See Below this for the William Bond articles I am responding to
My answer to all of this:
How Women Will
Take Back the World by Guru Rasa Von
Werder 11-25-21
Bond has spoken well of the way women represent, embody & act within a
paradigm called The One. He says by
believing in & using this One, which is God, the Almighty - & he
explains the True God is Feminine, not a He in outer space like a satellite
looking to spy for more wars – the Feminine God is the Mother who CARES for all
life. She, the woman, symbolizes this
Being on earth & She, the woman, should take over from the terrible men
ruling the world –men who live by unscrupulous means.
He mentions that women & men are
taught to be humble in the Patriarchal religions, but this is more or less a
handbook for serfs, while the Kings take over with Power & controls the the
lambs to slaughter. He says again &
again that the Christlike, religious meditators & knee benders of all
religions do not pray for Power or Control over others, they perpetually
sacrifice & serve, & so the good, the humble & meek do not inherit
the earth - they are the pawns in a rich man’s game.
All that he says is true, but I’m
coming from a new perspective, one that has not been heard before - I have not read
it in anyone’s theses.
Here is the problem: Again we agree, it is MEN – the aggressive
violent, macho, unscrupulous wicked men ever gaining power & lording it
over others. But how did they get this
way? Who created men to be like they
are? Were they always like this from the
Here is the answer: men were not always this way. They became this way BECAUSE OF WOMEN. What?
How did women create such monsters?
Very simple – EVOLUTION. It is a
known fact from Darwin that a species evolves & changes according to its
environment & breeding. It can start
one way & change drastically, like grow wings or feet when it had none, or
lose its tail or it fur or it’s six breasts or grow things like extra flesh or
beaks or ears or more eyes, or lose it’s eyes or ears, or grow tentacles or
lose them, etc. ad infinitum. All
happens through evolution.
And so, men have evolved according to
the CHOICE of women by whom they bred with & mothered children by – by
choosing the MACHO men women caused men to become less & less caring, less
obedient to them, less helpful & eventually, so downright arrogant that
they stood up to women & said,
“I will not serve!”
This, I have explained again &
again, is the Myth which is Truth, spoken in the Christian chronicles, of how
one third of the Angels of heaven led by Lucifer, rebelled against God &
said he was AS BEAUTIFUL AS GOD & therefore deserved the worship of God,
& so he would no longer humble himself, he wished to be worshiped. And St Michael the Archangel, in the Myth, took up his mighty sword, stomped on Satan & sent
him hurtling into Hell where many Angels followed, crying,
“Who is like God?”
This Myth, I have said, is the
personification of men, led by an evil ruler, rebelling against the Feminine Divine
or Mother God & her Monarchy – they saying they are as great as a woman -
they are as worthy of being served, & they will no longer obey the woman
& her God & they want to be served.
And that is Patriarchy, & it is explained, one third of the men
followed this, becoming ‘demonic’ as it were, & that is what we have today.
is more to the Myth, that Satan & his demons have a fellowship where they
plot to destroy the human race & take every last one of us to Hell with
them – a fine representation of what these particular males are doing on earth,
destroying our paradise in a temporal way & even causing people to ‘sell their
souls’ to him in allegiance & going to Eternal perdition.
back to what women have done & can now undo. Women felt it was a good idea to have a
helpmate, eons ago, separate from themselves.
Probably the first beings were one gender, female by nature as all
embryos are, capable of reproducing. But
somehow they decided the human race would be far more successful if maybe half
their children became different – different being they would not be able to
reproduce but they could work & help - & most of all protect, &
since they were less precious than a child-bearing woman, they could be subject
to risks. If they were relieved of the task
of reproduction, they could grow in a different way. They could use that energy to become bigger,
stronger, more athletic, & also the brain being changed from compassionate,
caring, into a more uncaring, impulsive person that would not stop at killing
other creatures, be they animals or men – which presented a threat to the woman
& her kin.

