Wednesday 1 December 2021



Letters from William Bond to Rasa Von Werder & Ajax the Great re Matriarchy Issues

 Hi Rasa

When I read your last message I wasn’t sure how to respond to you, so I have taken time to think it through before replying. Yes, we do disagree on many different points and arguing about them is not going to get us anywhere.  So I suppose it is better to focus on the areas we do agree and that is, why women should rule the world.


Rasa says:  Indeed I hate arguing, just a discussion.  The things we will remain firm on either way, we will not change each other.  So I have always remained your ally for what we agree on.  I might add there are so few of us Matriarchal fighters, we must stick together.


William says:  This is why I didn’t comment on your second coming idea because I personally don’t think that is likely to happen. But even if Jesus did return, he would still meet the same opposition has he did the first time and this time will mostly come from the leaders of Christian religion.


Rasa says:  There it is – you MISUNDERSTOOD what I said.  The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is NOT A MAN.  It is the PRINCIPLES for which He stood – which are MATRIARCHY / TRUE LOVE, CARING, BENEVOLENCE.  And so when he returns He does so in the form of WOMAN POWER.  I thought I made it clear that’s what I believed.  You say ‘He will get the same opposition – this time from Christians.’  No, She will get & is getting opposition – we are – Matriarchy, since its departure for thousands of years, has been opposed so badly they don’t even admit it once existed.  But right now it is emerging, slowly but surely, Matriarchy is INEVITABLE as human men are going extinct {which you don’t believe in but it’s preached by the world’s leading geneticist, Dr. Bryan Sykes.}  I BAFFLES me why you can’t accept this.



William says:   I agree it would help if women were more choosy about the type of men they had children with, but I don’t know how you would get women to do that. Apparently a lot of women are attracted to men who are criminals. My friend Pamela Suffield is an intelligent and sensible person and had a husband she totally dominated. Yet, she divorced him to marry a criminal and in the process lost her home and life savings. She then saw reason and got out of the relationship and tried to get back with her old husband but meanwhile another women had snapped him up. 


So the whole incident ruined her life, but I know Pamela is not alone in doing something stupid like this. There is something called the, Stockholm syndrome, where women are attracted to damaged men and think they can fix them. And as Pamela found to her cost, that may be impossible.


Rasa says:   I do recall that situation but can’t recall how did she lose her home & life savings? 

          Indeed, women have been choosing the wrong men now for a long time.  Criminals?  They are choosing ‘macho men’ or those that are more aggressive.  Many of those do end up as ‘bad guys’ in more ways than one – using women - & there are probably more criminals coming out of that type.

          In the old days aggressive men were necessary as they were to do the killing of animals for food – which women preferred not doing as they are sensitive & they also jumped into the fray when the wild animals all over the place might attack family & later livestock.  A more feminine man might be slow to jump into things where there’s risk & necessity for violence.  That was the OLD DAYS.

          Over a time of many thousands of years, some of the men became so macho that they stopped being obedient to women – I explained this – through breeding they  evolved into ‘Lucifer rebelling against God in Heaven & then being turned out & one third of the angels followed him.” 

          This to me is:

          “One third of men became DEMONIC.  They refused to follow the orders of women, they said they were equal or better than women & separated from them, no longer being helpmates.  In fact, as DEMONS gaining the spirit which ‘steals, kills & destroys’ they became hopelessly violent toward women & the entire human race, starting wars & slavery of those conquered.  This ‘one third’ of men became the type of men we suffer now – the leaders of the world, & they sadly commandeer other men & women to do their bidding, to obey them instead of Mother God & the females.”

          The problem here is you DON’T BELIEVE IN THE DEMONIC so to you this doesn’t hold water.  You also don’t believe in good & evil, which defies the logical mind, I don’t even know where to begin on that.




William says:   What has interested me lately, is why the Christian Church became so frightened of witches that they ended up torturing and murdering millions of women. Also, all patriarchal religions up until recently have banned women becoming priestesses or women priests. It seems patriarchy does greatly fear spiritual and magical women. And the reason might be because women can become powerful when using the power of the mind and spirit.


Rasa says:   They have ALWAYS been afraid of women, women are the powerful gender – they know it – the original creation, the original human, who CREATED MEN.  They are here rebelling AGAINST THEIR CREATOR ON EARTH & IN HEAVEN – Which is the exact formula given in the Myth,

          “he rebelled against God {the Creator} thinking he was beautiful enough to be worshiped.”

