Was in some sort of competition like trying to get a
starring role in a production.
There’s a set of judges on the left. They’re like important big shots, seem mostly
men, full bodied, faces sort of round/healthy – not fat, like ‘top dog’ types.
Later there’s one person like them on the right & Mary
Jane appears – this might be imp as she’s in Purgatory – we’ll get to that.
OK who is it competing for this role? It seems someone else at first, then me.
There are two bodies of water here, like shallow ponds, one
closer, one farther. Seems like who am
I? Esther Williams?
So I swim in the closer pond & it is so HOT I tell them
I’m moving to the more distant pond, which is cooler. And I PFERFORM – not sure what but at some
point I light into the AIR, I am doing somersaults in the air & I am NAKED
& my body is beautiful, like when I was 20.
The judges stare at me & declare who could be better
than me? They are REALLY impressed.
When I’m at the back pool for a minute I get out of the
water & am standing on the edge when I hear a noise like a wild
animal. I look over the bank &
there’s a caracal cat, very large, thick fur, black spots, ears with standing
hair edges, which looks at me. She could
attack a small person, but a large one is too much for her & she keeps
going. This bank looks a lot like my
riverfront bank on the right side.
I look to the left, a steep hill. If one goes up there what would they
see? I recall another experience where I
did go up there with a male partner, we stood by a tree, & there was
nothing to see. - A wide area of vision to be sure, but nothing unusual so I
will not struggle to get up there right now.
It seems the judges have decided I or someone I love has won
this competition, & I se the other person walking from front left, across
the judges, perhaps shaking hands with each of them.
Then on the right one of these judge types is sitting & Mary Jane is suddenly there next to me on my right & I encourage her to shake hands with this judge. But she can’t reach him so I become a bridge, my arms connect theirs. I take hold of his arm & her arm, & with a small push on her, they connect to make sort of a hand shake. But yiikes, his arm is CUT OFF. It’s a BIG FOREARM but it’s like something cut it off in the middle & there’s only a rust-colored stump, hard to look at. And she has the same condition – her arm is also cut off similarly! But still, the intention is there, I helped. This dream was pleasant, especially the water play.
Mother God, help. I haven’t a clue
except encouraged that at the end, Mary Jane is there & I help. Could this by any chance be the ‘wedding’
from yesterday, meaning, I’m enjoying this in proxy, for her, her wedding? That she will rise up to Heaven in
MG: OK let’s start with water, which is Grace in
the context of this dream. Not only do
you have two ponds of water, one hot, one cool, but you’re on the land
surrounded by the river – your riverfront property which is 500’ in front, a
neighbor’s cabin to the right of it, & another 125’ your land to the right.
You are in water, surrounded by water – lots of Grace.
are giving a performance, judges watch. Judges might be great Saints, as these
people look VERY HEALTHY which would be SPIRITUALLY HEALTHY or EVOLVED. A performance is your behavior, attitude, how
you act in the Grace of God, are you good or bad? Do you cooperate when it is given? Do you face hardships bravely or blame others
or even fate {God?}.
a hardship came up to test your faith & love & you passed. The caracal cat is a TEMPTATION. Wild cat like a tiger is usually ANGER. This temptation was not as bad as that, but a
passing thought like the wild cat just glances at you & decides not a good
idea to attack - which means anger or being pissed off passed you by.
It seems right now you have faced your days bravely & well, the judges like your performance. They see you naked & you’re as thin & beautiful as age 20 – you see the breasts clearly, which areLove. Being naked is OPEN where all is revealed, not hiding anything – this is the real me, how I feel. The judges approve & you win a contest, but what is the prize?
