Wednesday 6 July 2022

Chapter Nine – A Matriarchal World

 It should be obvious that the type of people we want ruling our world, are intelligent, caring and loving people. But under patriarchy all we ever have is corrupt, uncaring and even insane people rule our world. The novels, “1984” by George Orwell, “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley and “The Handmaid's Tale” by  Margaret Atwood are all warning of how terrible patriarchal rule can be. So while men continue to rule the world there is always the danger of totalitarian governments taking over.

Democracy is no defence again this, because politicians are too easily bribed by wealthy men to do their bidding. Instead of what the people who elected them want them to do. As Sir Robert Walpole the first British Prime Minister famously said in 1734, “I know the price of every man in this House except three.” And this is unfortunately, is what it’s like today as it was back then. Donald Trump in 2016 even claimed that politicians are cheap. 

This is because the type of men who is successful in politics are generally devious and easy corrupted. So we find that male dominated government care very little for the people they rule. Throughout history they will settle any differences between other countries through warfare. They always rule through a hierarchical system where the alpha males have all the wealth and power and will impose poverty or even slavery onto the people.

Women on the other hand have very different instincts. They have maternal and nurturing instincts and therefore want to care for children, the sick, elderly and animals. And if we had matriarchal governments then they would want to care for the people they rule. A true matriarchal government wouldn’t want to see any child in the country they rule, live in poverty and ignorance. 

It is true we do have more female politicians and even female heads of state nowadays. But unfortunately they have been a disappointment because they rule like men. Feminism is partly to blame for this because by claiming men and women are the same. Means that ambitious women think they have to behave like men and suppress their maternal instincts. Because they are told that love is a weakness in our dog-eat-dog world. Therefore they will more likely learn from Niccolò Machiavelli on how be a politician, rather then follow their feminine instincts. 

Yet, women’s maternal instincts can be a big help to women’s power if we did have true matriarchal governments. This is because if women rule in a loving and nurturing way and genuinely cared about the people they ruled. Then the people will not want any other type of government and would support it against any form of patriarchal government. And one successful matriarchal government will start a world-wide revolution as people in other countries will want the same thing. This  is how women’s maternal and loving instincts becomes a strength and not a weakness. 

This was shown with the death of Princess Diana. Although she had no political power she showed to the public she cared as she comforted Aids patients when their was a stigma about touching them and did the same with lepers. She also spoke out about homelessness people and championed the cause for clearing up land mines which the military never bothered to do after wars have finished. So this was why there was such a outpouring of grief when she died as people demonstrated that this was the type of person why wanted to rule their country. The same could be said of Evita Peron, she was just the wife of a dictator but she demonstrated she really cared and people responded to this. So even today in Argentina many people think of her as a goddess. 

This is why matriarchal political political parties may be better for women than trying to get ahead within patriarchal political parties. Women in a matriarchal party will be free to behave however they like, without worrying what male politicians and feminists might say. So they can say firmly that men are the submissive sex and give the reasons why, like men’s total obedience in the military. They also can tell people the benefits of matriarchal government and point out that women are more caring and loving people than men and so won’t see the need to suppress their loving feelings. 

The weakness of any matriarchal government is that it will have little interest in warfare. So it will probably neglect it’s military and military technology. Therefore it will be open to attack and invasion from patriarchal countries. But a military based on men’s femdom desires can solve this problem and can be controlled by dominatrix officers. The same method can be used for the police by having only women in the leadership of the police force. 

The only people who benefit from the patriarchal system is a small handful of alpha men. So it is in the interests of both men and women to work together so women can rule the world. And this is where the sacrificial man as portrayed by Jesus Christ and other sacrificial gods can be a big help. The problem that women have in gaining power within a patriarchal system is that they are not as aggressive and competitive as men. But men who have femdom desires can be just as aggressive and competitive as other men, even though they have submissive and masochistic desires towards women. So they can be women’s champions and be guide by chivalric rules. 

