Sunday 21 January 2024

Rust Creek

What's UNUSUAL about this movie is the young female FIGHTS BACK each time males try to oppress her.  Some are rapists, soe are killers & she gets more than her share.  Amazingly the very last scene will stun you.  I shouldn't give it away, but it's worth the entire movie.  You must see it on You tube, so try it out if you believe in Female Power.  The movies are NOT LIKE THEY USED TO BE-- since the Women's Movement.  Women are beginning to be Empowered - it's the start of the Return of Matriarcy.  Not saying it'll happen next week, but this might take a couple hundred years or more, but we've been under the oppression of Patriarchy for at least 6k years!


  1. this is mega female empowerment. In the end she MURDERS the sheriff as he tries to kill her. He had already killed half a dozen people including his own deputy.