          It was women who made men as they are.  My theory the original human was able to create children the way Holy Mary did – parthenogenesis.  All the offspring would have been ‘female’.  The woman then decided to begin to maybe SUPPORT the more macho children, more aggressive until after say many thousands of years, some of the children became MEN.  Then she chose those who were more & more aggressive, or macho, now separate from herself with the ability to donate their DNA, we now we have sex instead of parthenogenesis, & we ended up with THIS – the problem we have now.  That is how men were created, by the superior creation who could procreate without help – women.  It was women who then made men & thereby made sex & the rest is history.

          This is my personal theory I’ve not heard anyone else claim except some indigenous cultures like Aborigines I think who said that humans were once one gender, then separated into two.



William says:   Yes, I know men can also use positive thinking and use it to harm others. But that only happens when people do not know anything about the power of the mind and are therefore are easy manipulated by those who do have this knowledge.  For instance, Hitler knew a lot about mind power and positive thinking and was able to use it to control a whole nation and then conquer Europe. But if a lot more people in Germany at the time also had knowledge of the power of the mind, he could have been stopped before he did too much harm. It is off interest that Hitler not only persecuted Jews but also Freemasons whom it seems, he greatly feared. 


Rasa says:  Positive thinking is based on FAITH.  There can be two kinds of faith, faith in good or faith in evil or selfishness.  Satanists have faith, but it’s in the power of Satan, or the evil force.  The evil force has its own path, the path that does not lead to Heaven.  Supposedly, Satan claims to give things to people & I suppose he does – in the short term.  But you forfeit your eternal claim to Happiness – when you ‘sell your soul to the devil’.  You get temporary whatever it is you want – wealth, power, prestige, but in the end it’s all taken away & you rot in Hell which is the absence of God/good as well as sensible tortures.

          In the positive thinking of a Godly person they see God as all good & God gives all good, but they do not give up their soul for the things of the world or temporary blessings.

          This is where I differ with Catherine Ponder, in that she does not stress enough how it’s important that we always add requests to God with the adage of ‘If it is your will.”

          Sometimes God wills for us to have tragedies, losses, pain & tortures, poverty, sickness & other calamities, because this will lead us to our greater spiritual good.  You do not want to forfeit the eternal to gain the ‘good stuff’ in temporary.  So God’s will is the cornerstone of my life & also the key to holiness.

          What the wicked use is more ‘mind over matter’ – a form of positive thinking.  They do not care about the will of God - only their own will.   Hitler & other tyrants who murdered so many did not consult with God for the answers, they used ‘mind over matter’ & or faith in the Evil One to get what they wanted.  You notice how everything Hitler wanted fell into shambles, as it always will, to those who do harm.

          So when you say ‘positive thinking’ you don’t explain what kind of thinking, but it is important to define the different ways people think & believe to get what they want or happiness.  There’s the good way or the evil way, things happen to those who believe – those who believe in evil & place mighty CURSES on others then needs the Power of God to remove.  But you don’t believe in good & evil so that would present a problem to you.


William says:  When I researched Freemasonry, what became clear to me is that they were a secret society that knew all about the power of the mind but kept it a secret from the public. This was because they knew that they had greater power, if only they had the knowledge of mind power but the public were ignorant of it. Fortunately, not all Freemasons agreed with this, and a few brave one leaked this knowledge to the public in the form of positive thinking books. Freemasons also helped Mary Baker Eddy to get Christian Science off the ground. And it was a Freemason, Gerald Gardener that started Modern Witchcraft which used many Freemasonry rituals.


Rasa says:  I know very little about Freemasonry & a decent amount re Christian Science.

          From what I have read of Freemasonry – I was given journals by a man who was a 33 degree Freemason – it seems to be an ego maniacal organization, where men want to replace religion with themselves as great Priests, leaders, who should be worshiped.  They use the term for leaders as ‘Your worshipful.’

          Their rituals are religious from what I can see but they don’t seem to rise to a Heaven above, they somehow stay with worshiping men.  They are a secret religion of man worship from what I read.

          As far as helping establish Mary Baker Eddy, maybe they did.  However, she got her ideas – most of them – from a man named QUIMBY.  He used his methods to heal her after a terrible fall on the ice where she was a semi-invalid.  She was cured.  She asked to borrow his manuscripts, which she did.

          Not long after that emerges Christian Science, & people ask her about Quimby, & she gives him no credit whatsoever.  To me that is a black mark against her.

          I believe the reason this religion became so popular for a while – Now it no longer is – was because she was able to confer on her students the title ‘Doctor.’  At that time, the late 1800’s – medical science was not an exact science & faith healing was strong – because material medica was not that helpful.  So for these students to put out a shingle saying ‘Doctor’ {of healing} drew clients – for a while.  After medical science evolved people lost interest in faith healing & the cures of Christian Science.



