Monday 28 February 2022

How To Make Sure This NEVER Happens Again

By Ajax the Great

(Originally posted on the True Spirit of America Party blog)

With the official narrative having completely collapsed and the tyrants now meeting meaningful resistance from We the People, and the Covidians now cynically rushing for the exits via the Great Pivot, one thing should be clear. Going cold turkey yesterday back to 2019 Normal must be the FLOOR, not the ceiling, of what We the People demand going forward.  After all, 2019 Normal was clearly not enough to prevent these past two years of madness from happening in the first place, and we need to make sure this can NEVER, EVER happen again.  

Like, ever.  Seriously. 

Not only do we demand an immediate and permanent end to all pandemic-related mandates and restrictions, leaving no traces behind, period, but we also demand the following going forward as well:

  • Individual human rights and civil liberties must be UNCONDITIONAL and inalienable, period.  Regardless of the supposed "facts" on the ground or the "greater good" or any other utilitarian concerns.  Otherwise, they are not really rights at all, but rather privileges and indulgences.
  • Especially bodily autonomy and bodily integrity must be as absolute as humanly possible, period.
  • Emergency powers of any kind for any reason at any level of government must be severely limited in time, space, and extent going forward, and completely and permanently revoked for any "leaders" who have abused them in the past.  Any emergency powers related to Covid need to be revoked permanently at all levels of government everywhere.
  • New constitutional amendments and legislation must be put forth to explicitly spell out and guarantee these changes.
  • In other words, the perceived legitimacy of the basis for these mandates and restrictions must be eradicated completely.
  • DO NOT EVER again attempt to meet tyranny or insanity in the middle!  You will lose, guaranteed, every single time, period.
  • All of the major players in this catastrophe, both government and corporate, need to be forced to resign immediately at a bare minimum, and then must be brought up on charges of Crimes Against Humanity and tried and punished accordingly.  Nuremberg 2.0, in other words.
  • And finally, demand full reparations for all vaccine injuries, and for all damages (economic and otherwise) done by government-imposed lockdowns, shutdowns, restrictions, and mandates of any kind.  The Takings Clause in the Constitution already demands as much.
So what are we waiting for?

RASA SAYS:  We must work for Female Empowerment, getting women into the governments - that is the only way to stop all this & restore human rights. The lunatics are running the asylum. And that is not a joke, indeed tese are the worst people on earth running it. The most evil struggle to be in charge so they can rob, pillage & exploit the people, the planet & nature. Women are less likely to be corrupt. This is proven. I don't want to hear how evil women are. Some are evil, when they follow the Patriarchy of course, they are traitors against God, animals & humanity. But if women were in charge over all like William Bond has been pointing out for years, women have a maternal instinct & end up doing most of the caring, nurturing & whatever is charitable. Men end up doing the corruption & the killing. And I don't want to hear 'not all men' - sick of that disclaimer. It's a pattern its their nature which in a percent of men, has become rancid, demonic, psycopath-ical......Work for female empowerment, the only way to gain justice & love back into the world. See the big picture, not individual battles & wars. Women must rule.

And is the narrative actually folding up? I sure hope so. The alternative media is bringing up so much evil I can hardly read it any more. I guess the evil will never end one form or another, while men rule. Brighteon was saying that Canada has fallen, the UN has taken over & the country is now enslaved. Tell us more how the narrative is collapsing to make us all happy. I know without a doubt the UN & the WHO are only tools of the demonic shadow govt, they are by no means of the people, for the people of Satan, by Satan, with Satan.

AJAX SAYS:  Can I get an AMEN?   The narrative is indeed folding up, slowly at first, then all at once. Canada had fallen, with Trudeau invoking martial law in all but name, and freezing bank accounts of people linked to the protests. But then, enough Canadians had withdrew money from the banks (aka a bank run like in the Disney film Mary Poppins) and the big banksters successfully pressured Trudeau to end his invocation of the Emergencies Act. So there is progress now.  Meanwhile another Freedom Convoy of truckers has already begun in the USA, and is heading over to DC in the coming days.


  1. You said "2019 Normal was clearly not enough to prevent these past two years of madness from happening in the first place, and we need to make sure this can NEVER, EVER happen again"

    But HOW, HOW & HOW do we make sure of this. I must repeat myself, take the power out of the hands of men. Indeed, this cannot happen right away, like this month or this year. It might happen totally, if we are lucky, 200 years from now. You Ajax didn't believe me when I said that, you thought women could take over the political parties & rule. Wow, unfortunately not going to happen. This shift will be agonizingly slow but compared to say 1k years ago, swift as a white water rapid current. Women must be empowered. Look at the strikes since women got the vote. Since 1960's 'Feminine Mystique' - prior to this there were not any women firemen or police that I know of, scant little women owning businesses & corporations, & now it isn't unusual. It's a START. We are PUSHING, we must continue to do so. If we don't push the world as it is, with all we saw in the last 2 years, will continue, even get worse. Yes it could be worse we could have, & still might, all become slaves. They vaccinated huge numbers of people in the hopes of disabling them - Mother God will protect her friends & they will remain healthy. But her enemies might not do so well, She isn't Blessing them, they don't accept it. And so, many will be disabled or die. That was the intention of the Shadow Govt, so they would have fewer people to control. Their demonic craft might backfire against them. Let us hope for that. The job women must do seems almost impossible. They must dismantle the nuclear arsenal, they must END ALL WARS. This is not something to be done fast. But keep moving, that is all I've got to say.

    1. Indeed, it is quite a long way away, but there are things that can be done in the interim. Pass a constitutional amendment that explicitly outlaws all of this nonsense permanently. Even better, pass international treaties that do the same. And hold these criminals fully accountable at Nuremberg 2.0. And of course we must continue to work for Matriarchy for the long haul, God willing.

  2. typo: Look at the strikes (STRIDES) since women got the vote
