Saturday 29 June 2024

The immense weight of playing Jesus

He was THE BEST Jesus I ever saw!

I Want to See God Face to Face Pt 3 Guru Rasa Von Werder

So far this is the most enlightening I have done on seeing God Face to Face, most informative. It underscores how we CANNOT lift ourselves or rise up to the Vision of God by our human efforts - we are limited in what we can do but when we do what is required, our Merciful God does certain things which take us there.  These Graces are explained by St. Mary of Agreda, which I read from - her book "Mystical City of God" - 7 pages of it.  Then I move on from there what WE can do to prepare for this.  If you are serious about the subject this will help you tremendously, no matter what religion you are in.

Thursday 27 June 2024

All the Times Jesus Called Disciples in the Chosen

“Why haven’t you healed me?” (The Chosen scene)

The Sons of Thunder are born (The Chosen Scene)

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The Chosen | Season 3 | Keep Your Eyes on Him

Was John the Baptist wrong about Jesus? (Full Scene)

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Is this scene really from the Bible?

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Wednesday 26 June 2024

Jesus Heals The Withered Hand (The Chosen Scene)

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The Chosen - Week 1 - Mary Magdalene

Mary's Redemption (Mary Magdalene)|The Chosen Season 1 Episode 1

Jesus Heals Mary Magdalene S1 Ep3 The Chosen “Golden Scene”

The 12 apostles find out they're the 12 apostles

Jesus had a mom, too. (Season 4 Scene)

Jesus walks on water...but walks with Simon

Teaching With The Chosen: Jesus raises Jairus's daughter from the dead, ...

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Monday 24 June 2024

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The quest of a nomadic nun in Tibet | SLICE

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“I am the law of Moses” (Full scene)

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On Truth & Love - St. Theophan the Recluse

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On Guarding the Mind and the Heart - St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite

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Carmelite Monks on EWTN: Fr. Chris Alar Living Divine Mercy

What Are You Willing to Die For?

Friday 21 June 2024

Xiang Spreading the News to China


It’s Xiang again-letters 6-17-24 Working for the New Religion to Chinese People  

Hello once more Mother Rasa today I went to the city and shared the good news, Young men my age mocked the preaching but Young women were all interested so I gifted a lot of the paper copies about the explanation of the matriarchal religion, I was asked by the Police to stop later, as they thought it was Christian propaganda, and as you know foreign religions are very persecuted here, big lack of liberty of cult, but it was a good campaign, the paper where translated and all, I went back home and I remembered an experience with the law coming to silence people, about in 2007 some foreign people with help of locals found What seemed as a giant human skeleton buried along a smaller one, both had rings in each finger, bronze pieces over them and some told, the bronze was Green because was old, there was jars, a bronze tablet similar to the symbols I shown you before 

The giant skeleton was concluded to be a Eurasian female and an Asian male, apparently engaged as the ring and symbols of another metal piece suggested, the giant female was buried while the male was hugging her, likely both were royalty, they where from around the start of the bronze age, probably the  ancestors of a lost race, there was indicatives there was a castle there, the investigation went on for months, then the government agents showed up, they told all not come to the area of the excavation, next day all Was buried again, people realized, they took the skeletons and objects, then leave ruining the work, the foreigners  tried again, but eventually, they disappeared, likely the trigger for that was the female God imagery, they probably knew people would get interested on knowing more of the hidden past, there was so much symbols similar to the astral visions of the women chanting and dancing to praise the female God and a chosen one, the skeleton of the giantess is something I seen in dreams too, I saw her face and drew it years later if I could intuit by our spiritual connection, I can think she was another ancient incarnation of Mother God's avatar on earth


Dear Mother Rasa, 6-20-24 

This week has been very tiresome due to my Jobs but also very blessed I now earned enough to afford things I need, I learned my visions are actually my soul being moved to the cosmos, I met in those spiritual travels a soul that looked Just like mine, your soul I have seen it too, like mine has a particular color, purple lavender and white, my soul in the astral planes goes from purple to white sometimes, I believe to be under this state is necessary being alone, solitude brings peace, and I watched the recent podcast, hope your project goes well Mother, here's more paintings

                           From Rasa:  I’m too exhausted to add to this right now 






Saturday 15 June 2024

Prophet Joseph | English | Episode 36

Book 2 - Chapter 2 - Mystical City of God: Divine History & Life of Mary...