William says:  As I have pointed out before, men have all the advantages in the material world of greater size and strength as well as being more aggressive and competitive than women. But men don’t have these advantages in the mental and spiritual worlds. So this is why patriarchy has tried to ban women from becoming priests or using witchcraft, because these are the ways women can empower themselves. 


Back in the 1970s I was involved in witchcraft and then we had the concept of black and white witchcraft. The idea was a white witch only uses magic to benefit other and not herself. While a black witch was suppose to be evil because she used magic to benefit herself. This is the usual double standards, because he same restrictions where not placed on men in other occult groups, like Freemasonry. 


I have also pointed out that the true nature of God is feminine. Which means women have the advantage if we can create a matriarchal religion that worships a female deity. Because women will be more in tune with a Female God that what men can ever be. Again this was something I found out about Freemasons. The inner circle of Freemasons worship a Goddess, because they know that this is the true nature of God and that a male god is powerless, because it is a false god. That is why they encourage the people to worship male gods as they know it won’t benefit them.


So this is the point I’m trying to make. If women want to empower themselves they have to use the power of mind and spirit. I am aware that you do know all about the power of the mind Rasa and have successfully used it. And that seems to me the way to go. If women are to rule the world then they have to learn how to use mind power to gain wealth and power for themselves and by these mean can take over and rule our world….from William Bond


Rasa says:  I have been successful through my life because of my obedience to the Will of God.  I have two principal virtues in my being – they are Obedience to God & Zeal for the Kingdom of God.  These two virtues accomplished all that I did.

          When I was but a child of 9 years old I would pray for things including healings & they would happen.  I had faith, hope & trust in God.  Those are my keys to success.

          When I studied Catherine Ponder’s positive thinking I saw it as a lesser way of operation.  She taught me to organize my mind for what I wanted & affirm it through visualization charts & lists where I wrote down what I wanted & did not want.  I would consult my lists & visualization charts for myself & others to organize our minds for success.  None of it was evil, just innocent things you would ask God for.  To organize your mind toward what you want or don’t want is simply a technique of a way of prayer…………from Guru Rasa Von Werder  11-30-21  


Letters on 12-1-21

From Ajax the Great:


Good evening, Rasa and William.   Very well said overall.  I read what both of you said, and I do think you are both correct in different ways, to one degree or another.  There is a lot of nuance here, I can see.  I think all three of us agree on the vast majority of what each of us say, and that is the most important thing here.


About the Freemasons, I have heard all sorts of conspiracy theories about them, some crazy and some more sensible, and I honestly don't really know what to think of them.  I do know that most of America's Founding Fathers were Freemasons.  I personally know one former coworker of mine from many years ago, who told me he was a Freemason like his father, and probably his father's father, and so on.  I asked him some questions and he told me a bunch of things, most of which I actually forgot since then, that were quite interesting about them (if really even true, who knows?).  But the idea that they secretly worship a Goddess, I had never heard that one before, only from William.  That is quite news to me, as they seem to be far too male-dominated for that, though that could easily be the perfect covee.  Though I do recall reading once that they had VERY secretly allowed some unknown number of Women join as "Co-Masons" for centuries, often the wives of male Masons, long before they fully and openly accepted Women as Masons in some lodges in more recent times.  I had read they had some influence on the development of Wicca, presumably via Gerald Gardner, so that is indeed correct.



From William Bond:


Yes, I know Pete that I am alone saying that Freemasons worship a Goddess it is only what I have read in their symbology. The most well known is the Statue of Liberty which was made by French Freemasons It was originally was suppose to be the Goddess Isis and put in Egypt but for political reasons they had to change this and put it in New York instead. 


There does seem to be a resistance to the idea that God is Female. So perhaps instead of trying to tell the world about this, which doesn't seem to want to know. I need to meditate more and work with Her within myself. 


From Ajax the Great:


Indeed, William, I now recall how someone said that either the Masons (or some other secret society) secretly worship the Goddess "Columbia". And the Statue of Liberty was indeed based on the Roman Goddess Libertas, who was thought to have been based on the Sumerian (and then Babylonian) Goddess Ishtar, who then in turn later became Isis in Egypt.  So yes, I can see it now.  It all makes sense now.  Some conspiracy theorists who identify as Christian of course like to put a very negative spin on that (i.e. she is somehow the "Whore of Babylon" from the Book of Revelation, and stuff like that), but that just goes to show how utterly steeped in patriarchy these folks are.



Hi William & Ajax,

                            If I could give an intelligent view of Freemasons I would have to do a lot more study but am not sure if I have the time.  I only know what I read in journals given me by a hi up member.  I was not impressed.  As I said, it sounded like an ego maniacal male club, in the form of a religion where men represent God.  Indeed they did a lot of things like the Statue of Liberty you say?  And then there are rumors about the high-up ones being part of the Shadow Govt.  It is an organization of men, for men - I am not interested in the works of men because  the men who are our enemies, are men like this, who separate themselves from women & Lord it over them one way or another.  It's all about POWER. 


