at a place where I have nothing better to do than to follow this guy around.
a businessman who has many irons in the fire.
We’re in his large building & he goes from office to office, some
large, some small, checking his projects.
I do recall brown leather but the offices are plain & simple,
nothing ostentatious. We come to one
that is rather small - a shy man runs it, & the boss says,
is the only place I make no (or little) money.
The guy running it seems embarrassed, he’s timid.
the man himself is tall & large, well built, handsome although I don’t see
him clearly.
wears business-like clothes, conservative jackets which have a bit of a shape
to them, not up & down straight where you can’t tell if the guy is thin or
me. He wanted me to tag along with him
but why was never ascertained. I think
about what I could be doing & it isn’t much. It’s like I’m starting out in Hollywood in
the old days, & I went here & there, did this & that, trying to get
a foothold in show business & many roads led to Rome. But to go through all these steps again is
wearisome & tagging with this man, who already has a huge business, seems
less tedious than that. At least it’s
some place ESTABLISHED but my relationship with him isn’t clear. Just that he wants me but not a word is said,
there’s no outward show of anything – it’s mental.
yes, at one point he’s wearing a different jacket, very unusual. It has big checks that are about 5-6” across,
kind of yellow next to black, the yellow being fuzzy, the entire material of
the jacket is kind of soft or fuzzy like a Dior jacket for women in the 60’s,
& the bad part is on the back of it, you can see strings of the material
hanging down {not good for a business or class act society}. I want to cut off these strings with a
scissors but don’t have the right to do so & I want to tell him about it
but don’t want to offend him. Finally my
chance comes when he takes off the jacket & puts it down. I speak to him about it then & I say also
that my grey soft top has strings, & I say,
the duty of the sewers to cut off these strings but they didn’t. Not your fault. So somehow we, me or him, cut off those
some point along this road I met a lovely female, pretty, who is also a
Lithuanian like me. We get along & like each other.
one time Big Man & I go through a bar where on the left is the bar & I
see the female I met sitting there, & when she sees him pass by with me behind
she calls out to him & they speak.
He then goes with me to another room, but someone is sent from her to
him to have a talk with him & he goes.
She somehow has the right to summon him & I think it’s more serious
than I thought.
enter a private room to the left of mine, in the corner. Our 2 rooms are at the end of a hallway, hers
one side, mine the other. In front of
her room, a step up, is not a door but the entire small wall has a smooth pink
curtain/cloth over it.
also a table in front in the hall, right next to the room. I am curious as to what is the STATUS of this
female with this man I’m following?
What’s going on?
being enterprising, I plop myself down at that table in front of the pink
curtain & secretly listen to every word.
Now all the talking I hear is done by her. She’s remonstrating, complaining where their
relationship went wrong. And it’s all
about her spoiling him, giving him what he wanted, sex for instance, when she
should have held out. She speaks of
their being together in
I see them sitting at the table with me, as if they came out but I don’t see
the transition, just that they’re there.
He’s across from me, she across to his right, she’s got her side/back to
me, & in a few moments she’s gone.
then return to the room the Big Guy left me in & he joins me.
*{ME: Mother God, help. It’s about Nick, me & Ruthie but what is
new here? What does it show me I don’t
already know? I know he didn’t love her
the way he loved me, I know he used her for drugs or whatever else. So what is this showing me?
It seems like a review, to confirm what you suspected all along. He wanted you
to chase him, although it wasn’t spoken of.
The strings are being attached to someone else besides you. You urged him to cut the strings, - you pointed
them out & helped him,
ties that bind.”
was to Ruthie I suppose as he had no other serious relationships.
is to prove to you that in his mind, heart, he WAS broken up with Ruthie, but
he WANTED YOU even though there was no OUTWARD SHOW.
ME: I seem like such a fool following him
around. And he a big businessman, which
is far from the truth. He had a regular
job, what are the irons in the fire?