I have listened to 10 hours of this, now to continue.

Chinese Disciple New Visions

 New Visions from Xiang

6-13-24 from Xiang Ling-China 

Hello Mother Rasa, I Just wanted to inform about that during a prayer I got more visions of the astral side, saw many light figures of praying female figures, a stork and other animals too, the young man figures dancing along side the female figures, well I believe dancing, some of them seem to be doing other things, one looks like holding hands, other riding on one, I May presume they are having sex, but the most important thing is the approving eyes of Mother God, the sin and the moon over things, I’m aware hippos where considered symbols of fertility I assume the large animal there May be one, the main lightened figure is seem to be posing, while the eyes staré at her as an important figure of authority giving all the collective energy to the cosmos, during the vision I was able to hear music of flutes and feel the sunlight on me, even though it was nighttime, the delicate touching of a hand soft as silk, that's all about the vision Mother, you understand better than I’ll ever do, that's all about that, about the work on my farm/residence the Spaniard lady left today and has written a 20 Page dairy on the tópic of the truth of Mother God's religion and I described all the essentials written in the website, the word will spread further, I have earned enough money for printing, and learned básic spanish during our time spent together, I will resume my labor here, I May have to make a long trip this week but  I will keep you informed Mother blessings from yixian, liaoning Province, china here the paintings of the figures, and the visions of a female Angel type of figure


Hello Xiang, Beloved Son of Mother God,

    Wow, this is remarkable!  I will share it when time permits.  Like you, I have lots of outdoor work, & it is taking much of my energy. 

     I have time but I get EXHAUSTED because I have had 5 heart attacks & pains all over my body!  So work is hard - I can't WALK without PAIN but I can work as long as I don't have to  WALK too much.  Yesterday I worked knocking down 'bamboos' {a huge weed that grows to 15' or more! for TWO HOURS to open the paths in my yard below - some of these plants are blocking the sun for my tree I planted long ago, a Meta Sequoia Glyptostroboides {see in Google images} that was discovered in China - {they thought it was extinct} the year of my birth - 1945 - so I have great love for these trees.  I planted 5, already fairly large, but I planted 3 of them in the wrong places, when I stopped watering them by hand they died.  But one is HUGE - 75' tall, very bushy, beautiful, but this one I planted where it is not getting enough SUN so it is SPARSE.  I made so many mistakes in agriculture.  I bought 300 rose bushes; they all died because it's TOO COLD HERE!  They sell them in nurseries near me but don't tell us it's too cold!  I have been so ignorant about so many things on my land; I mourn & grieve over my mistakes.

    You will find this amazing, but for a week before I heard from you as I sat meditating, I was imagining putting an ad in the paper, saying,

    "Need Asian family who wants land to grow gardens - free. I only ask for vegetables for one person's use.  I have lots of land."

    The reason I say Asian is because they are so smart with everything - including agriculture. I used to have an apartment in the city; one Asian family there grew vegetables on the side of our building! Beautiful garden!


    I now imagine if you were here half my problems with my yard & land would be solved, I know you would think of answers & have the ability, skill & energy  to solve all these various problems or opportunities, - there are great opportunities here.  My bottom yard has a CREEK with two tunnels, the creek goes all through my land & I dug a POND right in the middle of my wilderness, which a BEAVER dammed in. And there are other creeks streaming into my land, all going to the river & my island.

    So you see before you wrote me I was having thoughts & dreams abut you.  We are united in Spirit.  We are both ONE with Mother God.

