Monday, 9 December 2024

Why God is a Woman; Book


Nearly every modern religion claims that God is male. It’s true that Hinduism has goddesses but Brahma is the primary creator god, responsible for the origin and sustenance of the universe. It’s also true that Buddhism doesn’t have a main creator God and is vague about it’s true nature. But Buddha is worshiped by his followers as God even though he claimed he wasn’t a god. So why don’t we have any religion today that claims that God is female. The reason is more to do with politics rather than with religion. As Joseph Stalin the infamous dictator of the USSR, once famously said, dismissively of the power of the Pope. 

How many divisions does the Pope have? 

Pointing out that political power supported by military power is more powerful than religious power in our world. In the whole of recorded history it has been men who have ruled our world and so it has been male rulers who far greater influence over type of religions we have. So if male rulers want a male god to be the creator god, then priests know it’s in their own best interest to follow wishes of their political rulers. 

But if we don’t consider the political reasons why god is male. It makes far more sense that God is female than male. The reason for this is that nature of the masculine is aggressive and competitive. This leads to conflict, hatred, violence, war and chaos. So a world created by a masculine God would be totally chaotic. But this is not what scientists find as they look at the universe through large telescopes, they seen a orderly world of stars, planets and galaxies which reflect more the nature of the feminine, which is love, nurturing, harmony and order. I explain this in the first chapter of my book.-


The key to this understanding was something I read on the internet that got me thinking. And this was:

Gaia is the primordial goddess of the Earth in Greek mythology. She emerged from Chaos, the void of infinite space, and is considered the supreme or mother goddess by both immortals and mortals. All gods and goddesses are descended from her and through her.

When we take away the male role in creation we can immediately answer one of the question that atheists ask, and that is: “Who created God.”  If we believe we live in an infinite universe. (I know many scientists hate that concept), that at one time it was a sea of chaos. But within that chaos was infinite possibilities. This means that within this chaos all possible combinations of energy will emerge. So one of these combinations of energy produced the first spark of intelligence and self-awareness. 

This is not much different from how atheistic scientists claim life got started on Earth, from something they call Abiogenesis. No scientist has been able to produce life from non-living matter so it’s just a theory, but there are many theories on how this happened. Like; Primordial Soup, RNA World Hypothesis, Iron-Sulfur World Theory, Panspermia and Hydrothermal Vents. But all of these theories claim it happened through a chance mix of chemicals within the right conditions.

There is also; The Infinite Monkey Theorem. Which is a thought experiment first introduced by French mathematician Émile Borel in the 1920s. Where he suggested that a infinite number of monkeys hitting typewriter keys at random would eventually write the complete works of Shakespeare. Many people have been sceptical about this. But it has been tested with modern computers and it has been shown that random typing has produced meaningful sentences and even works of Shakespeare. So if that can happen with just a computer in a tiny planet in the vast universe, then a infinite universe can create far more, and bring intelligence into being. 

So how do we know that the first spark of intelligence and self-awareness was female? We know this from the behaviour of men and women. The characteristics of the masculine is aggressive and competitive. This leads to conflict, violence, warfare and finally chaos. So even if a masculine spark of intelligence did emerge out of the sea of chaos, it couldn’t last very long. Because it would try to compete and fight against the surrounding chaos, which will only make it worse. So it will end up being adsorbed back into the chaos where it came from. Whereas the characteristics of the feminine, is love, compassion, harmony and oneness. So a feminine spark of intelligence wouldn’t try to compete or fight against the surrounding chaos and would not make it worse. She would instead try to bring order and harmony out of the surrounding chaos. Then by doing this she would grow larger and larger until she is able to bring order to the universe.

But having said this; when male religions attempt to give male gods a role in creation, they are not completely wrong. The nature of the masculine does lead to conflict and finally chaos, so the sea of chaos is masculine in nature. But it was the feminine that brought order and harmony to the universe, but not completely. Chaos still persists and without the Great Mother, we all will drown in the sea of chaos from where we came. 