women themselves had trouble with violence for two reasons: One, because violence is risky & can
cause injury to her reproductive body, her pregnancy or her babies, &
second, she is loathe to injure or kill when her instinct is empathetic &
wants to nurture & heal. So in comes
a creature she creates who is expendable relatively speaking, that can take
risks & doesn’t mind, who has a minimal nurturing/caring instinct &
thrives on proving himself through violence – his stock in trade - & vhallah,
you have a person of utility. And his
reproductive ability stops at the insertion of DNA to the female – billions of
sperm – we don’t need a lot of them, individuals are not crucial. This is conducive to a species that is
struggling to survive under harsh conditions & powerful animals about.
was a given that the men created by the women would OBEY them making life
easier & therefore the woman was safer during pregnancy & her children
would be protected; this creature called man could work hard, he was bulky,
strong, had more physical energy – his metabolism being faster – they could
procure more food for the table, get domiciles built, do what had to be done to
over the eons, as women chose men for their aggression, strength, ability to
protect & kill – they became more & more extreme in these qualities, to
the point that, one day, they thought they could separate from female authority
& use these traits against her, & cause the woman to serve
him/them. They did this in stages, first
separating from women & forming herds or gangs, & then they began to
attack. It is said the Patriarchy began
by tribes of men on horseback attacking the peaceful Matriarchal communities – Marija
Gimbutas said that prior to men inventing swords, there were no weapons in
women-based communities. So it was men
who began wars & the system we know today as rat race dog-eat-dog, a world
out of control with no empathy, a world ruled by devils out to ‘steal, kill
& destroy.’
so we made them this way now how do we unmake them & bring the world back
to where it was? You might object,
saying ‘What, give up all this technology?’
No, why should we. Although
technology has not brought us happiness as a people, - it was mostly created
for the purpose of wars – it does have its benefits & we can keep whatever
we wish, dismantle the rest.
women have to do is change their CHOICE OF PARTNERS TO BEAR CHILDREN WITH. I’m not saying they can never have sex with
macho men – be my guest. But wear
condoms. When its time for fathering,
chose only the men that are docile, submissive, obedient to women, helpful as
they were first meant to be. Bring back
the original idea of women creating helpers, not hinderers, & if this is
done, instead of waiting 100k years for their extinction, the world will be
better in a few hundred years.
is happening slowly but surely as it is. Matriarchy is here in a vestigial
form. The Myth of Durga turning herself
into Kali to lick up the blood of Maharashtri {Patriarchy} is a portent of male
extinction. Only the female Goddess
could stop this demon, the male God’s failed.
No man on a white horse, no guy in shining armor, stop ‘Waiting for
As I
said, Mother God has pounded her gavel upon men, they will be no more. The world right now 2021 – seems to be the
last gasps of Patriarchy. Like an evil
monster that he is, he wants to take as many to Hell as he can before he goes;
he knows his days are numbered. Serial
killers who were fully conscious of their evil, not those who were mentally ill,
wanted to do as much damage as they could before their life was extinguished –
so it is with Patriarchy. They have
devised schemes that are so outrageous that Satan himself would blush before a
lie detector test. But all is not
lost. Somehow Mother God has a plan to
right the wrongs. I don’t know what it
is. But I do know that if women start
choosing OBEDIENT MEN instead of macho to reproduce, the world will improve in
a few generations. Let’s get started.
Guru Rasa Von Werder
Thank Goddess for creating us & giving us the solutions to all our
The New Paradigm William
Bond 11-25-21 Note: I have edited in bold type the statements I considered striking
biggest problem with our patriarchal system is that as a general rule it is the
most corrupt, selfish, devious and violent people that get into positions of
power. There is an old saying that goes, “evil triumphs when good men do
nothing”. This is true of both good men and good women and unfortunately good
people cannot do much good in the world, if they are poor and powerless. If we
want to live in a more caring world then we need to have caring and loving people
rule our world.
how can we do this? It can be achieved through the power of the One and a
completely different way of looking at the world. Some time ago I was getting
fed up with all the doom and gloom on mainstream and social media and was
looking for things to watch that was positive and uplifting. I then came across
a video about a near death experience.
video was about a surfer who got into trouble while surfing and was drowning.
He then experienced the usual thing of going down a long tunnel and on the
other side came into a beautiful garden and met beings who welcomed him. He was
then shown to another garden were he met angelic beings who were also welcoming
but as he got closer to them, he said, he felt like a raindrop returning the ocean.
The moment he thought this, he became frightened and ran away. Then the next
moment he found himself back in the sea fighting for his life and somehow
managed to save himself.

