Friday 12 November 2021




 Referring to the Mike Adams podcast herein:


Letter to Ajax the Great:

    Yes I was disappointed - displeased & flabbergasted in some of his statements in this video as well & was going to write an article on the POV stated here about 'the aliens taking over' where he sounds like David Icke Jr. in that regard.


    When he mentions 'leftists, Democrats' & the like being in with the demons, it sounds like the Republicans are not.  This is silly & childish to blame one of the parties when both parties are pawns in the rich man's game, puppets of the corporate elite, Tweedle de de & Tweedle de dum.


    It becomes obvious that he, like most men, including the dissidents & conspiracy experts, have a problem understanding the Patriarchy vs Matriarchy issue - that is why NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE TO THEM & they blame it on ALIENS.  When he goes into we are but FOOD FOR THE ALIENS like cattle are to us - they are farming us - he's reading David Icke's script but not giving him credit.


    The Democrat issue runs through a few of the guys I'm studying, including Tim Brown of Sons of Liberty & Alex Jones of Infowars - they hate Biden for being Democrat but they don't hate Trump?  Trump has been pushing the vaccine narrative all along.  What is good about Trump?  What is good about Republicans?


    Then he lumps in the God haters with abortionists, missing the issue completely of women need freedom to govern their bodies, to make their own choice.  Men are forcing many women to comply with sex, or else they do sex for the wrong reasons & didn't want the pregnancy, & so, although I don't like abortion, I wish women would have the freedom to JUST SAY NO TO MEN or else FORCE MEN TO WEAR CONDOMS or get vasectomies - but women are under slavery to men in some cases & are pressured into unsafe sex & bearing children they don't want or can't take care of properly.  And the men in most cases want to force the women to bear their children but are slow to help take care of them.  Many cases they just want the sex, they disappear afterward.  But he just calls abortion out & out murder, not seeing it from the woman's POV at all.  And he lumps abortion into the zeitgeist of the demonic on earth rather than a man vs woman issue.


    And he does in this video veer into a sort of anti-vaxxed people stance, which he hasn't done before, so this disappoints me.  In a video with Dr. Sherri TenPenny he strongly stated to her that those who got the shots were BRAINWASHED.  People who got vaxxed - had no idea what was in the 'vaccine.'  Had they known, only someone not in their right mind would have taken the poison.  We only started finding out what was in these jabs was it a month ago?  And most people got jabbed prior to that.  Have mercy on the brothers & sisters that were fooled, tricked & cajoled into the shot - they are not the enemy, they are victims.  Help them get healed from the poison.  Maybe some of the vaxxed people have become enemies of the unvaxxed, but that's ignorance.


    Then toward the end I thought it sounded like he had lost his mind.  He said things not logical.  He said with this carbon removal they are going to turn the world into a cold, lifeless, dead planet with no food.  Then he says 'Those of us who did not get vaxxed will be the ones left managing the world" - words approximate.  What world?  Will there be a world or not?  He says the plot of the aliens is to take over the planet & remove all the humans, now that they have farmed us into becoming plentiful, now they got what they wanted, will make us suffer & die, eating up the energy from our suffering.  That's the David Icke script again, which I think has some value but is TWISTED.


    Where does this script go wrong?  I think the problem is these conspiracy experts are all MEN & being men they are BLINDED to the fact that it is the MEN who have caused the downfall of society, that it is a Patriarchal problem, that the demons come from the MEN, not aliens, the demonic comes from the ID or dark, primitive part of the psyche which HAS NO CONSCIENCE.  They cannot see the demons INSIDE THE MEN so they see them OUTSIDE as ALIENS.  They are projecting this.


    And that's why both to David Icke & now Mike Adams, this is the ONLY THING THAT MAKES SENSE, THE ALIENS have been farming us for thousands of years, they have multiplied us to these huge numbers, now they want to kill us to EAT OUR ENERGY.


    But most logical people who are looking at this as dissidents or conspiracy theorists believe they are trying to drastically reduce the number of people so they can manage us - as there are only about 16 extended families in the Shadow Govt managing like seven billion people?  This number is way too much to handle so they want to cut it down. 