     And I also knew a Freemason who was elected Chief or whatever they call him one year - he dedicated that year to me, because he was in love & wanted to marry me.  They did a lot of good deeds like helping poor widows.  This man was a Muslim so there is no way I could marry a Muslim, even if I was infatuated, which I was not.  I had a Jew, Dr. Robert Atkins, ask for my hand & I did not marry him, one of the reasons - I could not forfeit my allegiance to Our Lord. 


     But what I am seeking - & William, you were not warm to this idea but it's an idea whose time has come - is for women to SEPARATE FROM MEN SPIRITUALLY, FORM THEIR OWN RELIGION/S & MEN ARE NOT ALLOWED EXCEPT AS FRINGE MEMBERS, NOT IN LEADERSHIP, NOT ON THE PREMISES.  This is what they have done to us because to separate as a gender from the opposite one, gives that gender POWER.  There is strength in BROTHERHOOD, as they have proven, & in SISTERHOOD.  They have BEATEN US by sticking together & we need to make a counter-assault through our separation. 


     Saint John-Paul II said THE WORLD IS CHANGED BY IDEAS & I am getting ideas from the Mind of Mother God that are new, revolutionary & will be EFFECTIVE when implemented.  Yes, we meditate like the saints & prophets, but after meditation we must present the fruits thereof, which will convict the wrong doings & empower the right.  If we remain in meditation forever we do not enter the dark world with our Light {not fully, although just meditating & praying is the office of some, the contemplatives, but some of the greatest world-changers were those who could do both active & contemplative modes.} 


    You seem to resist all my new ideas I have gotten from Our Holy Mother William, starting with the New Religion for Women Only.  It's like you cannot accept what I say because that would imply my being a leader, you a follower, & you have always been the leader in Matriarchy.  But maybe if you humbled yourself you could accept my new ideas.  But if you can't, fine.  I accept it as the Will of God, stay where  you are, do what you want to do, at least Ajax the Great understands the ideas & welcomes them.  It could be an age thing - you are my age, he is much younger & they say 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks' {so true, I tried to learn tap dancing & it was impossible, lol!} & so you remain a MONUMENT to Matriarchy, a Great Soul who was the FIRST to get it started on the web, but to me it seems, you remain like a statue, strong as granite, but no longer capable of change.  But you are still a great representative & your ideas opened up the field of Matriarchy, you are her-storical for all times.


    After googling the subject I found there are more than one Freemason style groups for women - the one I just read about, I've heard of since childhood, is the Order of the Eastern Star......from what I see it is 100% Christian in its orientation:


One of the unshakable tenets of regular, recognized Freemasonry is that it’s an organization for men only. Beginning in the mid-1800s, several groups for women related to Freemasons were created, with varying degrees of success.

The Order of the Eastern Star

The Order of the Eastern Star (OES) was created to be a Masonic-style organization open to women, without simply being a copy, parody, or rip-off of the Masonic degrees. The ritual of the OES is similar in structure to the ceremonies of the Masonic lodge, yet different enough that it can’t be called a simple rewrite.

The Order of the Eastern Star is open to men who are Master Masons and female relatives, spouses, and descendants of Master Masons. The Order’s teachings use characters from both the Old and New Testaments, and it is essentially a Christian-based organization, although non-Christians are certainly welcome to join. Like Freemasonry, only a belief in a Supreme Being is required. 

    There are others:

 Order of Women Freemasons 


Order of Women Freemasons

The Order was founded in 1908 as the Honourable Fraternity of Antient Masonry, and formed by a small group of me...


    But from what I read on Wikipedia I'd have to go further, as it doesn't explain their basics here, I simply will not dedicate my time to that, I must move on with my own work….

          I did do a bit more sleuthing & it claims that the basis of Freemasonry is character building, volunteer & charitable work.  One would have to join to find out if there’s anything else behind it I suppose - Or take some strong time for research which I will not do right now.  Some of the highest placed men, like members of royalty, are its leaders. The claim they gave over 51 million in charity in the year 2020.  William why did you get me into all this?  It has nothing to do with me or Matriarchy, really. 

    Bon Chance to my good Friends.............................Rasa

My latest book just been published, life story Part 5 on, Rasa Von Werder Spotlight:


1 comment:

  1. Excellent words and insights, Rasa and William. This one came out very good overall, and if I have anything to add I will do so later when I think of it. Thank you for including my letters here as well.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,

