Monday 7 February 2022

Its The Final Countdown!

By Ajax the Great

(Originally posted on my True Spirit of America Party blog)


Like the famous 1980s song by the Swedish band Europe goes, "It's the final countdown!"  The fat lady has finally sung, and it's all over but the shouting.

The two year long COVID-19 pandemic is now effectively over for the most part, the virus has become endemic, and the vast majority of people want to go back to 2019 normal.  More and more countries are ending all or practically all restrictions now, starting with Denmark, and now Sweden too (lifting what little restrictions they had before).  Much of Europe is at least starting to loosen restrictions as well.  The Freedom Convoy of truckers in Canada is clearly making an impact there as well, and provincial governments are taking note.  And a good chunk of US states are effectively back to normal.

But still not everywhere yet.  Several states and countries have yet to see the light, and are apparently maintaining or even doubling down on their restrictions.  Though as they become an increasingly lonely club, the pressure will be on them to follow the other states and countries, of course.

A new and excellent meta-analysis of numerous studies on the effects of lockdown and related restrictions on Covid mortality rates was recently released, and the results are not at all flattering to the purveyors of the narrative.  The finding was that these restrictions basically had little to no practical benefit at all (and some of the studies examined even found increases in deaths with greater stringency), and given their well-known and obvious harms in terms of collateral damage, that makes these restrictions worse than useless.  The authors thus concluded that these restrictions "are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument".

And the now-retreating Omicron variant has also completely laid waste to what little had remained of the "vaccine" narrative as well.  The same can also be said of mask mandates, as a cursory glance at the epicurves of places that had such mandates and those that did not would show, just like before Omicron too.

If all of this doesn't constitute the ultimate off-ramp to go cold turkey yesterday from all restrictions permanently and never look back, I really don't know what does.  So what are we waiting for?


We at the TSAP have said it before, and we will say it again, shouting it from the rooftops.  The ONLY way out of this madness is to go cold turkey from all of these restrictions and mandates.  Period.  And yesterday is not soon enough!

That means, effective immediately:

  • No more lockdowns, hard or soft
  • No more curfews 
  • No more business closures or capacity restrictions (unless voluntarily)
  • No more closures of anything 
  • No more mask mandates, anywhere
  • No bans or restrictions on gatherings or events, public or private
  • No restrictions on places of worship
  • No more travel restrictions, whether international or domestic 
  • All schools fully open, in-person, no antisocial distancing, masks optional
  • All colleges fully open, in-person, no antisocial distancing, masks optional
  • No more mass testing of anyone without symptoms.  Otherwise, use rapid testing first to verify.  For the PCR test (for confirmation), reduce the cycle threshold to 25-30, or simply jettison the PCR test entirely.
  • No more quarantines of anyone without symptoms 
  • No vaccine mandates, coercion, discrimination, or Covid "passports" of any kind, anywhere, period

And never again, no matter how bad it gets.  Really.  The TSAP will accept nothing less than 2019 true normal going forward, with NO more compromises.

And as long as there is no major outbreak locally, hospitals and nursing homes should also return to normal as well 100%.  It is LONG past time to stop cruelly denying visitors to patients, and stop artificially and arbitrarily delaying and cancelling so-called "elective" procedures and treatments.  And with the proper early treatment and prophylaxis, hospitals will NOT be overwhelmed anymore than during a typical flu season.  As for the staff, aggressive rapid testing should be done regularly regardless of vaccination status (as vaccinated people can still catch and spread the virus), and preference should be given to staff who are naturally immune because they have already had the virus and recovered (and are thus the very least likely to catch and spread the virus).  

That's it.  Yes, really.

Heresy, I know.  But it has been nearly two years now, and for better or worse, the virus is here to stay.  It cannot be eradicated at this point, as that train has left the station long ago.  We really only have two choices now and forever:  1) learn to live with the virus, and be honest about it, or 2) learn to live with the virus, and pretend otherwise. 

It has been observed that it is historically extremely rare for any respiratory viral pandemic to last longer than 18 months.  And they seldom have more than two major waves, three tops.  Yet here we are.  So all of our trying in vain to outsmart the virus, and/or hide from it, only served to drag it out that much longer, more painfully, and with out-of-season waves as well.  And plenty of widespread collateral damage on top of all that as well.  

Fortunately, the relatively mild Omicron variant itself looks like it will effectively function as a live and spreadable natural "vaccine" that will finally achieve REAL herd immunity to all past, present, and (near) future variants, and accelerate the transition to endemicity.  No thanks to the experimental mRNA and DNA/AAV gene therapies misnamed "vaccines", which are far too leaky and narrow to be fit for purpose, have a shoddy safety record at best, and most ironically of all seem to act like a magnet for Omicron.

This only ends when We the People finally stop complying with these mandates, cold turkey.  Or at least when a critical mass of people do so.  

So what are we waiting for?

UPDATE:  Oh, and about those masks again, while they may not be quite as much in the spotlight right now as the "vaccines" are, the zealots are nonetheless quite busy doing damage control and are upping their game in a desperate attempt to salvage as many fragments of the rapidly collapsing narrative as possible, notably including masks.  To that, we defer to the wisdom of Steve Kirsch and Allan Stevo.  See also the factsheet by Just Facts, and the recent podcast and article by Ian Miller of Unmasked as well.   If, after thoroughly reading and listening to what they all have to say, you are still a "true believer" in masks, for anyone but especially for children, you really need to have your head examined!  Most likely, your brain has been starved of oxygen for far too long.

RASA SAYS:  Going back to 2019 as far as restrictions is fine. But we need to return a few thousand years back when Mother God was worshiped, women were venerated & we had Matriarchy. Patriarchy will FOREVER bring disorder & chaos to our world because God did not create human men to dominate women. Human males are a truncated versionof a female. They do not have her maternal instinct, which takes care of people. Human males are supposed to help, serve obey women. That is their place & if they do this, we will have peace, order & love. That is the only answer to all our problems as far as society & lifestyle, family & world.

Republicans do not have the solution, neither do democrats. Only Matriarchy will solve the Patriarchal dystopia.

At this time we got away by the skin of our teeth. This is a wake up call to work with every fiber of our being to stop men from ruling the world & help females to take over. Not saying it'll be easy. Do what we can in the smallest ways, like Moms, be as empowering to your daughters as you are to sons. Stop molly coddling sons & pushing daughter to marry rich men. Stop depending on men, stand on your feet through education, skills, assertiveness & sisterhood. Males rule it over us by a malicious brotherhood, if they did not work together they would not have a chance. Stand up for women, empower them, encourage them to get into business & politics. Do anything you can to empower women so they can rule their family & the world. Help women. Promote the Mother, not Father God. Leave Patriarchal religions & work for female spirituality in any way you can. Write articles, pulish books, speak to friends about this. Women, be good sisters to other women. Men have almost annihilated us this time. We were on the brink of total disaster. It could still happen. The effects of the shots could still kill millions. But what is left, let us take over the world away from the male domination demonics.

AJAX SAYS:  Very well-said as usual, Rasa.  Indeed, 2019 normal needs to be the FLOOR, not the ceiling, of what we demand.  And as long as men remain in power, evil will inevitably rise again in the future whenever history decides to take another turn.  Only Matriarchy and Mother God can really be a permanent solution to the problem of demonic patriarchy, God willing.

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