Sunday 5 September 2021

Roe v. Wade Has Effectively Been Gutted--Now What?

By Ajax the Great

(Originally published on my The Chalice and the Flame blog)

Well, it actually happened:  the landmark Roe v. Wade decision has been effectively gutted when the US Supreme Court refused to block the new Texas abortion ban that is the strictest in the nation.  The new law bans all abortions without exception after even the slightest semblance of a "heartbeat" is detected, typically at six weeks gestation or even earlier.  It even puts a $10,000 "bounty" on not only abortion providers themselves, but also anyone who is "aiding and abetting" them.  And now forced-birther Republicans other states are looking to follow suit as well.  That is, Women's hard-won reproductive rights are now in grave danger, and this goes WAY beyond abortion.  Undoubtedly, birth control and things like that will be next on the chopping block, and so on, and thus we are just a few steps away from Margaret Atwood's worst nightmare.

Add to this the fact that the recent lockdown-induced "recession" (more like depression) has actually hit Women harder than men and set back Women's progress by decades by dumping even more unpaid work on them at home, and the future looks even worse still.

Democrats in Congress are looking to pass a bill that would codify Roe v. Wade into federal law, superseding the abortion bans in Texas and any other state that attempts such bans.  But alas, success in that regard is far from guaranteed.

Horrible and ghastly as the overall prospect is, there is perhaps a silver lining, namely that it may spur Women to go on a Lysistrata-style sex strike.  This may be the final straw, and such a strike may be enough for Women to actually take over for good.  That is, what would otherwise take decades at best would be accelerated in a matter of weeks or months, Goddess willing.  Perhaps that is why She is allowing all of this parade of horribles to happen at all?

Of course, a sex strike is a short-term tactic, not a long-term strategy.  For the ultimate kill switch on how really smash the patriarchy for good in the long term please see a previous article here.  And interestingly, the late 19th century feminist Victoria Woodhull would have in fact supported both.

To be clear, I don't think any real feminists actually LIKE the practice of abortion.  It is in fact an unfortunate side effect of the patriarchy, as it is the patriarchy itself that effectively makes nearly all abortions necessary in the first place despite that very same patriarchy's pharisaical and hypocritical attempts to ban and restrict the practice.  In a future Matriarchal society, there would be very, very few abortions occurring even with no restrictions at all, as pregnancies would no longer be forced on Women and poverty would be effectively eradicated, thus eliminating the two biggest incentives for abortion.  But it is crystal clear that banning or unduly restricting abortion does far more harm than good on balance, as that only reduces the number of safe and legal abortions (for the non-rich).  Unsafe and illegal abortions would continue regardless.  So the very tiny left feminist wing of the anti-abortion movement (who is actually cheering for the new Texas law) really misses the point entirely.  And the sooner we fully abolish the "livestock model" of reproduction where Women are treated like brood mares (and men as work horses), the better we will all be.

In other words, Matriarchy is the real culture of life.  Patriarchy, on the other hand, is the cult(ure) of death.

UPDATE:  Bette Midler must have read our minds, per her latest Tweet shown below:


  1. Women's rights? The entire goal of Patriarchy is to DEPRIVE WOMEN OF ALL RIGHTS. One of those rights is for them to refuse sex to men. Many women have to give in, even today, in order to get support & favors. Second, they don't want to use condoms. Unless a woman makes them, most of them won't. In a book called 'Sex Work' a Hassidic Jew almost threw a therapy worker out a high story window for slipping a condom onto him. Unless a woman is somewhat liberated, like let's say Americans or some Europeans, men will force women to take the risk of getting their diseases {like AIDS even} or getting pregnant, so so the man can get more pleasure. And then a woman gets pregnant, usually because the male didn't care or even wanted it that way. Then if she is blocked from having an abortion, it's possible suffering for her, not him. They want everything their own way, to dominate us, destroy us, exploit us, use us for sex slavery, reproduction slavery, work slavery, all kinds slavery. So this they will fight for forever until they lose their power. I think they'll lose it when women greatly outnumber men, say the population is 55 to 60% women to men, & then the governments & jobs will be more so in the hands of women than men. I guess we'll have to wait that long for Matriarchy. But we can now set the stage for the future - we are doing it. We can accelerate it. Keep doing our work to usher in Matriarchy quicker to right all these wrongs & unjust laws - Matriarchy is the only answer. There is no man on a white horse, no Democrat, Republican, King, Prime Minister, Premier - No man can ever, will ever, right the wrongs of society. It is women taking over, nothing else can do it - No religion no matter how great - they are all run by men - Jew - Christian - Muslim - Buddhist - Hindu - all run by men, & men are the problem. So how can the ones who make the problem get rid of the problem? Thanks for being here Ajax. Good article.