Mary Jane always helped you with your house problems, when you needed something
done or fixed, you asked her advice, now here, with the broken window, she
appears, & you are super glad as you’ve not seen her in a very long time –
you deplored her having to stay in Purgatory so long.
here she is CLOSE to you – with a judge across from her. You want her to CONNECT in a handshake with
this judge but it’s difficult for her, you help. What does a handshake mean?- A gesture of friendship, agreement, a
fiat. “Let’s shake on it.”
question is, who is the judge she must connect with & wow, why is his arm
truncated like hers, cut off, & has an ominous look of rust, like slightly
hollow inside?
could a Saint have such an arm?
sure, this arm means TRUNCATED or DEFECTED ability to Love. Arm means ‘the strength of Love.’ Hand is the GIVING of it.
so, it seems that by your attitude & strength in the recent trial, you made
up for Mary Jane’s lack in strength & in giving – as she HAS NO HAND! She connected with a Saint, where she will
Is this Grace given enough to lift her up to Heaven? It isn’t shown. You see no sign of an Ascension, but maybe it is IMMINENT like your marriage-gown dream said, in a week. A week has not yet passed.
got who the Saint is that Mary Jane had to shake hands with. It’s our mutual acquaintance Rudy. Rudy & Mary Jane were my 2 best friends
& both died last year. But Mary Jane
looked DOWN at Rudy, thought little of him. He tried to be her friend but she
had such contempt for him that both she & her husband would not speak to
him. She said bad things of him to me
many times, without reason. Now he is in
a good place in Heaven – Having spent only 18 days in Purgatory, & she’s
still there! Her attitude toward him bothered me.
And so now we see Mary Jane in Purgatory & me helping to make a RECONCILIATION, which would heal her soul, & it works. His arm being cut off like that is probably she did that to him – cut his arm off as well as her own, which here means cut off communications or God’s love – that has been restored. It is my firm hope that now, Rudy can help her from Heaven!}* {end}
Another dream, the first, had nice & terrible parts.
{Important disclaimer: When I speak of dark or black ladies or people it is not RACE it is SOULS IN PURGATORY being in darkness. Dark or black has many definitions besides race!} I was in a sort of gathering & I have a few black
females in front of me, who have appeared for this, whatever it is, maybe an
activist deal.
This lady tells me about herself & I support her every
disclosure. Se shows me kudos she’s
received for her work & even a newspaper which features her – reminds me of
the paper where I’m the only female champion along with all the early male
champs that were sworn into the WBBG Hall of Fame. I keep praising her & saying ‘bravo’
& things like that, although this is basically PROVINCIAL, not world-class
stuff. But I want to show my
At the end I finally see her face, & she is very old,
heavy, warts on her face, kind of ugly. But she loves me because I supported
her & to my surprise she hands me money.
And she is very poor & this is a lot of money or her, it’s like $10
bills & some ones, adding up to about $36.
I didn’t want to take it but I had to out of respect & I did. She wanted to reciprocate for my support, show
me her gratitude.
Then I go to an ‘upper level’ above the gathering where
people there are still admiring me. I’m
wearing my white shaggy
Soft sheepskin coat, a
luxurious item lined in silk, made of the real thing – some kind of sheep with
curly hairs on the end, authentic, but in the dream, it’s even thicker &
more luxurious than in person. I ascend
into the air & twirl in the air, opening the coat & swaying it about
me, to show off myself & it.
I am wearing my expensive red leather jacket with one large
black button clasping it in the front; I bought it long ago, very good
leather. And some kind of fancy bottom
not sure what, maybe a skirt, & I dance in the air & the people at the
bottom gathering are looking & admiring me.
The only problem is my clothing is somewhat restrictive & I cannot
extend my leg straight up into air as I usually do & I cannot move my arms
about as freely as usual due to the jacket’s construction. As I dance, on my right wrist there’s a white
diaphanous scarf tied around it, this scarf comes a bit loose & then it’s
dancing in the air also. I leave it like
that as perhaps it adds to the glamour.
I think am I showing off a tad, when previously I was so humble with
that old black lady? - lol. But the
people like it.
Then I go to sit down & look at my purse. There’s a black lady sitting there to my
right on this bench. I look inside my purse;
it’s large & fancy, with black shiny beads edging it on top. It sort of comes to a narrower place toward
the top, then flares out again, & as I left it there it was open. I look inside, everything is intact, but when
I look into the pocket where money is kept, the money is gone.
I am
so upset, & I exclaim out loud, which the back lady can hear,
KNEW I should not have left my purse unattended with black people around – they
always steal my money, & there was $300 there!
