Tuesday 5 October 2021


Dream:  I Fit into the Clothes of an ADVANCED Female!  10-5-21


  Her relatives look on indignantly with a kind of shock like ‘How dare you.’


            We were at some sort of gathering with a large dance floor.  I am dancing I guess, people are watching.  There were details I’ve forgotten, will say what I can muster up.


            There’s a female here who is advanced.  She is very THIN.  She seems to be like Cathy Nolly, the most popular girl in my grammar school – she’s special.  But she is not an ego maniac or anything, she’s very nice, subdued.


            I look at her & notice how thin her legs are with the dull pink leggings over them.  I could not fit into those clothes; I’m not that thin any more I don’t think.


            *** CATHY NOLLY:  Saint Mary of Agreda.  I have been reading every day to a friend over the phone from her monumental book ‘Mystical City of God’.  I described to my friend how Mary of Agreda is the only person who every described what it takes to see God Face to Face, & also her trips to New Mexico in bilocation, where she converted the Indians.  Although an evil priest made her burn her accounts of these trips – the Indians described her as ‘the Blue Lady’ & & explained how she converted them, whereupon they went to the monks like Juniper Sierra & asked for Baptism.

            In thinking of this Saint I doubt if I have her abilities.


            Being THIN especially in the legs, is thin vs fat – thinness is spiritual poverty or non-attachment, the legs being a symbol of MYSTICAL TRAVEL/ABILITIES or lack of same {being able to do ‘mystical travel’ or go to the other world beyond}.  I have had many dreams which showed my legs as hairy {growth of hair meaning LIFE or POWER} & muscular {MUSCULAR BEING STRONG ABILITIES.}


            In the symbol of THIN vs FAT on the body – in most dreams FAT is the fatness of this time & space life – the world, flesh & devil – gluttony or being filled up with the things of the world,  - so the opposite being STRONG SPIRITUALITY.  At the present moment in my life, I’ve gone back into the world at the Will of God {to some degree, I am most of the time alone, not dating at all, in a somewhat meditative state but not like I used to be.}

            Here I look at Mary of Agreda & I DOUBT if I have her abilities.  I used to think of myself as being high up a while back, when I lived in the state of spiritual perfection & was receiving many spiritual benefits, blessings & visions – but that was long ago.  I don’t believe I’m there any more. ***


            A little time passes & Cathy has left her clothes there in the dressing room – not sure why.  I decide to try them on.  To my amazement, I fit into her pants! They are stretchy, & my fitting into them isn’t even tight, there’s lots of give, the material is valuable.  The color is pink, but not a ‘pretty’ pink, like a dullish pink.

            The top I can’t recall as well, but it also fitted me.


            *** FITTING INTO HER PANTS:  Is similar to ‘fitting into someone’s shoes.’  It means being able to experience or understand what they have. {The Indian saying ‘walk a mile in my shoes.’} This is saying I still have the abilities I once had – I have not lost them.  One of those experiences was seeing God Face to Face – as I told the friend, Mary was the only Saint I found who explained the process toward Beatific Vision.

            The DULL PINK & ELASTIC STRETCH of the pants:  Probably refers to celibacy, the vow & practice of celibacy might have been an important factor in Mary’s abilities & mine.  It cuts off one’s physical attachment to a huge part of human life.  So the ‘pink’ of the human self, like the pink of the vagina, has gone dull.

            The ELASTIC refers to the elastic ability to leave this dimension & enter another one – it’s two different world’s, two dimensions.  If one is centered here in this world they cannot BEND or STRETCH into the other. ***


            Then I begin to DANCE.  I do STEPS that are great, like my ‘leg up’ trick, where my leg goes to the ceiling – no one else in this room can do that.  I think I do somersaults, all kinds of tricks in these ELASTIC, expensive material pants.


            *** These STEPS with the legs STRAIGHT UP or abnormal stretch, again refer to my MYSTICAL ABILITIES, & somersaults the same idea.  The material being EXPENSIVE refers almost always in the spiritual life – expensive means what you had to SACRIFICE or give up in terms of the world – give up sex, for instance. ***


            Now Cathy’s RELATIVES, several women, are in front of me looking on, & they are indignant.  I especially notice on BIG woman dressed in black.  She reminds me of an opera performer I saw long ago in a Puccini opera, where a nun has a baby, it’s taken away from her & it dies.  This women was a VILLAIN, a dominating judgmental person who was the one who judged the nun for having the baby & took it away from her.


           When it was time to take bows this opera star expected more applause, but she didn’t get much because the audience had no sympathy for the role she played.  She has on a black outfit with a very tiny white lace fringe on the edges.

            There’s maybe 3 other relatives standing to her left & right, all indignant.  But they can’t take away from me that THE PANTS & TOP FIT ME & I am able to do the most amazing dance moves –they might be jealous somehow that I am this capable as their relative Cathy.


            *** The CHIEF JUDGMENTAL WOMAN is my lady friend to whom I read the book each day.  She is judging me. Although she can’t deny I have these abilities, she’s still indignant, jealous like Salieri with Mozart in the movie Amadeus, saying to God ‘How dare you give these abilities to him while making me mediocre but able to understand how great he is?”  Then he put Our Lord’s cross upside down.

            The other ladies with her would be people similar to her who stand in judgment. ***


            Then our party is over.  I take off the clothes & I guess Cathy takes them back.  She asks me if I’m done & I say yes, then she says straightforwardly,

            “Then I am leaving.”

            It was nothing bad, just time to leave.


            *** This is simply when our prayer time each day is over, it’s a quick goodbye – speak to you tomorrow. ***