week later I told this story to a friend of mine Pamela Suffield and when I got
to the part where he said, he felt like a raindrop returning to the ocean. She
said, “How beautiful what a wonderful story.” Then when I went on tell
her that the surfer turned and ran away she was puzzled by this. So I had to
explain to her that men have stronger egos than women and therefore fear the
One, as they are frightened that the One would overwhelm their egos.
fear men have of the One can be seen in the TV Star Trek stories about the
Borg. The Borg in Star Trek is race of beings who take over the minds of the
people they conquer who then become part of their collective. So although they
have a Borg Queen, this method of bringing about harmony and Oneness is
completely masculine and ends up looking like a “1984” dystopian nightmare. Force,
fear, intimation, indoctrination and violence are the masculine methods to try
and bring about harmony to our world. Which of course never works, as it
creates resentment and a total lack of freedom.
feminine method of bringing about harmony to our world is through love. Where
everyone can come together in freedom, love and harmony. So because women are
far less frightened of the One than what men are, it is easier for women to
communicate with the One, than it is for men. This is what makes women far more
powerful than men as the One is all powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent. But
as we see in our world, women don’t use this power as they are unaware of it.
reason for this, is that women either worship male gods or do not believe in
any god. So this makes it hard for them to communicate with something that
don’t know exists. The lie created by patriarchy is that god is male whereas
the true nature of God is feminine, She is the One,
this is not the only lie patriarchy tells women. They are told by patriarchy
that, love is weakness, whereas it is the most powerful force in the universe.
The reason why love seems so weak is because patriarchy encourages women to use
sacrificial love. It is natural for women to put the needs of her children
before herself. And so patriarchy exploits this, by encouraging them not only
to put the needs of their children before themselves but everyone else.
So patriarchal women end up becoming sacrificial in all their relationships
with others. But unconditional love isn’t sacrificial. True unconditional
love is not just loving all men and animals on the planet. It can include
loving other women and loving yourself.

fears the power of women and this is why they have tried to keep women out of
all positions of power. This has failed in recent times as more and more women
are getting into powerful positions. So patriarchy has used it’s second line of
defense by encouraging women to use masculine methods to gain power. So we end
up with female leaders who act and behave like patriarchal men, which means the
status-quo still remains the same.
world can only change for the better if we have loving and caring people in all
positions of power. This means that we need loving and caring people who have a
powerful desire to be rich and powerful. But they cannot do this using the
patriarchal methods of deception, corruption, force and violence as they end up
becoming the same as corrupt patriarchal rulers. They have to use loving
methods to do this and this can only be achieved through the power of the
women know that God is feminine in nature and She loves us all unconditionally,
then she can identify with God within herself. Men on the other hand
cannot do the same thing as his ego gets in the way and therefore cannot so
easy communicate with the One, in the same way women can.
Eastern religions that encourage people to meditate, monks can find some
communication with the One. But patriarchal religions also tell their monks to
renounce all desires for wealth and power. So spiritual minded people are
therefore not encouraged to be gain political power which allows unscrupulous
people to become powerful instead. We find a similar theme in western

teaches us to pray, by encouraging us to plead to god for forgiveness who will
then hopefully to give us what we need. This is a pray to a masculine god who
according to patriarchal priest withhold giving us what we want, if he judges
us as unworthy. Which is strange when we see so many corrupt, uncaring and
violent men gain great wealth and power in our world. This suggests the male
god people pray to, is not a good god, as he seems to rewards worse types of
people and gives them great power.
The feminine
One is not like this. She knows what we want and will freely give it to us. The
problem is that she has also given us freedom and freewill and it is this that
gets in the way. Unfortunately, most of us believe we are poor and powerless
and this is the message we give to the One. Patriarchal religions have
encouraged this by telling the people they are sinners, or unworthy and so it
is hard for people to think they deserve to be rich and powerful.
it needs a different way to pray and meditate. Women in their meditations can
tune into the One, knowing that the One is like her and is feminine in nature
and has the same love for all things that she has. Then she can access the
limitless power of the One to gain both wealth and power in our world.
means she has to affirm that God, not only like her but is all powerful,
omnipotent and omnipresent. That the One love us all unconditionally and will
freely give to us what we desire providing we don’t block her, through our
negative thoughts and beliefs. So if a women is aware that to make our world a
better place it needs loving people to be positions of power. This means if she
is a loving and caring woman then she is the right sort of person to have great
wealth and power.
women have contacted the One, the only thing that can block her having what she
wants, is her own negative thoughts. This means only spiritual people can
access the power of the One who are willing to put in the time to meditate and
practice self-awareness to be aware of the habitual thoughts that are blocking
them. Then open their minds to receive the power and wealth that God or the One
wants to give us.
history shows us that men do an incredibly terrible job in ruling our world.
