Tuesday, 17 December 2024



Do not get discouraged 12-17-24

the PROMOTION is harder than PRODUCING the Book!

    This entire society is so anti-woman. What could we expect? There were two WOMAN ONLY magazines - I went to both of them & both were no longer there - out of business - NO SISTERHOOD. Women do not support women. Why? - Because our gender does not hold the POWER. And so, to support women takes a bit of SACRIFICE like sticking your neck out - doing the fringe thing, being on the 'outside' or 'margins.' What most women want is to be on the INSIDE, the top, the status the POWER & do not want to use up their time & energy helping a CAUSE - however noble it is, however righteous, even if it helps their own gender in the long run. They are greedy, selfish COWARDS.

                     Women are HALF the Problem!

    They don't want to use themselves up to help our gender in the long run, down the generations to be helped. They want POWER - sustenance, support, approval HERE & NOW for THEIR OWN PERSONAL BENEFIT - SAD BUT TRUE. Half of the problem of Patriarchy is MEN, but the other half is WOMEN!

    We women are PRISONERS OF WAR - the Gender War. It is our DUTY to try & escape. But instead of doing so most women kow tow, bend & bow to the ENEMY - the one that enslaved us - which is the men who have status, money & power. 

    You might say as an argument that women do most of the charity & volunteer work - they do help the poor, the sick, orphans, animals & etc. That is TRUE. But charity BEGINS AT HOME & home would be HELPING WOMEN. To do good to those mentioned doesn't in any way compromise their affairs with men- it isn't a challenge or threat to Patriarchy. But to work FOR WOMEN is a challenge & threat to Patriarchy - & this they want to avoid! 

    This is an UPHILL BATTLE for me & you - William. Our only friend is Pete & one time - Freyja who is no more {she will return however.} 

    OK this EXPLAINS why Mother God had to choose & send me to do this work! They say God has so few friends, She takes what She can get. I'm but a lowly human to this society, as She has chosen the lowly time & again. Hear this from the Magnificat of Our Holy Mother {abbreviated}:

    "My Soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord

    My Spirit rejoices in God my Savior

    She has mercy on those who fear Her

    She has shown the Strength of Her Arm &

    has scattered the proud in their conceit

    She has cast down the mighty from their thrones

    & has lifted up the lowly

    She has filled the hungry with good things

    & the rich She has sent away empty"


        OK so here is our WAR CRY! It is GOD that will defeat the enemy, scatter the proud in their conceit, smash the thrones of the mighty {on earth}, bring up the lowly {humble}, the righteous, fill them with good things & smash all the devices of the devil, his legions & his henchmen on earth. God will win & we are Her agents. We are soldiers, Generals in the Army of Mother God, they are the legions of the wicked. There is more strength in an ounce of God than a million tons of evil. 

    So what I do I must keep the BIG PICTURE in mind - what She has told me, what all the Saints have told me - that in the end there will be great fame, mney & a movie. Through this I will build the New order, the Religion for Women on earth. I have NO IDEA how I will do it but God told me to TRUST IN HER & the rest wil follow. I must not despair or get frustrated by the details of this world, the potholes in the road, some big, some little - just keep moving ahead, my mind on the prize.

    David had slain a lion & a bear in defense of his sheep - I have done so. God then Anointed him for Goliath! He did not anticipate HOW, but he knew his sling shot would do the trick.

    What is my sling shot Mother God? My weapon I have used before?

    It is WHO I AM - the very thing I am downtrodden for, abused, misused & misunderstood for - the adult trade. And along with that, the physical beauty God gave me. Durga beguiled Mahishasura {the demon of Patriarchy} that way - she beguiled him by her beauty but it wasn't enough - She had to turn herself into Kali the Killer to deal the final blow/s. The MALE GODS, say Buddha & Jesus - could not stop Mahishasura! They HAD TO call on the FEMALE GOD! It gets intense, the sages knew it thousands of years ago - the future.

    And so I must ignore my human emotions in this quest, just deny them as nothing. Keep my mind on the Absolute, the finish line, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the Power of God, Her word cannot fail. Of course demons will jump up & down & put barriers in the way - expect that. But await the victory of God, which is INEVITABLE. Hasn't It prevailed before? So it will again. 

PS I am also aware – maddeningly – how women will change when the course of the wind changes. When Matriarchy begins to blossom they will come out of the woodwork saying they were for it all along – look what a good girl I’ve been – look all I’ve done in favor of it {which will be peanuts.}

This they did after female bodybuilding was launched. When I was all alone they didn’t help me. When men took it into their arena & began promoting it, they lined up for its benefits, anything for the REWARDS & SCOFFED AT ME! Yes, they even denounced me as non-representative of them as I had POSED NUDE – “She isn’t of our serious status - immoral nudity, just tits & ass” was the more or less complaint as they juiced up with illegal drugs for the muscles.

In the same way I must not anticipate ‘rewards’ from most women {there will be some, here & there, who congratulate me privately} when I succeed or Matriarchy appears {in little ways in my lifetime}.

The Joan-come-latelys again line up for BENEFITS & crowns! Oh, ‘I’m safe now, must gain CREDIT for what Rasa has done as if I DID IT!’

So now I AM ALL ALONE. Freyja Derrickson commented she could not understand why I hadn’t been given CREDIT for all I had done! Freyja it is because they don’t want to EMPOWER me! - Or women. It’s the prosecution & defense. The prosecution does not concede to the defense of the righteous - they pretend the one on trial was guilty even after they are exonerated - they just leave the premises admitting nothing. And so IGNORING ME after I succeeded was one of the ploys of the enemy – writing me out of history! They’ve done this to women forever. It’s HIS story or NOTHING.

My endeavor now will be to stay close to Mother God – WANT NOTHING from the world except HER victory. Let HER win, I am but the vessel – She is the Power. I am CLAY, She is eternity. So I must not lower myself to the world & it false standards or fruits or rewards or kudos or anything – forget the world, eliminate it from my cosmology – it is but a figment of time, a small occurrence in our illusion of time & space. But what God wants, that is the big picture & the long run.

To God be all the Glory!         Rasa



  1. Amen to that, Rasa! Very well-said, Mother God shall prevail. And through Her, so shall you. This one came out excellent as usual, with great artwork and plenty of cute fuzzies as well.

    Best of luck with everything. And just in case I forget, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well. 😊🐱🌲🎄🤶🎅🌲🎁✝️🌲


  2. I don't know if you remember, Rasa, but a couple years ago I had discussed the concept of the "Overton Window" of political or social acceptability, albeit in a different context. Most Women, just like most men, are unfortunately loath to venture outside the Overton Window, and you and the movement are clearly outside of it at present. But what this book will do, sooner or later, is shift that Overton Window, marginally at first then dramatically, so then more Women will feel comfortable enough with it, God willing.

  3. I do not recall this 'Overton Window' & should hear more about what it is. Thanks Ajax, Rasa