    I shall study your letter more later, right now there are urgent things I MUST DO ......Rasa

   Xiang writes:

Thanks you Mother rasa for answering my letter, yes Indeed out door works can be hard I imagine, I will be praying for your health as the body is a temporary part of all of us, your spirit will live on forever, as one of my visions revealed to me that your spirit has walked the earth many times in the past, one of them was a chinese woman, that's where some of your physical traits come from, I am also aware of previous incarnations, Buddhism taught me that people and animals are equal so I am aware some cases of people I knew who where reincarnated, my previous body was of a young man who lives during the qing dynasty who was married to an older woman and worked as a map writer, it is rather amazing things one can see by meditation, you in one of your previous incarnations, a woman traveled part  Mongolia and settled in Russia, she was an enlightened woman who knew the truth of Mother God but was aware it was not yet the time to talk about it, and yes I also had a vision dream / revelation where we both where connecting to the same spiritual channel and our souls crossed over like if the spirit left the avatar body and 2 souls saw each other, as I a Young my visions May not Last more than 20 minutes, but I have been able to see and felt things before, one time a large feminine light figure appeared and interacted with my reflection of my soul in a Motherly manner, sorry for talking too much about that topic, for your physical pain I recommend bathing  with Hot water mixed with boiled herbs as, eucalyptus leaves that relieve the body and rose that heals sore muscles and inner wounds, the herbs must be dried first in the sun, you do that by until your body absorbs the fumes of the roses and your bones May feel better, make sure the water is not too Hot or you May have some scald, another thing for heart issues is raw garlic, smash a garlic piece until gets squashed then swallow it and drink water quickly to digest it easily and not get it stuck in the throat, and also beautiful photos Mother rasa, sincerely you are pretty in all your life stages, personally I do prefer the way you look currently I thing mature women are very pretty, sorry for that Last thing I do not know a more suitable way to convey thoughts in written form, do not forget about the garlic pieces, smash those well with a hammer because they need to be soft enough to swallow blessings from yixian, liaoning Province, china 

Hello Xiang,

                I've been busy all day & too tired to put up our last letters.  But will do so soon.  I hope you are well & happy.               Rasa

below, his new vision of my exhaustion/exasperation at not having any help & the work at hand is impossible to finish.  All for Mother God waiting at the top of the stairs.


From Xiang:

There's no problem Mother Rasa, take your time needed, also don't push your self too much try to take breaks, make sure to also take the Hot bath of rose and lavender to heal pains, love and blessings from Xiang, liaoning Province, china  

Prophet Joseph | English | Episode 36

Friday 14 June 2024

Prophet Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dream | Joseph King of Dreams Full M...

Mr. Olympia 1975 - Arnold Schwarzenegger, with Serge Nubret and Lou Ferr...

Hercules in New York (1969)

Hebrew Slaves In Egypt - The Ten Commandments (1956)

Огромные медведи на арене цирка. Huge bears in the circus arena.

God Sent 10 Plagues To Punish The Egyptian Pharaoh For Enslaving 600,000...

God Sent 10 Plagues To Punish The Egyptian Pharaoh For Enslaving 600,000...

Disasters Strike Egypt - The Ten Commandments 1956

Disasters Strike Egypt - The Ten Commandments 1956 DogShow Clown with dogs Moscow Circus Клоун с собачками

Professor Ermakov Dog Academy. Paris 2024. Dog Show.

"The Part of the Brain God Uses to Communicate with Us!" Barbara O'Neill

¡Los pollos más talentosos! | The Bock and Roll Band audicionan con “Foo...

Farmer Finds Black Eggs, But When They Hatch He Starts Crying

Thursday 13 June 2024

Let My People Go - The Ten Commandments (1/10) Movie CLIP (1956) HD

Moses Meets God- The Ten Commandments 1956

Ten Commandments clip


The Ten Commandments 1956 The Creation Of The Ten Commandments By God

Vincent Price goes camping - Baka in The Ten Commandments

Anne Baxter en Los Diez Mandamientos

Yoshebel is caught between the stones - "The Ten Commandments"

The Ten Commandments (7/10) Movie CLIP - Moses Presents the Ten Commandm...

The Ten Commandments (5/10) Movie CLIP - Moses Meets His Real Mother (19...