Wars, genocide and poverty have always been the result of male rule and it is
just as bad today as it was in the past. So it make sense of women to rule
instead. Although men have all the advantages in the material world of having
greater size, strength and aggression. The mental and spiritual world is far
stronger than the material. So when women access the spiritual world
through their contact with God or the One their power is far greater than any
women access the unlimited power of the One, they can also control men. This is
because men worship and obey powerful people. It is men’s obedience to people
of authority that makes patriarchy possible. So once women become powerful
through their contact with the One, then men will give them unquestioned
means women have to reject all the teaching she has received from patriarchal
religions and institutions that have all been designed to keep her powerless.
Then she has to affirm to herself these main points.
is feminine in nature and is the One, The-All-That-There-Is.
feminine God or the One is all powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent.
feminine God or the One loves us all unconditionally but also respects our
freedom and freewill and will never override it.
the nature of God is maternal and feminine, loving and caring women are closer
to God than men or unloving women.
change our world for the better, we need our world to be ruled by loving and
caring women. So it is right that compassionate and nurturing women should
desire great wealth and power and rule our world.
can gain great wealth and power through their contact and communication with
the One. She has to know that she is worthy because of her loving nature, and
then allow the One or feminine God to give her what she wants and
Response from William Bond to Rasa’s
article: Getting out of this Hell 11-23-21
I agree with Ajax that one of the reasons why we don’t
have nice guys in positions of power is because they are frightened of the bad
guys. But It is more that that. Even if a nice guy is courageous and stand up
to the bad guys, he can be outmaneuvered by deception and the dirty tricks bad
guys will use.
Because of this, many people with very good intentions have
tried to get into positions of power by using the same tricks as the bad guys.
As Niccolò Machiavelli once wrote, “The ends justify the means”, and many good
people have tried to do this. But in using the methods of deception and dirty
tricks to gain power, these people have ended up as bad as the people they are
fighting against.
An example of this is the French Revolution where the intention
of the revolutionaries was to create a more caring and equal society. But
because they used violence, torture, deception and indoctrination to achieve
this, they ended up being worse than the government they replaced.
Even female politicians and businesswomen fall into this trap.
An example of this was Margaret Thatcher who was Britain's first Prime Minister. But although
she was a woman she never showed any feminine qualities of love and compassion.
She use devious Machiavellian methods to gain power and outmaneuver her
political opponents, but never used her power to help the people she ruled.
So for this reason many people assume it is impossible for us to
live in a more caring world because it seems, “nice guys (or girls) come last”.
It seems we live in a world where honest caring people very rarely gain wealth
and power. But is deception, trickery, corruption and violence the only
way people can gain wealth and power? Not according to what positive thinking
authors tell us.
I have read many positive thinking books and in the ones I’ve
read, none of them mention using deception, dirty tricks or aggression to
become rich and powerful. So if we take the ideas in positive thinking
seriously then it is a method where caring people can gain wealth and
Positive thinking is not a new idea and we find examples of it
ancient religions like Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism as well as the teachings
of Jesus. Yet, unfortunately although these ideas have been around for
thousands of years, only a small minority of people use them or can make them
work. And the reason for this is that the teachings are either incomplete or
have been contaminated by other ideas.
For instance, both Buddhism and Hinduism both teach meditation,
which is foundation of any method to gain control over our own minds. But
neither religion goes on to explain that having learned meditation, how we can
use it to gain power. In fact we find many religions teach against using
spiritual methods to gain personal wealth and power. Which is very unhelpful
because it is a method where loving and caring people can do this, which will
make our world a far better place.
All of us have been taught we live in a material world and what
goes on in our own minds has nothing to do with our reality. Now this teaching
very much encourages masculine power. This is because men by nature are
bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than women. So while we believe we live
in a totally material world, men will always have the advantage.
But if we are taught that we live in a world of mind and spirit
and what we think controls our reality, then men’s advantages of size, strength
and aggression counts for nothing. This then is why we live in a patriarchal
world, because women are unaware of their power.
This is why I believe the path to feminine power where women can
once again rule our world is through a matriarchal religion that worships a
female deity and teaches positive thinking.
Now, men can use positive thinking as well as any woman but women
have the advantage if they use it within a matriarchal religion. When we
worship male gods we are worshipping separation. Men by nature are competitive
and aggressive and so are male gods. Whereas feminine deities represent love
and caring and therefore take us towards harmony and Oneness.
The One is the most powerful force in the universe but only
loving feminine women can access this power. This is because men are by nature
egoistic and are frightened of the One as they fear it will destroy their egos
and individuality. Women on the other hand do not have the same fears and
therefore can easy communicate with the One and access her power and
So when women once again create there
own matriarchal religions they can teach each other positive thinking and
access the limitless power of the One.