Tuesday 30 January 2024

Satan Attacks-Trump-Spiritual Husband


Satan Attacks-Arnold Appears Means Victory/Success-Multiple Dreams 1-30-24     

         Yesterday had several dreams was way too busy to record.  One was terrible.  I’d been working, doing this & that, for the Cause.  Then I went through an ‘empty’ zone like a place in between work, & there was instantly attacked by a demon who was totally invisible, a Spirit, but the way he affected me was like a black raven as huge as a human, his beak grabbed my neck, the rest of him my body from the left side.

         I was PARALYZED to get away the way one is when they get ‘sleep paralysis’ – which is a horror.  At first I could not speak, but summoning all my strength I was able to cry out,

         “Jesus – Maria -”

         in Lithuanian, over & over again, & finally, the demon let go & disappeared.

         *{ME:  I cannot discern what this attack was.  Can you help Mother God?

         MG:  Yes, you got ‘paralyzed’ yesterday for a while re work.  You could not get to the recording of your dreams or do your chores.  But then the spell broke.  God released you from the devil, & you got your basics done—all but the dreams here now.}* 

         After that I slept again & I appeared in a banquet hall with Arnold at my side.  There were hundreds of dishes everywhere, for anyone, everyone who came there.  I said to a server,

         “Do you have any cake with prunes in it?”

         She said yes, but then she led me to a place with a glass cover; the cover was opened, where sat 3-4 wonderful cakes to celebrate something, not big, looked like birthday cakes, maybe 2 round, 1 square, all with fancy frosting with roses & other decorations, light grey. She even said ‘Happy birthday’ to me – my date is not until July!

         She gave me a piece.  I didn’t want her to cut into them just for me, but I guess she did.  The only thing wrong was it was only 2-3 bites & gone - The entire thing light & heavenly to taste – inside as well as frosting.

         *{ME:  OK now it all changes & I’m enjoying heavenly nourishment, Arnold or success is at my side.  What happened?

         MG:  God stepped in, you got things done.  Said the Holy Mass, which is the main thing you want to do as well as exercise, basic chores.

ME:  But my birthday?

MG:  It’s a Gift of God’s Grace, whatever time it is.}* 

         Joe Weider:  Never dreamed of him before.  There is this sort of padded in red ‘sawhorse’ to my left, & on it sits a sweater – light grey, almost colorless, with large holes in the knitting – which once had a body in it or something unusual like that.  I see this sweater UNFOLD, like the arms unfold, then the rest, until the entire thing is gone.  It hearkens or reminds of a man, also, from before symbolized as this sweater.

         I speak to Weider saying,

         “This man {the sweater} is going to win this just as Arnold won {the sweater of the past.}”

         The idea being is that Weider FIXED the contests for Arnold & he would do so for this man also.  It was understood.  Was it meant to be?  It seemed it was, there was no animosity or judgment offered on my part.  Both sweaters were identical.  They once contained substance, a body.  Now they were empty & flat, & would soon disappear totally.

         *{I have a feeling this has to do not with Weider or Arnold, Weider fixing contests, but with Donald Trump, as he’s running for Pres again.  He won before – it was fixed - & he’ll win again, also fixed.

         The joke is he’s been nominated again for the Nobel prize.  Anyone can nominate, Ben Weider had his employee Denie the photographer, nominate him.  Winning is another story.

         If it was honest I should win the Nobel prize for preaching Our lady of Fatima’s message in front of the White House & ending the Cold War.  But it isn’t honest, for the most part – the same ole’ same’ ole status of the rich & famous getting more kudos – yes there are some exceptions, but it’s mostly the powerful, the rich.  Henry Kissinger?

The sweater with big holes unfolding & will disappear:  Being empty before, will be empty again is most probably the emptiness of the ‘Kingdoms of the world & their glory.’  The world has no substance or Power in the Infinite, it is but nothing to God.  The great offices & personages of the world appear, disappear, & have no eternal substance.}*


         1-30-24  I’m eager to record today’s dreams before they evaporate.

         First, I’m at a place that has to do with body building & Arnold is there. 

         There are many people here, male & female, & everyone is getting ready for something.  But they are vague to my vision & off to the sidelines - only Arnold & I seem distinguished.  Is it a show?  No one works harder than Arnold, he’s intense.  He just pumps & pumps with weights & his body is HUGE like much bigger than anyone there.

         *{Again, this has nothing to do with a person named Arnold, it’s the story of Nick & myself. 

         First, he was a BIG MAN with his peers, the local hoods, substance abusers & sellers.  They have still not got over him & are posting on his FB as if he were still alive.  He was their STAR because PUMPED UP with DRUGS he was the life of the party.  He amused them, they surrounded him wherever he was.

         For a time I believed I would win him to be my one & only, living with me.  But toward the end I saw it was hopeless & it was.  He could not get out of the clutches of drugs & those who enabled him.}*


Myself, not sure what I do but I’m not pumping.  I go here & there talking to folks to gather info/research.  Not clear why.  And it seems somehow that I am the most likely to win the contest I’ll be in, while Arnold wins his.  I look at the candidates around me to win this contest – I know I’m better, but some of my confidence slips toward the end.