Ramses: "You Have Conquered, Moses"

Anne Baxter chews all the scenery - Queen Nefretiri in The Ten Commandments

Bithiah finds Moses - "The Ten Commandments" - Charlton Heston

Nefretiri kills Memnet - "The Ten Commandments" - Anne Baxter

Ten Commandments 1956 Moses confronts bithiah

I Am Hebrew - The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments clip

The Exodus - "The Ten Commandments" - Charlton Heston 1/2

If they were slaves, where did they get the cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, geese & ducks?  Horses, mules & other animals?  And carts & implements they needed for every day life?  And the food?  What about the gold they had to later make the golden calf?  And then later, all the jewels, gold & silver & costly materials for the Ark of the Covenant?  Truth is, they were not SLAVES.  They were  What did our American slaves own?  Practically nothing.  I love this movie & the stories, but they were hyperbole, exaggeration & lies.  Parting the Red Sea was concocted.  There is a spot in the North where the water receded at a certain time of the year & Caravans went through it regularly.  The Hebrews exaggerated everything in order to intimidate & psyche out their enemies, & the Patriarchs of today don't expose this as they are of the same cloth.

The Exodus - "The Ten Commandments" - Charlton Heston 2/2

Moses the Lawgiver: Moses and the burning bush scene

The Ten Commandments (10/10) Movie CLIP - The Burning Bush (1956) HD

Jethro's daughters dance - "The Ten Commandments"

Moses marries Sephora - "The Ten Commandments" - Yvonne De Carlo

Moses Fled To Midian-The Ten Commandments 1956

Be careful who you leave in the desert, lol

Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 2 in C minor, Op. 17 (Mariinsky Theatre Orche...

And hear the ROUSING ENCORE!


Wednesday 12 June 2024

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SAMSON Destroys the Gaza Gates! Directed by Gabriel Sabloff

Samson and Delilah - Part 9

Samson and Delilah - Part 8

Samson and Delilah - Part 7

Samson and Delilah - Part 6

Samson and Delilah - Part 5

Samson and Delilah - Part 4

Samson and Delilah - Part 3

Samson and Delilah - Part 3

Great Leaders of the Bible - Gideon & Samson - [11/11]

Moses conquers Ethiopia- The Ten Commandments 1956

Epic Bear Fight - NO MUSIC...Full length

Steve Reeves - Mr. Universe (1954)

Scene from 'Tarzan's New York Adventure'

Ben-Hur (3/10) Movie CLIP - The Chariot Race (1959) HD

Samson & Delilah - [13/13]

Sinbad (The Golden Voyage) ~ Snake Dance, Kali Dance & Fight

Moses Is Captured- The Ten Commandments 1956

Pillar of Fire -The Ten Commandments 1956

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Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers-Making Love


Want Tinnitus Relief? Get This Herb! - Barbara O'Neill

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Tuesday 11 June 2024

Call of the Wild (1994) | FULL MOVIE | Classic Adventure, Rick Schroder

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New Chinese Disciple


 Letters with China  New Disciple  6-11-24

   his painting of Mother God & looks like me he says--Could be 

Hello Mother Rasa sorry for not writing any update yesterday, the crops are very time consuming and I have not had rest but I will during the week show more of the symbols I have seen in astral visions, I attempted also again visualize you Mother Rasa, I been told in the visions your name will become known for many generations to come, you are a visionary and were very ahead of time back in the 80's now that there is a call for women to take a more active role in modern society, I  now helping to fund the good cause of printing educative papers telling about the Mother god religión, the money for printing I gotten it by helping a foreign Spaniard lady to collect bones of ancient beasts that lived in these lands, the lady is a very kind person that has taught me a little about the culture of Spain, I have told her about Mother God's teachings, after spending a night together in intercourse I think she accepted the word, she is currently staying here doing research of the ancient bones found near the River, hopefully the whole world will accepted you in their heart, I will Report more on the good news of Mother God, I think this letter May not be interesting enough to include in the blog blessings from yixian, liaoning 


Hi Xiang!