    And the fact that it is MEN doing this - not women - it is Patriarchy - follows into the behavior of men, the pattern of SERIAL KILLERS - men who wipe out their entire families, men who create cults & then either murder many followers or cause them to do murder, or commit suicide.  All such cults were run by men.  And this huge cult sees as the answer to overpopulation NOT MATRIARCHY which is the only human answer, but MURDER which is the way men have been running the world since millennia & will continue to do so until stopped.  It is the DEMONS in the MALE BRAIN that we are dealing with, have been putting up with for thousands of years.


    Mike Adams, Alex Jones & Tim Brown all refer to God as a He & in this video Mike rightfully says that it is God who will win this war against evil, not humans.  But he doesn't explain HOW.  I think he's still in that ARCHAIC DELUSION that the GOOD GUYS on the white horses - the men like himself, Alex Jones & Tim Brown, who will THEN TAKE OVER THE WORLD AFTER ALL THE VAXXED HAVE DIED.


    But the good men have lived in the world for milennia also, & were even led by Avatars like Buddha & Jesus Christ - but the world was not saved.


    I gave you my analysis recently how the world would be saved.  I knew that human males are deteriorating per their Y chromosome going downhill & extinction is inevitable.  Men are more susceptible to illness; it is proven, because of not having two X chromosomes.  And so, when they take poison, - these vaccines, they are more likely to die than women, possibly in double the numbers {that's just a guess} & this would speed up the ratio of less men, more women, with women having the advantage to take over.  And women of course will restore God as a Mother & women as Priests & all things Matriarchal - end of story.  End of male domination.  That is God's solution according to me………………………Guru Rasa Von Werder   11-12-21



  1. Excellent analysis, Rasa! I couldn't have said it better myself. The artwork and fuzzies make it even better still. I will be sure to share this far and wide!

    Best wishes, and keep up the great work,


  2. Thanks for being here Ajax. Your reaction, if any, to the 'Reptilian theory' being preached now by David Icke for 30 years - do you have any thoughts? I sometimes get perplexed but now firmly believe it is PROJECTION like I said here, as the males cannot face that the MAJORITY {not all} of demons & the demonic spirit comes from human males, & they are infusing society with these demonic thoughts, ideas & behaviors. I know that is not part of the narrative of our society - it is not put on the table anywhere except in esoteric circles, but if you haven't thought about it maybe you could give a listen to David Icke. If Mike Adams is accepting & re-iterating his theories then I'll have to get active & refute them. Because here is an excellent platform to preach what really is in Patriarchy vs Matriarchy.

    1. And if Mike Adams is accepting & believing this he is an example of the theory catching on. The men need something to believe in - it can't be, in their minds 'IT'S THE MEN' so here is the fall guy: IT'S THE ALIENS! Of course I respect David Icke too much to laugh at him or say anything insulting because I know he's right on most points & a valuable asset to humanity - but when he & Mike start the Reptilian rant one gets a weird feeling like 'this is out there,' is he alright?

    2. You're very welcome, Rasa. I personally think the Reptilian theory is quite out there and silly. But in the minds of the men that believe it, it is likely a projection of what they probably know deep down is demonic forces in general, including those originating from within men themselves. "Reptilians" is how they are better able to wrap their minds around the evil that men do.

      "The evil that men do lives on, while the good is often interred with their bones", as William Shakespeare famously said.

      Best wishes,

    3. Yes, that's a good analysis Ajax the Great, thanks for it. They CANNOT ACCEPT that it is a MAN THING, a PATRIARCHAL THING, as no one ever - ever says in the mainstream, 'Hey, how about Matriarchy? How about giving women a chance to run the world?' I think women taking over is one of the greatest fears of men, ingrained in them so long, that they simply cannot, will not even think of it or discuss it. They react with great emotions of fear, even hysteria, at the prospect of women running the world. So each generation waits for the man on the white horse, & it is like 'Waiting for Godot' a play I saw when I was 12 years old. It is a futile hope this Godot will solve all their problems but in the version I saw on TV Godot did come, they did not recognize him, he was in rags & carrying a bundle of rags. I believe he represented Jesus Christ & his poverty, but in the minds of men, like in Jesus time, they thought Jesus would save the from the Romans, not from sin. The men seek earthly salvation, Jesus saves their souls. But as far as the man on the White horse, he will NEVER, EVER COME, because by the very nature of the male, the meanest, wickedest, most murderous will always rise to the top.

    4. You're very welcome, and thanks again. Very well-said, Rasa. So very true indeed.