    1. Amen to that, Rasa! Thank you, and you're very welcome :)

    2. I also added some pictures/memes here as well.

    3. And I also added an update about Bette Midler's very witty response to it all.

  2. Destroying Roe vs Wade is destroying women's autonomy. What do men do in most cases as far as a child? Many of them are naught but a teaspoon of sperm, getting their instinctive pleasure by using a woman. Then a woman is left holding the bag. Then they interfere with her right to protect herself from a birth she did not want. Maybe she was raped {I was & had an abortion because I felt another birth would kill me, the first was so bad. And the first was FORCED on me by my husband, another rape.....Maybe she was forced like I was, by a man against my will, not using birth control when the woman thought he was, but he wasn't. Or maybe by economic, social, cultural chains the woman is browbeat into the sex. In some cases the man abandons her, but wants her to keep the child as it's his blood, but doesn't want to contribute. Some men want the child to get the welfare money, but they rarely take care of it, their Mom or other female relative does. Some men want children because they are PEDOPHILES. Men MARRY WOMEN WITH CHILDREN TO GAIN ACCESS TO THEM. So man issues occur, most of them in a Patriarchy, AGAINST WOMEN. The JUDICIAL JUSTICE SYSTEM IS PREJUDICED AGAINST WOMEN, I have a book from the ACLU I read in the70's that proves men make laws, rules, judgements against women, pro men. This is a constant struggle of MEN VS WOMEN, depriving them of life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.....Women are fighting, they cold fight harder. Their lives are at risk in so many ways due to men. But what can they do? Just keep fighting & taking the risks. The FIRST CONSPIRACY was against women, still is. Women, rise up, Mother God is on your side - so are good men like Ajax the Great - look at his article, share it everywhere.

  3. Not saying all abortions are good. My Mom used abortion as a way of BIRTH CONTROL, serial pregnancies, she had SEVEN. Use condoms. Or at least, the rhythm method. You are in estrus in the exact middle between the two periods for about 4 days. That is the time to be extra careful, refrain from sex or use condoms even with the husband if you are not seeking pregnancy - but are these policies taught? In high school, in college? Not that I know of. It is ignored, for the benefit of men supposedly, to the detriment of women. Women are pushed to the back of society - their needs, their rights, their autonomy, when men rule. Remove Patriarchy in order to have justice & PEACE - no more wars.

    1. Condoms definitely, I agree 100%. In general, but particularly so on the days when a Woman is most fertile. But I should caution the reader that relying on the rhythm method *by itself*, especially in the long run--there is a reason why it is nicknamed "Vatican Roulette". Its effectiveness is roughly equivalent to or even less than the old pull-out-and-pray method, which is to say, not very effective in practice. It literally sets Women up to fail since not only is it prone to fail if one's timing is just a little bit off or has irregular cycles, but the days a Woman is ovulating are, not coincidentally, the same days in which a Woman is actually the *horniest* on average. "Natural Family Planning" should really be called "Unnatural Family Cramming", as someone on Alternet had quipped, lol.

      Another thing that is often not mentioned is that there are plenty of ways to engage in sexual activity where pregnancy is practically impossible. There is even a name for it: "outercourse", or non-penetrative sex. And many Women actually prefer that over intercourse for a number of reasons, and are more likely to orgasm from that. Under patriarchy, of course, it is all about mandatory penis-in-vagina (PIV) penetration (along with perhaps other orifices as well), as it is male-defined sexuality. Female-defined sexuality in contrast will of course predominate once the patriarchy is smashed for good and we have Matriarchy, God willing. And then there will finally be peace.