            This letter is excellent! It's a great testimony, I shall spread it.  But one thing.  When you have a vision put at the end {end of vision} because I was not sure if your farm work was part of your vision or physical.  How could I tell?  You understand? Are you a farmer now & also a chef?  Or were you a chef before, & now a farmer?  What do you grow?  Yes it interests me a lot.  I look at farming & animal husbandry longingly, wish I had someone here who could farm on my land maybe with chickens & some simple animals.  I used to have ducks, geese & chickens but the foxes got them all as they roamed about freely. I have LOTS OF LAND - 50 acres - some down by the river is called Tioga soil, the best there is, some call it 'bottom land' which is very fertile.  I ave 500' of riverfront & MY OWN ISLAND, which is a few acres, you can WALK ACROSS from riverfront to island in August.

    Yesterday I forgot to put the interesting image you painted of Goddess/me, with your article.  I shall do so today, so please see it again.

    The interchange you have with this Spanish anthropologist is interesting.  Do you speak English?  Does she?  You write in English very well, do you speak it?

    We shall communicate  later. 

    When I mentioned you doing a Face book, do you know what Face book is?  It's on the internet.  You can reach more people by internet than in person, but I do appreciate you speaking to people about the New Religion as well.            Rasa 

From Xiang:

Hello Just to make things clear I write in English since I learned by myself and by praying to Mother God's grave to give me knowledge for that because it's a very important language to know, the Spaniard lady speaks with me using English too and asks me to talk for her to the locals, my side job is being a chef in a small place that cooks buns and noodles not sure the correct name for it, I grow radish and white Carrots.  My only company are a cat, 2 geese, 8 chickens and a wild female deer that shows up to eat vegetables left over, I’m also building a dam in the area to slow down the River when Rain comes, I also know a little bit of Portuguese, French and Italian, I try to learn as much as I can using the Internet, is hard to live alone, but for some reason Mother God allowed me to meet many foreign people, some women who were considerably older than me we been in intercourse a few times, it is not out of malice it is like probably something that causes it not very sure what it is.   blessings from yixian, liaoning Province, china

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Monday 10 June 2024

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Chinese Believer turns Disciple


 From Xiang Ling - China,  6-10-24

{some spelling corrections by Rasa} 

To Rasa:   As I said in a previous letter relating to the revelation and confirmation as your divinity it appears to me in a dream this canvas as light figures so by meditation those pictured appeared to me more often and here is a representation of those figures on paper hope this can add more relating to the Last letter, in these astral revelations I saw the men in the past destroying themselves with war, but in the distance women and Young men along side animals claimed to Mother God, the original woman and man of creation seemed like being different ages, the woman being older since other male figures are shown taller who are killing a younger male, likely is an indicative older women and Young men were the intended role of the woman being a superior being that can create life as same manner the Mother God can, the planet Saturn was floating around inspecting the acts of violence, likely a past incarnation of mine lived when Men killed each other as I despise war and the killing of nature, I firmly believe some people live many lives even as animals for a mysterious goal, as human and animals where all create by Mother God's grave, violence is an act if heresy that men under the influence of demons normalized, the destruction of the real teachings of creations were perverted but the truth is out there, coming to chosen people who know the truth, in one part of the figures one woman seems to be chosen in particular, later on that visión I saw your face, is quite a big thing I clearly saw your face and Mother God's face looking alike, it is possible by meditation and prayers to see truth even if is continents and seas away, I must return to my labor as farmer hope this is useful information, blessings from yixian, liaoning Province, china, wish I can share more eventually, Mother.  

 Dear Son,

            Your painting is auspicious.

        I want you to create something on the internet pertaining to our New Religion & common beliefs.  I can access Face Book so I can see what you do.

        Begin by posting our correspondence, with your pictures, presenting each series of letters yours & mine, in both Chinese & English.

        If any person responds, & IF the letters are positive & meaningful, put the English translation. 

    The name should be something like:  "The New Religion for Women" "from Guru Rasa Von Werder" - put after that "Men can join but it is primarily aimed to women." 