So women don’t have to, get their hands dirty, dealing with patriarchal men who are criminal minded. Femdom men can deal with men like this. We see this in the aristocratic patriarchal system. Aristocrats in the past were called gentlemen. This is because they were born into unchallenged power and so they had no need to be aggressive or competitive with anyone.  But they also had fixers who did their dirty work for them. And example of this would be the court of Elizabeth 1 she had men had to deal with Catholic plots against her or the treat of foreign invasion so she had to use men like William Cecil, Sir Francis Walsingham, Sir Francis Drake to protect her and the country she ruled. 

The problem of having these fixers in a patriarchal system is that the rulers were ruling over a system that was oppressing the people but had no idea what the outcome of their decisions were. This has always been the problem with the patriarchy. Because of its hierarchical system the people in charge had hardly any contract with the people they ruled. So they may make decisions that impose hardship and starvation to the people and be unaware that this was happening. The middle management who had to carry out their orders would know, but would only tell their rulers what they want to hear, to keep this jobs. 

This happened in Communist China after they first got into power. They adopted their first five year plan and one of the goals was to increase grain harvests. Instead it didn’t work out as planned and grain production fell, causing one of the worse famines in human history. But the reports coming to the Communist leadership was it was a over-welling success and so the policies remain the same and nothing was changed. This was because the people who was carrying out the orders from the leadership didn’t dare question them and only told the leaders what they wanted to hear. 

But this is not a unusual story as because of the hierarchical system that all patriarchal governments use, the people making the decisions are never in contact with the people at the receiving end of these decisions. And even if the leaders does attempt to find out the result of their decisions no one is going to tell them that their decisions are wrong, if they want to keep their jobs. 

In theory, the same thing could happen in a matriarchy but as it will be less hierarchical and the women in charge will have a greater interest in the people they rule, than male rulers. We know matriarchy will be less hierarchical because of what archaeologists have discovered in Neolithic towns and cities. Where the houses in these communities are very similar in size to each other. Unlike the later Bronze and Iron age communities which has large houses for the ruling elite, built at the expense of the common people. So the hierarchical system can be mapped by the size and type of houses in these communities. 

So a matriarchal society would be less hierarchical and women being better communicator than men would result in better communication between the different levels of society. This is why feminists claim that people lived in the last matriarchal age lived in egalitarian societies. But the houses do not tell as of the relationship between the women and men that lived in these houses. The idea that men and women were equal might make sense to feminists, but not to men. Men are more competitive that women and if men were given equal power in these societies then they would compete against women for more power and take over. 

The problem is that men are Jekyll and Hyde they will be very submissive if put into the subordinate position. But give them power and some will turn from being a Jekyll into a Hyde and compete against women for more power. The competitive instincts of men lead to dominance and submission behaviour and women have to recognise this. This is why women do need to became the aristocratic class so that only people born a woman can have any positions of power. 

The need to do this was illustrated by Napoleon Bonaparte. He was criticized for betraying the French Revolution by declaring himself Emperor, yet there were political reasons he had to do this. As the dictator of France he was always having to deal with plots by ambitious men to overthrow him. So he declared himself Emperor to put a stop all this, because if he was assassinated then his nearest relation would automatically be declared Emperor. So there was no point in anyone plotting against him, if they couldn’t become the leader. 

There will have to be strict rules about female rule. Some powerful women may want to have their sons or lovers in positions of power so rules have to be made to stop his. There have to be rules about men wanting to be women. Although it is true some men are very feminine in the way the think and feel and so want to be women. But if women become the new aristocratic class then there will be many alpha men who will be happy to have reconstruction surgery and hormone treatment just to get into powerful positions. Governments dominated by men dressed as women will lead us straight back to patriarchy once more. 

Femdom has been called a sexual perversion, but this doesn’t make sense, when we find that most men who go to a dominatrix don’t have sex with her. Also within the femdom scene there is cuckoo fantasies, chastity belts for men as well as going down on women. So these desires and fantasies seem to be more about denying femdom men any sexual pleasure, rather than giving them this. We find exactly the same thing in Taoist and Tantra sexuality where the man has to train himself to be used for the woman’s sexual pleasure at the expense of his own. 

