Saturday 30 October 2021

 Friends Believe in God & Protect Yourself  10-3021


        The words below could happen to those who do nothing to protect themselves, who got the jab.  But Ajax the Great & I in the last article on ‘Damage Control’ gave the remedies for protection.  Please take them – the main items are Vitamin C – 5k units per day, all the vitamins & herbs you can obtain, & second, no cheap oils, only Olive oil & other Omega 3 oils.

       On top of that, do not lose sight of Mother God, who loves us, wants us to be healthy & will protect us as we call on her.  Summon your courage, faith, hope & confidence in her.  We have a God, She cares, She wants us healthy & happy.  She knows we are fighting a battle.  She knows Satan has fooled millions into getting these jabs, but do not lose hope.  Trust in her.  And get NO MORE JABS of ANY KIND!

        There IS a God, She is on our side, She knows all, sees all, can do all things.  She can help, heal, protect, guide, strengthen.  Call on her, believe in her.  Do this every day.  She is waiting for your call, your trust.        


This is from Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, founder of  Got to his site to discover all things going on.


Vaccinated Americans will lose immune function by Christmas and grow cancer in 2022

The elephant in the room with covid vaccines is not merely that they are erasing the immune systems of those who take the jabs, but that the destruction of immune function will lead to an unprecedented acceleration in cancer tumor growth that will overwhelm the medical system and kill tens of millions over the next decade.

A wave of cancer represents the last phase of the medical looting of America... reaping obscene profits from chemotherapy and cancer surgeries while tens of millions of Americans are killed off by the depopulation vaccine weapon system.

Today, we cover the coming vaccine-induced cancer wave which will accelerate through 2022 and kill off tens of millions through 2031.

Sadly, this is already in place and cannot be stopped. The population is now ticking away like a countdown clock.

Get full details in today's feature podcast here.



  1. Excellent work as usual, Rasa. Very informative and important, and with plenty of fuzzies of course. I will be sure to share this far and wide. If I think of anything to add later, I will.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work!

