Just like you should NOT drink fish tank cleaner either, unless of course you really want to earn a Darwin Award.  Yes, people actually have done both in the USA.  And the fact that anyone would consider resorting to that shows just how terrible our government's pandemic response has been overall.

Additionally, see here for further lifesaving tips from Bill Sardi as well if you think you may have COVID.  He also points out the usefulness of another supplement, beta-glucan which comes from yeast, which helps to train the immune system's T-cells.  And don't forget fisetin (from strawberries) either, a polyphenol similar to quercetin and resveratrol.

And the Swiss Doctor recently updated their early treatment protocol to include the herb artemisia as well as the amino acid arginine.  Yes, you read that last one correctly, and it is quite a jarring plot twist since the conventional wisdom is that arginine is what all viruses need in order to replicate and that lysine (which blocks arginine) is what one should be aiming for while cutting back on arginine.  That, along with zinc, has long been a mainstay for how to treat things like herpes and cold sores, for example.  But even though a previous study shows a clear benefit to lysine in regards to COVID, the latest research now shows an apparent benefit to arginine, go figure.  That seems to be true for both early treatment as well as for hospitalized patients.  Perhaps the two amino acids are like yin and yang in relation to the virus somehow?  Also, the Ivermectin controversy continues to heat up, with the Swiss Doctor starting to sour on relying on it alone.  Mouthwashes and nasal sprays also continue to be recommended too, as they have been for some time.


  1. All those vitamins, minerals mentioned I have been taking them for many years but have stepped up the niacin now every day. Yes indeed we must take our lives & health into our own hands & do what we can to stay healthy! This is encouraging. I pray God will help those who have little money as vitamins are EXPENSIVE. For those who have computers, you might take note of the HERBS that are available FOR FREE in fields, yards, near streams, everywhere where plants grow. I harvest from my extensive yard & fields constantly. Every day almost it's DANDELION LEAVES, RED CLOVER, SORREL, & there is STINGING NETTLE all over the place {wear gloves} - BURDOCK for skin. Look at Dr. Richard Schulze for herbs {I have his Encyclopedia, ,'SAVE YOUR LIFE,' & remember that innocent ALOE PLANT they sell everywhere is priceless to eat / put in drinks. And remember, GARLIC, ONIONS are fantastic. And also CURRY / TURMERIC. So many God-given remedies, some for free right in the fields & driveways & laws - DON'T mow down your medicines!

    1. That is some very good information for all of us to keep in mind. Thank you :)

    2. I just added some new updates as well.

  2. lawns not laws, haha. Let me know friends what you are taking from nature, how it helps. Encourage one another.

    1. Indeed, and let's not forget the most obvious one: dandelion. That is good for so many things especially detoxing, and can even help neutralize the spike protein of the virus/vaccine as well.