The idea that femdom is all about sexual pleasure and fantasies for men can cause problems. Because women are then expected to act out these fantasies for them which undermines women’s authority. This is re-enforce by the relationship the Dominatrix has with her clients. He tells her his fantasies and she tries to act them out. So that skews the relationship completely because it means he is still in charge as he is telling the woman what to do. Whereas true femdom should be only about what women want, if it is true female domination. 

Femdom should be about men serving and worshipping women and doing everything they want because they love and adore women. Also a women cannot force men to obey them through violence. That only happens when the man wants to be beaten or he refuses to defend himself if a women is violent  towards him. Women can only dominate men because men are naturally submissive towards women and that is what the femdom scene brings out into the open. 

Patriarchal indoctrination has convinced us all that men are the natural dominant sex. And while we all believe this, then that becomes our reality. Because of this even if a man connects with his natural desire to be submissive to women, he will either suppresses it, or keep it secret. As the result his wife may discover she can easy dominate her husband but even she won’t talk about it in public. So if it is kept a secret, then people won’t know about it and so the men who are submissive to their wives, think they are unusual for being like this. Not knowing there are many other men out there with the same submissive feeling towards their wives.

The Bible refers to the people as sheep for a very good reason, people are very sheeplike in the way they behave. This is why Jesus and many other savour gods like Osiris were called ‘The Good Shephard’. The problem is with that is that male rulers have shown throughout history, to be really bad shepherds because they care so little for the people they rule. As we see in the wars and poverty they create. So male rulers with even the best of intentions are not a good idea. 

People do try and fit is with each other and be like everyone else. Anyone who seen to be different from normal behaviour can be ostracised from the group, ridiculed, bullied or even beaten up and murdered. This is why traditions can last many generations, long after they are useful. Things only change when some people are willing to be different and put up with ridicule, bullying and ostracisation, even at the risk of their lives and question the tradition. 

So if people won’t talk about men’s submissive behaviour, then no-one will ever question patriarchal indoctrination. It is femdom men who make their feelings known in a very public way, that make us question the idea that men are the natural dominant sex. Though this can only happen in western countries, a femdom man in any Islamic country could be murdered if he dared to publicly admit his secret. 

But femdom is not a new idea because we do see it in chivalry, Tantra, Taoism and sacrificial/savour gods like Jesus Christ. What is noticeable in all these gods is that none of them are macho men and come across as wimps. The exception perhaps might be Odin, as he only sacrificed himself for personal gain. But what is remarkable about the sacrificial/savour gods is although they don’t fit the macho man stereotype that patriarchy promotes they have always remained popular with the people. The concept of kind and caring man who heroically sacrifices himself does have a strong appeal. 

Jesus Christ is not your average macho man and is not the ideal man that patriarchy promotes, yet he is so popular with the people that patriarchal rulers have learnt not to interfered with his image. Because they are characteristics that everyone agrees they can admire. Even though we live in a world where men are still pressurised to be aggressive and look and act if they are tough guys. Though as previously pointed out, Jesus can be seen as a tough guy for putting up with torture, ridicule and crucifixion without complaint. Men are considered to be tough and macho if they can endure pain and suffering without complaint which is also what masochist men also do. Which suggests that a macho man is also masochistic. 

But things can change like we have seen in the homosexual community. Up until the 1960s it was a crime for a man to be homosexual and even when the law was changed there was still a stigma attached to gay men. So homosexual men could still be beaten up for the way they looked and were called all sorts of names like, queer, fairy, bent, fag, poofer and so on. Yet because so many of them were able to put up with public abuse and were willing to “come out” and be openly gay. So they had gay clubs and festivals and because people see this, social attitudes have changed. Though there are still parts of the world were homosexuality is still a crime, and gay men are murdered for being homosexual in some African countries.

