Wednesday 1 December 2021



11-29-21 Souls in Purgatory & My Spiritual Husband Dreams


          First – the souls.  I knew at once they are reaching out to me & before anything I said 3 Masses {in real life}.  They are suffering because in the last 10 days or so I have neglected to say the Holy Mass 3 times - Just laziness, neglect.  They have been appearing this month to me FEASTING which means they are receiving but I was too busy to write it down.  Now they are STARVING.


          Dream:  I am on a street, quite wide, about a block long, out of the way – no traffic.


*** STREET NO TRAFFIC:  I am in PURGATORY.  No traffic is no one is reaching them there unfortunately. ***


  I am just standing toying with something in my hand like a phone & in front of me is a scene like a group of people, maybe a family, explaining themselves somehow.  It’s like a scene of a miniature building, like symbolic.  One man is to the front & he’s saying how they got by through not eating for several days.  He shows me a female to the back, in a window, in a dress that has sort of dull orangey colors & you can see her torso sticking out - & he says they somehow endure their torsos {this is strange} burning or some such sensation, from starvation, but they can handle it for 3 days or so – he says they are all enduring it - & they can endure it.  The man is the representative of this group or family, I feel they are Latins maybe from a poor hood like I used to live in in B’klyn.


*** MAN REPRESENTS FAMILY, POOR NEIGHBORHOOD – ENDURING STARVATION – HE IS AFFIRMING THEY CAN STAND IT, ETC:   This poor man, who represents a group of Souls, their spokesman – is saying how they are suffering due to not having received our Holy Lord’s & Lady’s Body & Blood for 3 days – he’s assuring me they can take it, but this is a message to me they are suffering without it.

POOR NEIGHBORHOOD is PURGATORY.  They are called Poor Souls.

Sense-image material is I’ve just seen documentaries re elephants in this desert where they can go without water for 4 days. *** 

          I then leave to the right as I must go somewhere, & am standing in front of my building in B’klyn & to my left I see a very old mother with her grown son, the son is retarded.  She is helping him get into the building – he’s lost his key.  I’m holding a key to get into mine – they seem to be in the next building, & it’s flat like not made of real metal but a sort of metal so thin it bends.  The son she is helping has on a raincoat, he’s big, she’s small, & he’s so retarded he can’t function without help.


          *** VERY OLD MOTHER BIG RETARDED SON:  This sounds like an old lady helping a young adult male in Purgatory, either a Grandma or an old lady praying or having Masses said for a soul.  He can’t help himself – none of them can.  He lost his key – what is the key to?  Paradise?  I am holding my key also, they are in the next building  just like mine. It has a slot in the middle, like 2 grooves on the sides.  This implies, if this is Paradise, that when I say Masses for Souls, I am also opening the door to Paradise for myself.  Why is the key thin metal that you can bend?  Must think. *** 


          Then another scene.  I am leaving the street I live on in the country, on my way to our little town. I pass a forlorn young man sitting by the side of the road, he’s on a low stool.  Around him are colors of yellowy, gold, like clumps of small crumpled flowers or something hard to describe.  He’s looking down.  I feel sorry for him & say hello but he doesn’t look up or see me.  I decide I will speak to him later & I do, on my way back.


          *** FORLORN, LIKE SMALL CRUMPLED FLOWERS ALL AROUND HIM, YELLOWY, GOLD HE SITS ALL ALONE LOOKING DOWN:  This is the usual scene when someone dies.  Everyone at the funeral & shortly thereafter claiming all their love for this person, but within weeks they have all forgotten him or her & they are alone, forsaken.  But I reach this young man & greet him & he is made happier.  I do speak to the Souls during the mass with my special message & it consoles them.

          Besides that, in real life, I have made a decision to greet as many people as I can when I go shopping, & either say a kind hello or ‘how are you’ & this does lift their spirits as mine are lifted when someone greets me.  I can transfer these acts of kindness to help the Poor Souls. *** 

          This time as I pass his area in front of him somehow, I call out hello to him & he looks up.  I say some pleasant greeting, like I wish him a good day, & I think he answers.  He looks happier now that someone cared about him.  His feeling was like this:

          “I am a nobody, insignificant, no one cares about me.”





          After that someone & I are walking on the road back to the house, right past the extreme curve where it starts off the main road.  I come upon some rocks on the right, some of which are white like shiny ceramic, & in the middle of them is a substance that is not rock like, you touch it, knead it, it’s softish, but yet part of the rock.  I ask my companion to touch it.  Then I find more rocks & each one looks more & more like natural figures somehow appeared on/in the rocks, like ceramic statues, but they are rocks.  After a while the figures on these rocks become more & more precise or life like, where at first they were ambiguous like images of animals & such, but now they are getting more & more like really ceramics someone made – all white.  I tell my friend we’re going to carry this collection back to my house {which is a few miles} wondering if we can hold all of them as we don’t have any satchels, but I think we have pockets.


