Sunday 28 November 2021

How Women Will Change Men to Change the World


11-28-21 To Change the World We Must Change Men


William Bond says:     "So how can we change it so loving and compassionate people rule our world instead?"


Rasa says:  I just gave an answer in my last article & you have not even commented on it.  I suspect it’s because you don’t agree with it.  


        William, again you said:   "Somehow these holy women became careless and complacent and taught these teachings to selfish men who then used them to gain power for themselves. And this started the patriarchal age."

    See below me dancing to "I've got you under my skin," just found about 15 or so videos of me dancing that I  thought I lost. 

 Rasa says:   I gave an answer to this & you do not refer to it or comment on it.  My thesis is that thousands of years of sexing the wrong men, the macho men instead of the more docile, obedient ones, created a large part of them to become as they are.  In the SHORT TERM this might have been the way to go & for a while these men used their aggression in the service of women.  But increasing machismo, over the years, made them less subservient to women until they turned on them & became their worst enemies.


    What you are speaking of - positive thinking, Oneness with God, meditation & becoming peaceful thinking & acting - has been around during the entire Patriarchal age & way before to be sure, but only the righteous men & good women practice it.  Promulgating these religions ever more does not change the rulership world because if it did it would have done so - but it hasn't.  The most aggressive men do as they please, ignoring these concepts, & working on violence, intimidation, & creating unjust laws.  They are tyrants & murderers & will remain so no matter what the good people do.  And the good people are afraid of them & get pushed around - because thy want to live.


    I take my ideas from Mother God.  I see that Mother God has solved the Patriarchal problem by causing human men to go extinct - but some of us agree 100k years more or less is too long.  That is the ultimate solution, but how can we help move this along?  Mother God gave me the answer concerning evolution & how men in the last say 7 or more thousand years, became this aggressive, & if the answer I got was right - it was sexing the wrong men - then we can also, by sexing the right men, turn it around to where it was.


    To bring Matriarchy into the world with men as they are is like beating a stone wall.  As long as say, one third of men are brutal psychopaths, for every step we go forward they push us back – {‘Satan never sleeps & he does not stop fighting until he is totally defeated’} which is exactly what they are doing now.  They did it when Emmeline Pankhurst broke through - they started WWI. 


The second wave of the feminist movement started in the 60's, & by 1971 Nixon signed a bill through Congress with 500 million bucks to start BIOWARFARE.  {Creating AIDS which they injected millions of Africans with by 1979 - no one paid attention because it was THEM not us.  But I did & I even more lost all trust in 'them.'}


    The ideas of Buddha & Jesus Christ & are used to save sinners from 'Hell' - Hell being the eternal loss of God.  They are not used to control the world – {Jesus said to Pontius Pilot:  “My kingdom is not of this world.”}  Positive thinking is a bit different.  I learned from the best - Catherine Ponder, I need look to no other books but hers - she published a dozen, I read at least 5.


     'Positive thinking' by one definition FAITH, can be used two ways, one, faith in the all-loving God, trusting in Her Power & goodness,  or two, faith in Satan, his demons, & whatever they have to give.  It seems like those who rule the world are Masters of the second - look at the Bohemian Grove ritual of 'cremation of care' where they symbolically sacrifice a child, burning it 'alive' to 'Moloch.'  To those who believe in Satan, they sell their souls to him & he 'gives them the world' the way Satan said to Jesus,


    "I will give you all the kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me."


    Jesus of course showed him the door.


    And so this positive thinking which you claim women carelessly taught to men, & men took over the world, is not true.  Men did not learn Satanism from women; they got it themselves from wherever - probably their ego & ID. {ID is primitive back part of the brain, like an infant that only sees its own needs of survival, & screams until he gets what he wants....Dr. Daniel Amen says that from 75k brain scans he did, the back of men's brains are active, while the front are asleep, whereas with women the front is awake as is the back & both communicate through thousands of strands of the corpus collasum.  In men there are very few such strands.}


        If women taught the Godly ‘positive thinking’ to these men, carelessly as you say, they would have been virtuous & humble – the evil ones who rule the world are not - so your thesis is wrong.  


Sorry to say the ideas you propose will not change the world, will not end Patriarchy – which is what is desperately needed now.  The world will move along, getting worse & worse, unless women undo what they did & start creating men like they used to be.  That’s end of story, case closed.  The good thing about this is there is a genuine solution & if it is done, it will bear results.  The men who are in power don’t give a hoot for Jesus or Buddha or Mahatma Gandhi or God, they will stay on their lane, we remain on ours, stalemate as far as the big picture.  Human men must change in an ‘evolutionary’ way in order for women to take over, & that is the solution proposed, right now, by Mother God.


I can’t figure out why you can’t move ahead with this, why you are staying in the past.  I might remind myself that there could be stumbling blocks in your mind, which are:


·     You don’t believe in male extinction

·     You don’t believe in female supremacy

·     You don’t believe in global warming

·     You don’t believe in Satan & demonic or good & evil


I have always admired & looked up to you because you are the Prophet of Matriarchy, the first man of our time to fight for it.  But something has made you stand still – I’m not sure what. Something is holding you up.  What is it?

That’s just my opinion.  I welcome any answers from anyone, William, Ajax, anything?


Guru Rasa Von Werder   11-28-21



  1. This one came out very good as usual, Rasa. Excellent insights and great artwork and fuzzies to go with it. I am very impressed.

    I agree that Women's conscious "selective breeding" of men to be less macho and more docile in such a way you describe is the only real near-term solution to the problem of patriarchy. For the real "final solution" to the Man Question (i.e male extinction) is a whopping 100,000+ years away, and even the lowest low-ball estimates of 3000 years according to some scientists is far too long to wait.

    William, your comments are certainly welcome. You are certainly correct as well in some ways, and I agree largely with you as well, but other things you had said, as Rasa points out, could use some further clarification, explanation, and fleshing out.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,


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  4. But William Bond probably tells the truth.
    Visionaries say - the women in prehistoric matriarchy were really bad:

  5. Thanks for your comment Ajax the Great!