Lesbians are similar, when Betty Friedan called Lesbians the ‘lavender menace’. Lesbians had ‘lavender menace’ printed on their tee shirts and turned up to feminist meetings wearing them. They will also call themselves dykes and queers and other insulting names people think up. Though it has to be said that lesbians don’t suffer the same amount of abuse and violence that homosexual men have had to put up with. 

There are many homosexual Christian priests and they do identify with Jesus even claiming he was homosexual and his disciple John was his lover. But just because a man is kind and gentle and not macho it doesn’t mean he is gay. Kind and gentle men can also be heterosexual. But whatever his sexual orientation Jesus he has been seen by many as the perfect man. The only criticism of him is that he is not macho enough which is the criticism that both gay men and femdom men receive. Although there are also many macho gay men and some of them beat up femme gays. What is interesting is that many homosexual men also find dominant women exciting. 

Most people don’t like being too different from others but can feel more secure and supported if they find a group of like minded people the same as themselves. A femdom Christian religion would be able to bring femdom out into the open and demonstrate it is not some strange sexual perversion but is the true nature of men. And if it become well known that all the patriarchal indoctrination about what they say about men and women, are all lies. Then the world would be a far better place. 

What is beneficial about the Christian religion was that it put forward the idea that God loves us all. But unfortunately this was only in the New Testament and in the Old Testament we still have the concept of a God who judges, condemns and punish us. Fortunately the idea that God does love us did catch on in some Christian sects like in 19th century USA with Christian Science. This Christian sect was founded on healing and how we can heal ourselves by a belief in God and mind power. 

In his lifetime Jesus performed many miracles as many sacrificial/savour gods did before him. Yet because men are further away from the Universal One than women. It is more likely that women would be a lot better at doing things like healing. So it is of interest that it was a women Mary Baker Eddy who started Christian Science. She even talked of a Father/Mother God which was very revolutionary back in those days. Though the concept of a Father/Mother God is being accepted within the Church of England and they now have women priests. As do a few other protestant Christian sects. 

Mary Baker Eddy claimed that God has the power to heal us because S/he is all-powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent. The problem with this concept is that why does S/he do? Even when we pray to God for healing. What religions don’t teach is that the Great Mother has granted us freewill which we exercise with every thought we think. So every time we say to ourselves, “I am ill,” then our wishes are granted, and we are ill. So healing can only come through changing the thoughts we keep telling ourselves.

The image of Jesus has also been a help in portraying Christian priests as caring people but there is a limit in how far you can take this within a patriarchal religion. But it could be taken a lot further in a matriarchal version of Christianity that worships a Loving Mother God instead of a Father God. Jesus sacrifice would then make a lot more sense if he sacrifices himself to the Goddess Sophia. So this symbolises men sacrificing themselves to women and the more men who do this, the more other men will realise they are not alone in their submissive desires.

A matriarchal religion should only have female priests or priestesses. And it would help a lot if some of them are mediums who can commutate with the spirit world. This should be the main aim of any religion of not relying on a revelation made hundreds or thousands of years ago, but keeping a active communication with the spirit world. 

The way people thirst for a Goddess religion is seen in the many Virgin Mary visions. The first vision we know about was in Walsingham which is in Norfolk in England. Very little is known of this vision but because the Virgin Mary was seen by a lady of the manor. She had the money to build a shrine to the Virgin Mary and because of this, the story of the vision survives. There has been other visions of the Virgin Mary in the middle ages but none authenticated and just vague references to them. 

The next famous sighting was in 1560 in Mexico by a 57 year old Aztec Indian. He saw the Virgin in the form or of a young Indian girl as he was walking pass a temple to the Aztec Mother Goddess. In spite of this unpromising beginning, he managed to convince the local Christian Bishop of the area that he did see the Virgin Mary. Although this was helped because there was a miracle where a picture of a woman appeared on a cloth, that the Aztec Indian had been carrying flowers. 

After this, there has been many more Virgin Mary sightings. The most well known has been in the 19th and 20th centuries when it was more likely that things like this, were recorded. The most famous of these, were at Lourdes in France, Knock in Ireland and Fatima in Portugal. The Catholic Church clearly do not know what to do about these visions, but do their best to exploited them for their own ends. And they don’t stop, Virgin Mary visions continue into the 21st century. 