But when the Great Mother became self-aware she became lonely and wanted companionship. So from the surrounding chaos she began to produce other intelligent entities like herself. But because she was creating these new entities from chaotic energies, none of them were exactly the same and some were deficient in some ways. Because some of them lacked intelligence and others lacked the ability to love. The ability to love was important to the Great Mother because a loving intelligence can easy merge with other loving intelligences. So they could form a collective whole, of love and harmony which is the Great Mother. Which means they are in a bubble of unconditional love that protects them from the surrounding chaos. But an intelligence that doesn’t know how to love is masculine and on it’s own. It cannot merge with the Great Mother as the vibration frequencies are incompatible. It cannot even merge with other unloving intelligences as they will end up fighting against each other. Adding to the chaos surrounding them and making it more likely for them to drown in the sea of chaos. 

There came a time when the Great Mother felt sorry for the masculine intelligences who were emerging but would eventually drown in the sea of chaos. So attempts were made to save them. So a world was created where the masculine and feminine could meet. This was material three dimensional worlds like our planet Earth and the idea was that male and females souls would come together in three dimensional material bodies. So female souls would teach male souls how to love. But a reason had to be created, for males and females want to relate to each other. So sex was invented, so men would be attracted to women for sex and it was also used as a means of reproduction. 

But the relationship between men and women have proven to be difficult. In the beginning of this attempt, men would see women as teachers and try to learn from them. But the nature of men is competitive and aggressive and so men then competed with women for power. For a long time the Great Mother prevented men from doing this but finally she gave into men’s demands to be allowed men to take over and rule the planet, because that’s what men wanted…


My book has also talked about the Fine-turned universe which gives scientific proof of the existence of God. I also explain importance using religion to teach love. The only religion today that directly teaches that is Christianity but there is a problem with having a loving male god. We see this in the image of Jesus Christ who comes across as a wimp and not a real masculine man. This is why a loving female God makes far more sense. Ancient pagan religions always had Goddesses of love like Venus, Aphrodite and Ishtar. We all need to learn how to love to become one with the Great Mother and if we don’t do this we will end up being adsorbed back into the sea of chaos. But we can only learn how to love from the feminine and not the masculine. 


  1. Well-said, William. Shout it from the rooftops! This one came out excellent as usual. Don't forget to share your wisdom on FB as well!

    Best wishes and keep up the great work 😊

  2. HEAVEN IS PEACE 12-9-24

    this is a KEY sentence re the NATURE of male vs that of female: "But an intelligence that doesn’t know how to love is masculine and on it’s own. It cannot merge with the Great Mother as the vibration frequencies are incompatible."
    This goes perfectly with my theory that the 'Lucifer to Satan' is not abut angels but MEN ON EARTH. It shows that the male nature is one of EXCLUDING GOD, shutting oneself off from HER. What then is LEFT? And that is the nature of men, what they have DETERIORATED into over millennia - they are encased in EGO, SELFISHNESS LACK OF CARING, INTOLERANCE, PRIDE, all of this in the words Lucifer says to God {which is the Female God/Priestesses, women} "I am THE GREATEST ANGEL, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, & I WILL NOT SERVE THIS GOD ANY MORE!" The GREAT REBELLION in Heaven is a quick synopsis of the over-millennia rebellion where for centuries, eons, men became more & more MACHO, women more & more PASSIVE & the domination flipped from women to men. And then the chaos begins.
    BTW I don't believe in the scientists constantly talking re chaos - You point out here how harmonious, orderly & mathematically, physically, the Universe is. The Universe did not come out of anything nor did it arise or get born out of anything, it ALWAYS WAS & ALWAYS WILL BE there is no TIME in the Infinite Universe where things are begotten or die {no absolute death, only CHANGE from one thing to another}. And this is what God is - the Infinite Universe which is both physical & spiritual. In the Christian religion this {rebellion} is seen as DEMONIC - which you don't believe in but I do - & I agree that demonic is a good term for what SOME - not all - men became - the Myth says ONE THIRD. So here we have similarities in our belief. And your definition of the feminine nature is agreed to by myself, as it is the nature of God & the nature of how we SHOULD be as taught by Buddhism & Christianity {IMO with good evidence Christianity is a form of Buddhism.} PEACE is a major word to describe happiness & Heaven - my recently ascended soul Queen Elizabeth II describes the most apropos word for her state in Heaven is Peace. And this is the OPPOSITE of what we have in Patriarchy................from Rasa Von Werder – thanks for the great writing William, I’m eager to put your articles into the books.