Then I look at a smaller purse next to mine, inside of it, & I see what looks like my money – because I know how I wrap it. And so I take it from her, put it back in my spot, & off I go, eager to get out of there. There’s a slight chance it is her money, not mine, but it PROBABLY is mine so I simply took back my own property.
somehow I get involved with these black lad’s purses, don’t know how. It gets complicated. It’s like a sticky situation. Someone puts one of these lady’s purses into
my purse. I don’t want it. I see all kinds of items like theirs in my
purse, how do I get rid of it & give it back to them without incriminating
myself? I try & try. Go way downstairs to the restroom. Shall I
leave their stuff here, but will someone else steal it?
of the purses has a collection of pictures, starting with one very old black lady
dancing. It’s their lives, not mine. I don’t want these items & many others
appear, I just want to be rid of it all, including their house keys, car keys
all was put into my purse. What do I do?
- Very unpleasant.
overall feeling is I went to help these people, I speared glorious to them, but
one of them hurt me. I retaliated. And then I fell into trouble.
think this has to do with me being mad one day that I have seen any more Souls get
out of Purgatory & I resolved not to say any more Masses for them, until
they appear & tell me they’re hungry – which has happened before.
something I feared for 2 years happened – a bear broke my kitchen window trying
to tell me how hungry it was & wanted more food.
I feared this was my karma for my decision.
Whenever I missed Mass other days it was not intentional but this here
was a decision, so I was accountable.
Perhaps my guilt brought this punishment, I thought. And if I had been in the kitchen saying Mass
when the bear came to the window I would have prevented it.
Look at the karmic meaning: I was waiting for SOULS to tell me they were hungry but a BEAR came to my window & BROKE IT to tell me it was hungry! How much more symbolic could it be? Lol.
I believed ‘something good will come out of this’ & it already has. I did the Mass the next day & will not
stop saying them.
came to mind that at times, God want me to live by FAITH & not always
having the consolation of seeing the Souls, simply saying Mass for them &
me & whatever happens, happens.
Trust they & I are helped.
the beginning is me appearing to Souls.
I try to encourage them, especially the one lady cited. To them, I appear glorious, glamorous &
beautiful, capable of wonderful things. My terrific outfit is the Graces I
carry, which God gives me for them – none of this is of my own accord, I have
no Power or Glory except what God gives me.
so I am helping them, & then, I show off my Gifts & spiritual beauty a
bit, lol. The jacket is of course a
SHEEP – which is ‘My sheep hear my Voice’ & ‘Jesus was the Lamb led to
slaughter.’ And my red leather jacket,
expensive, is probably my Stigmata martyrdom, which is red for blood, leather
being my own skin. Then the white translucent, thin scarf is the VEIL between
us & God, which here has become UNRAVELED, which means the veil has been
loosened or somewhat relaxed between us & God!
now something bad happens. This business
of the purses, the money & all that, which is so unpleasant, is I fell into
a fault. That fault was I was mad I have
not being seeing Souls in spite of saying Mass & prayers for them for
months. And so I felt what I explained,
but I was wrong. I was saying in effect,
I GOT ROBBED BY THE SOULS somehow, & I wanted to TAKE BACK what they took from me – that was
the consolation of seeing them, of knowing my prayers & Masses were
effective, getting a response, which was like THANKS to me.
the one poor Soul, the old lady, is giving me back her gratitude. Maybe I
didn’t see it before, but it’s there.
They are grateful to me even if I don’t see them in dreams &
visions; sometimes I ignored my dreams – most of the time in fact, for months! I was dilly dallying with You tube videos at
night, spending about 2 hours at a time or more watching documentaries, movies,
instead of typing out my dreams. I could
have missed dozens of experiences with them, but I have corrected myself.
purse represents my work for the Souls, as it’s black with luminous beads,
representing ‘funeral.’
dream is so depressing I hated thinking about it. I’m ASHAMED of myself for not
being strong enough to go on without proof or evidence my work is touching
Souls. A test of FAITH.}* {end}
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