Friday 8 October 2021


 Addendum to Chapter 14 – 10-6-21  Questions from a Female Journalist Answered


     About who influenced me most?  Mary Daly, who sported three Doctor degrees in theology, said a mouthful when she rendered Patriarchy ‘The Culture of Death’ & Matriarchy, ‘The Culture of Life.’


     I return to William Bond, who, although he is not famous in the academic field – he isn’t a Doctor in M.I.T. like ‘Mr. Intelligent’ Noam Chomsky or Marija Gimbutas to the archaeological world.  He’s a blue collar worker with a degree in Wicca – his grammar is flawed, his ways are humble.  He fears speaking in pubic or videos - he never fights back when attacked, doesn’t take revenge against enemies.  William couldn’t take a lollipop from a toddler.  Hating him is like hating Jesus – but people do it, out of jealousy.


     William Bond is like the sweet working class man in ‘Britain’s Got Talent.’  Wearing an ill-fitting suit, slightly overweight & looking ordinary like the man on the street, Simon asks him what he’s going to do.  He says ‘opera,’ making Simon groan.  Then he opens his mouth & out come sounds that make the audience scream.  He wins everything, he gets so much applause the prime Minister of England invites him to 10 Downing St.

     When I heard the words of Howard Zinn on radio in the mid 90’s my hair stood on edge.  I knew it was the truth he spoke; it began a new path in my studies of Patriarchal wrong doings.  It was the same with William.  When I saw his words on the internet I was so excited, I feared he wouldn’t be friends & collaborate with me – we had different POV’S such as he doesn’t believe in ‘good & evil or Satan & he disses Female Supremacy & the extinction of men. {Being a Wiccan, he’s suspicious of Christians & thought me to be a fanatical porn-again person with all the prejudices & fanaticism they have – I had to prove myself to him, which took time.  Most of the women he hung with were not super-religious, some were dominatrixes, some Goddess oriented, none were as zealous as I am or as committed to God.  I dismissed them as question marks to the cause, & the ones I knew proved without value to Matriarchy, they saw our movement as a way to enthrone their egos into ‘I am the Queen,’ an earthly Monarchy.  But Her ‘archy’ is not of this world—not ego bound, it is of Infinity.} 

     I reacted to William Bond as I did to Howard Zinn:  “Oh, here is the truth!  I must study this & hold on to it, get to know this man & all he says, read everything he writes, speak to him, collaborate.’  He wasn’t as excited abut me as he didn’t understand who I was, but I would win him in time by my support to our cause & of course, promoting his work – I was the only female to do so. 

     He posed our differences to me in the beginning as an impediment, & preferred to work with women who were not ‘religious fanatics’.  However, I knew he was chosen & Anointed by Mother God to do what he did & it was the Will of God we work together.

     What was special about William?  It’s the story of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes.’ {Hans Christian Anderson}

     This expression is used to describe a situation in which people are afraid to criticize something or someone because the perceived wisdom of the masses is that the thing or person is good or important.


     The Emperor is PATRIARCHY.


     No one was saying Patriarchy is wrong! - Men ruling the world is inappropriate – women should be in charge!

     This issue is never put on the table in our society, the assumption being that individual men have done wrong, be it this sect or that, this party or that, this tyrant or that, but soon – the right man will come along & everything will be set right.  Patriarchy itself was never questioned.

     Suddenly, William comes along & says straight out ‘Men have done a terrible job in ruling our world, they should stop, step aside, & women should rule.’


     It’s so logical & simple, yet no one but he is saying it!


     It’s like everyone is in a brainwashed trance, agreeing this or that man is bad but the guy on a white horse is just around the corner.  Let’s wait for ‘Godot.’  {a well known play by Samuel Beckett, ‘Waiting for Godot’ who when he appears, they don’t recognize him, as he’s in rags & carries a bag of rags {which I saw as a child on TV}.  IMO he’s a symbol of the Saint in Poverty who carries the Grace of God – but people don’t understand the message of Jesus & rather seek material security.}


     The people are DUPED like the story said, they were told that if someone is some kind of sinner, he won’t see the clothes {created by swindlers}, only the righteous can see them.  So everyone goes along with ‘Hey, look at the new clothes, they’re great.’

     But suddenly, a little innocent boy in the audience calls out,

     the Emperor has no clothes!”

     Then the gig is up, as the boy has no sin, so he sees the truth!  That’s William Bond, ‘the pure in heart shall see God.”  He isn’t a sinner, he sees clearly what the matter with our world is, while everyone else goes along with the lies, the chicanery, that says,

     “Patriarchy is normal – it’s always been, will always be.  People are violent, there will always be wars.  We just have to accept it.”

     But William explains our society is violent & warlike only because men are ruling it.  With women in charge, there will be peace, & that is the only way it can happen.

     These are simple statements, logical to anyone not indoctrinated – William opens the eyes of the sleeping & here we have the platform for Matriarchy.

     Now then we promote the female agenda, not Patriarchy, for the simple reason we want a society of LOVE.

     Ven. Fulton J. Sheen preached a sermon on Jesus & the ‘Spectators of the Cross.’  He said there were the spectators of love, the spectators of hate, & the spectators of indifference.  Then he explains that hate is not the opposite of love, indifference is.

     The patriarchs carry the terrible stigma of indifference.  It is lack of compassion, empathy & caring for others – that is the male governance trademark.

     We hope for Matriarchy because the woman’s instinct is maternal.  She cares about people; she is not indifferent, selfish or greedy.  A mother has sacrificial, unconditional love.

     {Granted, not all women are good, not all men are bad.  We speak in general terms.}


     About our New Religion - No religion, so far, has saved the world, & why?  No matter how nobly it started, it would be taken over, monopolized by men – who then excluded women from equal participation.  This is true of all but a few of the major denominations – All Orthodox Patriarchal religions take away female equality.


     They have also, in general, sinned against the people, through greed, breaking of vows, Nepotism, sex abuse & pedophilia.  What men take over always becomes corrupt by the standards of good religion.  They make the laws, then break the laws – why?  Because whatever males take over, their basic instinct appears, & that is not the sacrificial, care for people instinct women have, it’s the selfish, care for me & my penis instinct.  I want a harem, I want multiple sex partners, I want to have the money that affords that lifestyle & freedom – I want the power where I can control others, exploit them, get what I want, & be excused for it, & I want impunity for what I do.  In other words, I want to be a tyrant who gets what he wants, a narcissist, a psychotic ego maniac.

     What is different about our new religion is men will not have a chance to corrupt it because they will not be a part of it.  Jesus & Buddha did not exclude women – but later men did.  The original Koran written by women did not exclude women but men did.  Now we exclude men.  We dominate the religion.  If they want to join us in relationships, our religion prevails – they have to obey it.  If not, they can go elsewhere.  No different than joining an Orthodox Jew or Muslim in wedlock, you have to join their faith.  {End Chapter 14 & interview}




1 comment:

  1. This addendum also came out excellent as well, Rasa. Keep up the great work :)