What is strange about this is that although there has been visions of Jesus Christ they are not so common and don’t attract nearly the same amount of attention. It is the visions of the Virgin Mary that that gets people excited. Although officially, the Virgin Mary is not a Goddess, she is still worshipped like a Goddess and even called, “The Mother of God”. So are the visions and the attention they receive from so many people, a sign that people want to worship goddesses or the Great Mother once again?

Religion is under attack all over the world from atheists. The argument put forward by atheists, is that if God is a loving God, as written in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, why do we live in a world of suffering? After all, we do live in a world where there always a war going on in some part of the world. Where there is a enormous gap between rich and poor, causing billions of people to live in poverty and even die of starvation. So if we were all created by a loving God, why is he not coming down to Earth to solve all these problems? 

From this logic there is only two options. Either God doesn’t exist. Or God does exist but is indifferent to the suffering of our world. But perhaps the problem might be, is that what we are told about God from religions, might be completely wrong. The truth is, that religions have given God a bad name by completely misrepresented the true nature of God. Many Christian priests have used Old Testament teachings to frighten and terrify their congregations, so that many Christians called themselves, “god-fearing people”. To be frightened of God is a very negative way of viewing the world.

We are not taught that God loves us all unconditionally and is capable of giving us everything we want and desire. But to receive these blessings from God, we first have to first know and understand the true nature of God. The reason why religions don’t help us, is because they fail to tell us that God is a woman and the spiritual world is feminine in nature.

We can only find God by knowing that she is female and loves us all unconditionally. But she also has given us the gift of freewill and she will never interfere with it. So if we are deceived, then we can unwittingly use our own freewill against our own best interests. So when priests managed to deceive everyone to persuade and force people into worshipping the false gods they had invented, the people lost contact with the true God. This is what the priests wanted, so the people would come to them and not female mediums for help and guidance. But the priests turned out to be totally useless in helping the people and could only give them lies and excuses. 

 Women are more at home in the spiritual world than men. While men are more successful in the material world. We find that throughout history the most successful mediums, channels or psychics are women. But unfortunately patriarchal religions have condemned women like this and accused them of witchcraft and then murdered them. And in so doing they have cut off our connection to the true God which is the Great Mother.

We can see why men are more successful in the material world than women, because most mechanics, engineers, building workers and scientists are men. But also most soldiers, generals, criminals and murderers are men. It is true some women can or will do all these things, but as a general rule women are not as interested in any of this, as what men are. In much the same way men can be mediums but are never as good as women in doing this. 

In the past Goddess temples were destroyed along with their priestesses was because they only way patriarchal religions could compete against spiritual women. But now with the rise of science and technology people are turning their backs on religion and some atheists are predicting that religions will die out. This might be true while men continue to dominate religions. What could revive religions and is female dominated religions that worship Female Gods or Goddesses and have only a female priesthood or priestesses. Women find it far easier to contact and communicate with the spirit world, than men. So the spiritual world needs to be left in the hands of women and the material world in the hands of men.

But also men also need to be controlled and guided by women if we are to live in a more caring and loving world without wars and violence. Men have the intellect to invent exciting things like nuclear weapons and the rockets that can deliver them to their targets. Which are generally cities housing millions of people. So it needs women to point out to them, that this is a really bad idea.

In the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp, of the 1980s protesting against USA cruise missiles on British air bases. They had a slogan of, “take the toys away from the boys”. But women won’t be able to take away dangerous toys like nuclear weapons from men, unless they rule the world. 

So if we are to understand the Jesus crucifixion drama we have to see Jesus as representing Everyman. So to bring peace and harmony on Earth requires man to sacrifice himself. Either to the Great Mother of a Goddess like Sophia. So if men were to sacrifice themselves to women and let them rule the world, then a world of peace and harmony is possible. The problem is with that, is not everyone wants this. 