         At some point I recall strongly looking from face to face at the people there, trying to see who’s present.

         After a while I change my behavior.  There’s a large porch here, where people in our group are sitting about also. I decide to show them what I can do besides body building.  I’m wearing a light blue silky robe.  I ascend into the air, totally airborne, & do tricks to impress the people.  But don’t recall the result.

         The relationship of Arnold & myself is tricky.  Are we friends or not?  What are we to each other?

*{It could not be ascertained – what were we to each other?  The relationship was on & off, yes & no, close, then not close – a mess.}*

         He then disappears & I go looking for him down the street.

         *{He DISAPPEARS – he DIES.}*

         I pass by a place that looks like a street-level office.  I just open the door & stand there, looking from person to person to see if I see Arnold.  What this looks like is a men’s Italian Club – all Mafia.  But I ‘m not afraid of them at all & no one challenges me in any way nor asks me anything.

         There off to the left Arnold was sitting low in between 2 people, & when he saw me he automatically got up & walked to me, as if I owed him – like I just appear, he knows he has to go with me.  This is a BIG CHANGE from when we were at the original place preparing for contests – he felt superior then, I wasn’t sure of my status.  But here, he’s become small & short & is tagging along with me like I own him—which in the dream, I do.

         What is SIGNIFICANT is what he said to THEM, later TO ME. To them he says,

         “I have to go somewhere important.”

         To me, when we’re outside, he says,

         “I have nowhere to go anyway,”

meaning he has no place to go, might as well follow me.

         *{After he dies, his status changes, he shrinks down to size.  He’s little, not important, but he’s with me.  He has NO PLACE TO GO now that he has no body.  Before, it was party to party to party – druggie friends to more of the same.

         In his new status – attached to me but also he can go where he wants mind wise.  Here, he’s with his hoodlum friends. They cannot protest me or interfere with me.  As soon as I appear – meaning I come to fetch him – he automatically leaves them & follows me, telling them he has to do something important – because I’m important to him now.

         And when we leave the hoods he tells me he’s got nowhere to go anyway – I am the only place he needs to be in other words.  Where is a man dead to the world but alive to spirit going to go?  He’s with me, here he stays if I want him, I’m his center - he no longer has a bodily addiction, so they are irrelevant.}*

         We go outside into the alley.  There was another office there where a large group of all-males were hobnobbing, like a club.  I ignored them.

         *{See addicts doing the same ole’.}*

         There are 2 cars in this alley.  One is a tiny sports car, smaller than a Corvette, its peach color, convertible.  And past it is my car – a beautiful cream color convertible Cadillac, full size.  I guide Arnold to my car, he’s totally submissive to me.

         I recall one female that appeared but not sure where she fits in.  She’s wearing a peach blouse, like this car, & she has on large black rimmed oval glasses—the glass is peach color.  When I showed up she seemed disturbed about something & went out the door—she & the door are close to me.  She’s somewhat flustered as she exits.

*{The lady in peach blouse, peace glasses & the tiny peach vehicle is his drug enabler female – flustered, she EXITS.

This is the one he was with doing drugs.  She kept him that way.  She lived a life of DELUSION – the peach-colored glasses are like ‘rose colored glasses’ where you look at life pretending all is right {‘peachy’} when it isn’t.

She exited his life unwillingly.  He’s not with her in body or mind – he’s with me. Because our love was True, not a delusion.

The tiny car is the delusion she had that their relationship was for all time – he loved her.  He loved her for drugs, that was it.  He put on a big show, an act on Face book & social media, she was the one.  But now that he’s dead, he doesn’t think of her nor is he with her, her vehicle is there, but he isn’t getting into it, he travels with me.  Vehicle is a thing that gets you some place. 

My vehicle is white, it’s not delusional, it’s purity of heart & mind.  Yes, I won him in the end, but not in the way I expected, in the spiritual way, his body gone.}*


  1. This one came out great as usual, and I will be sure to share it. Very interesting overall. The artwork and fuzzies complement it nicely as well.

    "I have a feeling this has to do not with Weider or Arnold, Weider fixing contests, but with Donald Trump, as he’s running for Pres again. He won before – it was fixed - & he’ll win again, also fixed."

    I was thinking more or less the same thing recently, alas. Trump has a very good chance of winning, by hook or by (literal) crook, and if he does, barring a miracle of miracles (such as him being disqualified or in prison, or perhaps dying in office or before, etc.), America as we knew it is basically lost for good. At best, America's "long, dark night of the soul" will resume and deepen more than ever before. At least DeSantis, worse than Trump, is out of the running now. Thank God for small mercies, I guess.

    Best wishes,

    1. Another thing that might stop him: if the FERAL Reserve cuts interest rates by enough and soon enough to prevent or delay the predicted coming recession until after the election. Then voters would be more likely to vote for Biden, as that would make him and Bidenomics look good. But if it's rigged, it's rigged regardless.

  2. Yes indeed, I agree Ajax. But still, I wonder if all these guys are taking orders from 'above' or 'below' as it were - & not a one of them has any power any which way. That's what I believe. Rasa
