Tuesday 28 November 2023

Forgiveness Releases a Soul to Heaven


A Lady Ascends into Heaven - My forgiveness to Nick Begets this Grace

11-28-23-Husband Visits-Becomes Arnold


          My spiritual husband Nick {I have 7- the rest are great Saints! - he is a mere ‘member of humanity’ that used to be my lover, not sure of his spiritual status now, just that he’s with me} has appeared as PABLO, which means his evil former self.  Pablo was a true criminal, explained elsewhere, it’s Nick AT HIS WORST.  But there’s been a total makeover & he is loving, kind & warm to me!

          There’s a series of actions toward me that are now vague, but they have to do with love – not lust.  He’s having his arm around me, taking me somewhere in a room, doing this & that, & at the end he gives me a push with the hand closed, pressing his knuckles into me to say,

“You’re alright!”

What’s so different it’s just pure love, no lust, like a good friend or companion, totally different than it was in real life, where he only addressed me for sex.

Another personality of himself, another Nick, is standing there observing, tall, handsome, looking like himself whereas the first guy looked like Pablo.  He does nothing, just watches.  Behind him is a door long ago painted medium green – it’s open - & on the top corner of the door which would be to his left is a part where the green paint got smudged or somehow worn off {it’s smooth}, a round spot of maybe 4-5” diameter.  {Small things like this can be keys in a dream; some people overlook them but pay attention to details.}

At this point Nick says to me,

“You shouldn’t love me any more,”

meaning he isn’t worth it, he didn’t earn my love.

But I answer that I will always love him.


Now Nick turns into ARNOLD which is one of the highest accolades meaning success.

I wish I could recall the details but so much happened this morning they were swiped away. But he takes me here & there – always HOLDING MY HAND.  He never lets my hand go.

He takes me out in public – which Nick never did.  He has WELCOMED me like a best friend or wife, before the public.

Oh yes I now recall one key scene.

There is a lady sitting on an indoor curb of sorts in front of me, me sitting as well on a curb. There seems to be a doorway behind her that opens to possibly outside, I see sky. I think Arnold hovers above us to my left.

She says,

“I need a wedding ring – for a man.”

I see a silver ring in my mind which has 3 bands.  The middle band has a flowing, floral design, not solid, a vine is curling & there’s air behind it.

I did ask her first,

“Ring for a female or male,’

& she said male.

And I have no idea what this is about.

Hoping could it be a soul in Purgatory about to become a ‘Bride of Christ?’

I had bad insomnia but I didn’t get upset as I figured it might be for souls, & I chanted to God for their help many hours. 


          ME:  Lost, Mother God, haven’t got a clue although I have vague ideas, but need details, facts.

MG:  Mother God to the rescue.  You have Nick standing there watcing himself in the past, when he was Pablo.  He sees the error of his ways & at the end he tells you,


as he did not deserve it.

That was a TEST of love.  Indeed, he did not deserve your love but you gave it to him anyway & are still doing it.  In the next scenario you’ll see the result of passing that test.

{Consider it’s easy to love someone when they behave well & are good to you.  But to love those who mistreat you takes a big step.  The Saints did it. "Bless those who spitefully use you" Jesus said.}

ME:  The door behind him

MG:  A few years back he was alive, you were seeing each other.  You are looking here ‘behind the green door’ or a place of secrecy,

 “Green door, what’s that secret you’re keeping?” From the song of the 60’s.

Look at the rubbed out paint.  It’s on the corner, which means Cross.     

          This is what he did to you.  He ‘rubbed you out’ of the public eye, removed you, you were invisible – nothing there - like that spot.  You could say he crucified you because when someone is crucified they are REMOVED.

          He now recalls Pablo, himself & he knows he was wrong, but you still loved him.

He wishes, as he looks at this scene, he had shown love, but he didn’t.


The next scene all is HEALED because of your love.  Success appears.  Nick, now Arnold, is portraying what he SHOULD have done, which is public acknowledgement of you – holding your hand whenever you were together, going places publicly & having you by his side.

ME:  Explain why he did what he did so people will know.  I already know.

MG:  Public pressure, peer pressure, 99% of everyone there was against you because of the age difference.  People ridiculed him, he was unable to stand up to them.  He could not admit he loved you, wanted you, in spite of your age.

Remember when that little runt of a guy spoke to him as he danced with you?  He said something like,

“Why are you dancing with that old lady?”

And Nick said,

“Because I dance better than her”

And within seconds, he walked away from you & sat down with that other couple who didn’t even invite him.

He hurt you to the core as he was too weak not to. 

Now there’s a leap into success.

He becomes ‘Superman’ in his mind, heart & will, & does what he could not do on earth. In the dream he does exactly what he could have, should have done in real life. 

And here’s the best part.  The LADY sitting near you is a Soul in Purgatory who just got a ticket to Paradise.  The RING:  It’s 3 rows for 3 people that joined together, top & bottom is you & Nick, middle is her.  The phrase is ‘I am the vine, you are the branches,’ where the two of you received Grace, it went to her.

This Love between you & Nick was the key– the open door with sky/Heaven behind her, where she will now go.

Nick’s repentance, your forgiveness, is a powerful combination that worked here.

Where the lady said she needed a RING FOR A MAN she was saying to you she needed you to give Nick A RING OF LOVE OR UNITY which would set her free!  She’d be the recipient of the love!   {end}


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Rasa! This came out excellent. Keep up the great work.

    Best wishes,