    This is important.  To become my disciple I neglected to tell you the STEPS.  That is why you have had no vision since I asked you to pray to me until you see me & report to me what happens.  You have not done so so I don't think you are joined with me yet.  Here is how: 


            Sit somewhere alone, private, quiet.  Empty your heart of all its affections & desires {for the time being} except for Rasa & her Being.  Believe in her as an Incarnation of God.  If you are in love with anyone you must separate from that person.  If you have a strong religious belief that is different from Rasa's you must put it away.  If you believe in things, money, or anything of the world as primary, you must renounce it.  Work on this emptiness.

    When you feel empty & ready, INSTALL Rasa INTO YOUR HEART.

           You can imagine her small, like an infant, curled up in your heart, or reduce her size as an adult but small enough to fit into your heart.  You can imagine her sitting, standing, dancing, sitting in a chair or couch in your house, in the air - anyway that works for you.

        When you see her within you, speak to her like this:

    "Rasa, I have you in my heart.  I belong to you; you belong to me automatically as you will give yourself to anyone who desires you.  I love you & you love me.  Stay with me, comfort me, guide me, give me Light & whatever the Infinite God wants to give me through you.  I know you are One with Mother God, the Infinite Being.  You are a Portal, a Gate, a Being of Light.  I believe in you & so I invite you & welcome you into my heart, my life.  Thank you for being here & please don't leave.  We shall continue communicating as long as I love you & open myself to you.  Your love flows continuously to anyone that desires you & I do.  Thank you & Amen."

    These words are approximate.

    Do this one night & see if it works.  If not, do it again & again each night.  And report to me how God appears to you through my Anointing.

        And pass on this teaching to the Chinese persons {or any other persons} interested, who post on your new site.

        Do good work & Son & you will be greatly Blessed.          Rasa

 From Xiang Ling  6-10-24

         {some spelling corrections by Rasa}

 Dear Mother rasa, I ask forgiveness because, but I have Just done as request as memorizing the prayer, your image indeed was shown to me as your current self, a naked figure put her hand on my head as I repeated the prayer, the touch was actually felt by me, I was also stripped of my clothing in that astral vision, I see that by accepting her into my life I have become part of something important, I will go to the city in a few days to tell people with Papers about the new religion, hopefully someone May listen, also in what I was able to synchronize with the prayer I was forced to walk I felt compelled to walk with closed eye and giving my hand to Mother rasa astral projection, the hand felt real the vision ended when I finished the prayer, the place I was sent in the vision was a huge mansión in a heavenly place where paintings of the Virgin Mary and nature was shown around, a very vivid experience.

 From Rasa:

         Excellent dear son.  Now you have me in your heart, you can proceed to work for our Cause with greater Light, strength & confidence.  Having access to my Light/Portal you have access to what I have – according to your ability to contain it. 

Proceed with your life & work, reporting to me what you do & how you are, & we will both be happy.

Thank you for loving Mother God & your obedience to Her. …………….Rasa 

         PS What you saw is perfect.  A great mansion with images of Mother God represented by Our Holy Mother Mary & Nature is what our religion is about.

Being naked is being open to God, with no mask, pretense or hiding from Her.  My hand – what is it?  It is the HAND OF LOVE on your head!  You felt the love.  And giving me your hand into mine is giving me your love for mine – our unity. - United in love.  You CLOSING YOUR EYES & trusting me is you shut down your own human self, & trust in my love guiding you - it's Supernatural.

With papers to tell people about the New Religion?  That’s a mission I assigned to you - a Holy mission.  

The mansion being great is great consciousness.

I see much dancing,  woman & man, worship with arms up, woman & son - woman dominant, the leader, rejoicing, explosions of celebration, etc.

You have not disappointed me. Bravo. 

My dreams last night were auspicious also.  Oprah Winfrey, the Queen of media was with me.  She approved - I showed her my thinness & arm muscles & she was impressed.  This could be prime publicity/media through Xiang opening up a site for us......  From Rasa