Those who are interested in NDEs. (Near Death Experiences) find that the same story is repeated over and over again. The experiencers leave the body and go through a long tunnel and then they come to a beautiful paradise of total oneness and unconditional love. This world is so wonderful that many people having these NDEs do not want to return to their bodies. This then creates a problem, and that is that if the world we go to, after we die, is so wonderful, why would we come live in a world of pain and suffering?  In one NDE experience a German woman after she left her body while she was in a coma in hospital, did ask these questions to, a being of light, she met in the spirit realm and received an interesting answer.

This being of light explained to her that in the spiritual world, all is One. This is because everyone communicates through telepathy and so everyone knows what everyone else is thinking. We are also eternal beings so we can never die. Therefore, in the world of spirit we have nothing to fear and only know Oneness and unconditional love for each other. Which sounds wonderful, but these are the only emotions we can experience in the spirit world.

To experience other emotions we then would have to somehow be cut off from the feelings of Oneness and unconditional love. The only way this can be achieved, is to created a world that allowed us to experience what it is like to be, no longer in communication with the One. So the material world, was created to achieve this. Also, living in bodies that could be injured and die, gave us a sense of vulnerability and fear, as well as the experience of pain. So the surprising answer is that we come to this world to know fear, pain and suffering, but in that suffering we can experience so many different emotions. As well as the contrast between pain and sorrow with joy and happiness. 

This is very similar to the “Bhagavad Gita” in the dialogue between the God Krishna and Arjuna, before a battle which seems to justify warfare, but do we have to got this far to experience all these emotions? Now some people might question the idea we come to this world to experience suffering, but we have to think about what we find ‘entertaining’. If someone wrote a book about loving and caring people who live lives of joy and happiness, it would unlikely to sell many copies. But write a dramatic book about war. crime, serial killers or a tragic love story, then you will have a big market for these types of books. So it could be that we find love, joy and happiness very boring, because that was the world we come from, before we were born. 

Mary Baker Eddy produced a newspaper called the “Christian Science Monitor” that only reported good news. It didn’t sell very well. Newspapers that report mostly bad news sell a lot, lot better. So it means we want a bit of both, we don’t want to live lives of love, joy and happiness all the time but nor do we want to live lives of only pain, misery and suffering. This is why the perfect stories we want to read or watch in films are about the hero or heroine getting into a difficult or fearful situation but then overcoming all adversity and have a happy ending. And we also want this in our personal lives and dramas. 

So even if a person has a really unhappy and miserable life, they have a happy ending after they die and then can really appreciate the joy and unconditional love of the spirit world. But I think most of us would like to know joy and happiness while living in our materialistic world and not live lives of unrelenting pain and misery. This is why we need contact and communication with the spirit world through female mediums. Many people may find the idea of a nuclear war very dramatic, exciting and entertaining but if we experienced it in reality, it will be all over in very short time and then the aftermath will be really miserable for any survivors. 

The problem is that in our material world we can get so caught up in negative emotions like loneliness, fear, hatred and suffering, that we go into a deep depression or do really horrible things to each other. Some people can become so unhappy they want to exit this world by committing suicide. And in recent times, there is also the fear that we might destroy ourselves in a nuclear war. 

These things will continue while men rule our world and control our spiritual lives. But once people know and understand that God is a woman and she loves us all unconditionally. Then we can access her limitless wisdom through female mediums and channels and bring peace and harmony once more into our world. We will still want to live dramatic lives while in the world, but with the guidance of spiritual women we won’t go too far down the road of pain and suffering until it becomes unbearable. Through the guidance of spiritual women we can at any time return to the love and harmony of the Great Mother. 


 1984 - George Orwell

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood

 Science and Health – Mary Baker Eddy

The Evidence for Visions of the Virgin Mary – Kevin McClure

Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom Bride of God – Caitlin Matthews 

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus - John Gray

Suppressed Histories Archives - Max Dashu

Now It’s Our Turn: How Women Can Transform Their Lives and Save the Planet – Alana Lyons

Feminism And The Creation of a Female Aristocracy - Peter Wright

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