Friday 19 November 2021

This International Men's Day, Make It A Day Of Atonement

By Ajax the Great 

(Originally posted on The Chalice and the Flame blog)

In case you didn't know, November 19 is International Men's Day (which also happens to be World Toilet Day, interestingly enough).  As if we really needed a day to celebrate ourselves.  What International Men's Day should really be is a day of atonement, a sort of Yom Kippur for men.  And for those guys who arrogantly claim that they have literally nothing to atone for, prepare to eat some humble pie, and apologize to the Divine Feminine.  The following is food for thought:

So what has our gender collectively done for the past 7000 years or so?

We paved paradise and put up a parking lot, we created a desert and called it "peace".  We devoured and suffocated our own empire, the world is on fire, and now we are all paying a heavy price for it.  It's 14:59 of our proverbial 15 minutes of fame, and the clock is ticking.

All because we foolishly decided one day to depose Women from power because we thought we could somehow do better.  Well, we were wrong, dead wrong in fact.  We are sorry, but clearly we can stuff our "sorrys" in a sack at this point.  The agony of regret indeed.

Yes, I know, "not all men".  But the fact remains that the "good guys" among us have clearly and consistently failed to prevent the truly bad guys from subjugating, tyrannizing, raping, abusing, and degrading the better half of humanity (while also doing the very same thing to Mother Earth as well), and overall turning heaven on Earth into hell on Earth.

So how could heaven turn to hell?  You guessed it, it was us all along.  But one day the shadows will surround us, and the days will come to end.  And now we see clearly...

We both knew, it would always end this way...

(Bonus points for anyone who can find the hidden and not-so-hidden pop-culture references and lyrics to various songs contained throughout this apology to the Divine Feminine)

And just like you should never wish someone a "Happy Yom Kippur", as there is really nothing happy about atonement, we should probably avoid doing the same with International Men's Day as well.


  1. Wow, talk about putting the nail on the head. Ajax has a way of precisely, concisely, explaining big issues in a clear & stunning way. This beats Hemingway. And has more intelligence. We are on the same page. Why did not the good guys take over? No one ever asks that question, but Ajax does. Why Ajax, why did not the good guys take over, depose the bad guys like King Herod, Stalin & Hitler, Genghis Kahn, Alexander the Great, Pol Pot, Mussolini & the thousands of other murderous tyrants who rose to the helm? How about Vlad the Impaler, Atilla the Hun - how about all the cults run by men which ended up in suicide or murder or both? Jim Jones - dozens of such demons in our last 50-60 years. Why did not the good guys step forward? Spposedly there wre good guys all around. My answer, the good guys were AFRAID of the bad guys, them being more aggressive & brutal, so their either stayed out of the way or went along with the program, most of them OK with the program in the hope of some crumbs of goodies falling to them off the table. And again, why didn't we women fight for the rights of our children? These are major questions that should be put on the table for philosphy geniuses like William Bond & those who stuy such thing, - give us some answers. All I know is it's a battle, & we women must now step forward, at the minute before midnight, & take over the world before it's too later. they are moving toward blowing us humans off the planet & nothing will be left but cockroaches, so let's hurry up.

    1. Thank you very much, Rasa. I am flattered that think so highly of me and my writing. Very well-said overall, and very true about what needs to be done.

      Best wishes,

  2. Had this insight why Mother God allowed it to go this far & it looks farther: Because the FACE OF SATAN IS REVEALED.....Patriarchy has hidden to the mainstream population, its demonic spirit & murderous, demonic intents......The people did not FIGHT AGAINST PATRIARCHY because it wore a MASK OF BENEVOLENCE or at least if not saintly goody-good it was seen as BENIGN with faults, which had to be corrected by OTHER MEN. The quest for MATRIARCHY has never been put on the table, only equal rights for women were discussed.......But now through this what is happening - & everyone is not aware yet - all that William Bond said, I said & Ajax the Great is reiterating - will be seen as FACTS. Even the dissidents are not getting it right, it's not yet BROKEN THROUGH but it will - the females are stepping up, the female docs, nurses & activists are stepping up & declaring what the wicked are doing on purpose - but they are still not suggesting MATRIARCHY. But once it is FULLY REVEALED this is SATAN IT WILL BE PUT ON THE TABLE. Oh yes, like I started to say, the dissidents are speaking up - many men after the example of David Icke, are claiming an ALIEN TAKEOVER OF BLOOD LINES on earth which are RULING OUR WORLD. Easy way to get out of saying IT'S THE MEN - working through Patriarchy. OK, so now the gig will be up, Satan & his plans will be revealed, it had to come to this as people never believed it was Satan, now they will see his FACE or WHO HE IS - Men working with the system called PATRIARCHY.

    1. Very good insight, Rasa. And very very true indeed. As I like to say, the War on Women has been going on for over 7000 years now. We just call it "patriarchy" to make it sound nicer. And it needs to end yesterday, God willing.

      And of course patriarchy would never have succeded without its mask of "benevolent" sexism to cover for its hostile sexism. Those are two sides of the same ugly coin, and thus combined to result in the world's oldest protection racket and Ponzi scheme, which is what patriarchy really is.

      Best wishes, and keep up the great work,

