Tuesday 14 December 2021



12-12-21 Amazing Man Transforms my Entire Life—Aunt Visits Me in White Rolls Royce


         This dream was so strange & unusual I did not even record it, but couldn’t get it out of my mind.

          There’s a man who TRANSFORMS my life in an unusual way.  It’s like he forms a HUGE BUSINESS like let’s say a giant department store.  It’ so huge & POWERFUL, but it seems to stand like AIR around it but it isn’t just AIR it’s a BUSINESS but seems to have no WALLS.  But this business contains MY LIFE inside it, my real life, & what it does it solves every problem  I have, it makes me INVINCIBLE like I am standing INSIDE this business, & anyone or anything that comes up against me is obliterated or evaporates, DISABLED is the word.

          It’s a God-like thing, like myself being in a kind of Heaven.  This man is so POWERFUL, like a multi-billionaire but beyond that.  Nothing can now affect me, hurt me, attack or assault me because this business is kind of like supernatural & it is around me, I am inside it.  It’s an invisible shield, but it’s real.

Below, Clark Gable,  Audrey Hepburn, man with pet Teddy Bear


MEANING:  After thinking a full day my inner voice said this is the story of my life.  The MAN who creates it is a producer but this is not ‘ordinary man’ stuff it is EMPOWERED BY THE SUPERNATURAL who will take my life & turn it into a HUGE BUSINESS.  This man, moved by Grace, will facilitate my life to turn it into some kind of business like movie or TV series, something IN THE AIR which is electronic vision – ‘on the air’ is when a show goes LIVE ON TV or radio, AIRWAVES.

          This will solve ‘all my problems’ which are basically emotional – not getting recognition or affirmation throughout my life, for what I have done, what I have lived.  Now no one will be able to HURT ME again.


          From another perspective, no one will be able to STOP BY ASSAULT, CRITICISM or ANY NEGATIVE FORCE this occurrence of having your life produced & turned into a HUGE BUSINESS.

          The sense of supernatural is that this is God’s Will, God’s Grace – it is God who makes this happen.  God surrounds you within the project, God is INVINCIBLE, so you feel the same way once this thing happens.  No one can touch you. 

Below, the magnificent Gene Tierney, Eva Maria Saint, Errol Flynn- his wife-Rita Hayworth-Orson Welles, Bride of Frankenstein Elsa Lanchester

          The other dream is my aunt is with me – she usually represents PUNISHMENT & PAIN.  She has some kind of a large convertible Rolls Royce, pure white, filled with baggage, & I’m in it with her, & she’s driving it backward so fast I’m screaming for her to stop.

          Then she & I are walking home to my house over snow from the woods.  She takes a path that is not direct; I am on the right path & show her, she veered off too much left, looks OK, but I am more EXPERIENCED to walk home, she’s wrong, I’m right.  There’s a woods behind us, we have cleared them & large open vistas are before us then my house a couple thousand feet ahead.  She then comes to my path.  It’s an idyllic vision, my house, set in the country, with wide vistas of lawn around it, it’s slightly up hill.  Everything is so beautiful & charming.

          In another scene I was dancing & lying on my back looking at my legs & feet & I was wearing sandals with beautiful pink flowers & jewels, the pink flowers had long thin petals, a decoration, not real flowers but made of material.  I was having fun.  Someone was criticizing me but I didn’t listen.

    Here I am age 65 dancing to Luis Armstrong.  Discovered a bonanza.  God did a MIRACLE.  All my 425 videos from that time - 2008 to 2010 were accidentally deleted {by me, an amateur in computers, long story}......I prayed for a miracle for years, to restore them, & that miracle transpired with 93 suddenly appearing in an abscure file I just found this month.  Merry Xmas.  I think they're all dancing, but I'm only looking at them when I upload them here.  Will be uploading one with most posts, so enjoy.  Also, I always think I look old, ugly & fat, but seeing this I can discern why women hate me because even as an old lady I have what it takes, what men like.  And women feel threatened.  That is why I can't get women to join me in fighting for our rights - they are too JEALOUS. 

MEANING:   your aunt is the DELAY in your marriage; she symbolizes being taken backwards, not forwards, for the marriage with Lover Bob.  The white Rolls says marriage. {In most my dreams white represents it}  Why is it a Rolls Royce & why convertible & it’s filled with baggage?

          Being convertible is you can SEE what the DELAY is for you & him to be married – it’s the BAGGAGE.  This is IMPEDIMENTS – like his fake wife, lowlife friends, age difference & drug addiction.

         Rolls Royce represents something COSTLY & VALUABLE, the most expensive vehicle.  Your affair with him has been costly in terms of SUFFERING, but it is also VALUABLE in that it is True Love & brings many benefits.   

          And then, you see home, you’re almost there.  She symbolizes taking a longer left handed path – not a good or fast way to reach the ideal place of comfort / success – home {home is where the heart is}.  But you’re on the right path, you straighten her out & now she follows you.  This says you are on the path to happiness – being with Bob - & she is the slow / indirect road, but she is no longer on it, she is following you.  So this predicts the relationship with Bob will happen soon.  The pain-punishment force has been made right, not going backward, not going left – the long path, the bad road backward.

          The feet with decorated shoes people criticize but you don’t pay attention?

    Here I am with animals, always feeding them.  In the last years like 10 years or so I spend thousands of dollars a year feeling wild animals, from bees to bears.

          Feet represent WHERE YOU GO.  Shoes are ‘walk a mile in my shoes’ which mean ‘experience what I have.’  It is your lifestyle, what you do.  Since you’re lying on your back & happy, & the PINK flowers with thin spikes are there, this is SEX. Why spikes?  Could be getting ‘spiked’ or having a penis inserted, symbol of that. The jewels are like ‘the jewel in her crown’ which was India for Queen Victoria, her BIGGEST CONQUEST.

          Your huge conquest is achieving this relationship, an incredibly beautiful young male – you in your old age - he loves you & wants to have sex with you.  People criticize this because of the age difference, but you don’t care – you are happy.  {What business is it to anyone else?}


1 comment:

  1. Excellent work, Rasa! This one came out great as usual, very positive signs, with great artwork and of course plenty of fuzzies. I will be sure to share it.

    Best wishes, and keep up the great work,