MG: It’s that he was all over the place with
people – partying, having several cliques & fan clubs. Being shy was not his forte, he was outgoing
as could be & with cocaine, even more so.
ME: What is the ending?
MG: This is her regrets at the end of their
relationship, perhaps now that it’s over.
Distance gives one more vision.
She admits here she spoiled him, gave him all that he wanted, which is a
lot more than sex. Sex he could get all
over the place, dozens of females ready to bed him.
saying this in the light of him passing her by {at the bar} & going off
with you. She admits she lost him as she
has to call out to him, first herself, then sends someone else to call him for
a conference.
took you to a room with him, he goes to talk to her. This room is his habitat or Oneness with you,
where in the end he ends up. He’s with
you now, inside your domain, you as Twin Flames or Soul Mates. There’s nothing she could do to curb or
change that, it is just so, nothing, no one could change it from the time you
met. It just had to be played out.
you had your ups & downs. When he hooked
up with her he didn’t speak to you for 9 months. But he came back.
when he hadn’t seen you for months he repented strongly, you were spiritually
then you absented yourself physically {not mentally} & that was the end of
his life, as he lost his purpose for living when he lost his ONE & ONLY.
Face book posts take on a fatalistic gloom:
“Death is calling my name”
sold my soul to Satan for a party lifestyle, now he wants his pay back.”
were dozens of posts like this toward the end of his life, when he lost contact
with you & through his own fault, you could not contact him. He never gave you his # & when you found
it anyway, he changed it. He blocked you
on Face book. You even then tried to
contact him.
thought he was being oh, so smart, preventing you from public recognition &
contact, all the while testing you to see if you’d continue chasing him. {But
often when he saw you downtown he made a beeline for you & went to make
love. Or else waited outside your 2nd floor window downtown, even
after you moved. He wrote a song about it ‘I’m waiting in the rain’ was a
line. He’d shine his phone light to your
window & throw pebbles.} Eventually
you ignored his posts {for an entire year he placed posts to make you jealous
but you did not respond}.. You waited
& waited. And when he finally
called, after two years, wanting to see you, you told him no way unless he left
his roomie & went into rehab.
months later he was dead. Was it
suicide? When you lose the will to live,
death comes easy.
ME: What is the significance of their final
discussion, all her talking, the pink curtain between you & them, the table
where you sit & listen & then all 3 sit, then she’s gone, then he
returns with me to our room.
It could be a woman’s intuition, you hearing through the pink {female}
curtain, you reading her mind knowing what you know re women.
table? It’s like MENSA {table}, meaning,
minds sitting together revealing something.
Here he is FACING YOU, not her, because he desires you. He’s finished with her now, she explains why
from her POV. He was with her PHYSICALLY
because of what she gave him but his mind & soul were WITH YOU. It was all
a front with her, as you knew all the time, played out for his homies {hoodlum
friends} that he shared the party lifestyle with. {Note there are many
marriages & relationships out there which are a big front, all phony, fake,
people using each other for status, money or the like.}
goes away is she isn’t there any more, he returning to your room is the domain
or place he occupies with you spiritually, mentally, & for you even
All that you believed before is here confirmed.
PS One more note. At the table when she disappears he goes to
see IF YOU’RE STILL THERE & you are.
He wanted to know if you still loved him IN THE END. As long as you did – he felt secure, as you
did tell him in your last conversation,
will always love you.”
knew you were joined together in spirit, as you explained it & he believed,
& he said
are anointed”
times in your conversation.
Therefore, he knew that if he died right away, he would not go to Nether land but be with you, & in that knowledge, he was not afraid to die. He knew he would join you after death.}* {end}
Below are 4 wild cats that might be Canadian Lynx or Bobcat {similar}--One of these I believe has been at my feeding station twice lately. Need to take a better look. At first I thought it was a very furry large house cat with tufted ears, now I think this. A friend of mine saw a Mountain Lion {Cougar} in my town recently. Things are getting wild!} PS It came again, alas, it has a long tail, means housecat, lol.
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