          *** WHITE ROCKS WHERE FIGURES ARE FORMED THAT ARE BECOMING MORE & MORE EXACT, STARTING AMBIGUOUS, NOW GETTING TO LOOK LIKE SCULPURES, TEY ARE PRECIOUS TO ME, I WANT TO TAKE THEM TO THE HOUSE:  These are clues, signs, indications concerning the marriage of Bob & myself is ‘like a rock’ or solid, steady.  The soft substance within the rock could mean VAGINA which doesn’t feel like a rock, but is part of the marriage.  The scenes, clues concerning our being together are getting more precise each day.  I’m getting more answers from gurus & picking up his mind, all sorts of clues & signs every day. ***





          Have been having dreams re my ex lover that show he is thinking of me positively very strongly these days.


          I see him here & there looking different & seem to communicate, but suddenly I see him right in front of me, looking exactly like ‘this is him, the one, as he really is’, wearing a cotton shirt with short sleeves, it’s white with maybe thin large black checks or some other such design over it.  We both smile with joy & acceptance when we see each other.  He’s behind a table.  He’s tall & very thin.


          We get close to each other & now we’re on a dance floor, holding each other so close our faces are within inches, he quite a bit taller than me.  It’s so intimate, so warm & wonderful.  We have a lot to talk about & we’re talking, he’s oblivious to our surroundings & the people who can see us.  It’s like we’re on the dance floor alone & I see a man & others behind him looking, everyone can see we’re intimate, the way we’re talking so close, so friendly.  It’s obvious we are a couple.


          And what is unusual is this time he doesn’t care about people seeing that he & I are a couple, he no longer cares.  And that is important.


          *** TALKING SO CLOSELY, FACES INCHES AWAY, WARM EMBRACE, ETC:  Without my knowing at the time of this dream Bob put on social media a message to me indicating he wants me back – but he phrased it so strangely that no one could know what it means for sure except me or someone who knows he loves me & wants me back.  “Come back” are words within the message.  Some of his friends obviously know he’s talking to & about a female not his fake wife, {and some of them know we had a serious affair}.  I was told he feels like a duck inside a nest high up in a tree – there is such a thing.  And getting out of that house is desirable & difficult.

          So this embrace here is in public view to some people & he doesn’t care, & that’s important. ***


          As in the next dream, there’s nothing lustful about this, it’s the purest love you can image, True Love, true acceptance, letting all conflicts, misunderstandings go, just two people that have not seen each other for years & now only have eyes for each other, a perfect reunion.



11-24-21 Lover’s Intimate Hug & Kisses


          I’m in a room & there are a few people around.  One of them is Ruthie, my spiritual husband’s fake wife – she’s up in front.  I see Bob, the husband, kind of walking or pacing back & forth behind me to the left. 

          *** BOB PACING BACK & FORTH:  Is the physical appearance of my true husband being frustrated & like a tiger in a cage, pacing in his house with his fake wife there.  His METAPHYSICAL self or spiritual, emotional, unseen self, approaches me & merges with me in True & strong love.  He is doing this publicly {in his mind} in front of her & others is it’s coming out into the open in his consciousness, what he really feels.  He can’t lie to himself so easily any more or put up a fake front that he is OK with the situation with her, apart from me.  His natural desire/yearning is becoming more & more conscious. ***


          There’s a partition to my right & I’m standing in front of it, it comes up maybe to my waist, I’m a facing it.  Suddenly a colored young man, tall, comes up behind me & embraces me so lovingly.  It’s like a forbidden love, because of this Ruthie person in front, like he is Bob but Bob is still pacing behind us, but yet, we are admitting in front of everyone, it’s him & me, & no one else.  It’s so vivid it’s more of a vision than a dream.  The feeling is this,


          “In real life I’m supposed to be hooked up to this Ruthie lady, but yet, I love you, & I’m now going to embrace you in front of everyone no matter what.  Let them see, I don’t care any more.  The lie is over.”


          *** THE LIE IS OVER:  He is getting more & more ready to leave her & be with me – which has been predicted forever, it’s just getting closer. ***


          And then our faces face each other, even though he’s behind me, & there’s an intimate kiss, & our tongues meet.  But there is nothing lustful about this, its pure love, acceptance.  There’s a big difference between love & just plain lust. 







  1. This one also came out very good overall, Rasa. Very interesting and auspicious insights here. The artwork and fuzzies go great with it as well.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work :)

