Monday 22 November 2021

Way Out of This Hell




Wow, talk about putting the nail on the head. Ajax has a way of precisely, concisely, explaining big issues in a clear & stunning way. This beats Hemingway. And has more intelligence. We are on the same page. Why did not the good guys take over? No one ever asks that question, but Ajax does. Why Ajax, why did not the good guys take over, depose the bad guys like King Herod, Stalin & Hitler, Genghis Kahn, Alexander the Great, Pol Pot, Mussolini & the thousands of other murderous tyrants who rose to the helm? How about Vlad the Impaler, Attila the Hun - how about all the cults run by men which ended up in suicide or murder or both? Jim Jones - dozens of such demons in our last 50-60 years. Why did not the good guys step forward? Supposedly there were good guys all around. My answer, the good guys were AFRAID of the bad guys, them being more aggressive & brutal, so their either stayed out of the way or went along with the program, most of them OK with the program in the hope of some crumbs of goodies falling to them off the table. And again, why didn't we women fight for the rights of our children? These are major questions that should be put on the table for philosophy geniuses like William Bond & those who study such things, - give us some answers. All I know is it's a battle, & we women must now step forward, at the minute before midnight, & take over the world before it's too later. They are moving toward blowing us humans off the planet & nothing will be left but cockroaches, so let's hurry up.



Had this insight why Mother God allowed it to go this far & it looks farther:  Because the FACE OF SATAN IS REVEALED.....Patriarchy has hidden to the mainstream population, its demonic spirit & murderous, demonic intents......The people did not FIGHT AGAINST PATRIARCHY because it wore a MASK OF BENEVOLENCE or at least if not saintly goody-good it was seen as BENIGN with faults, which had to be corrected by OTHER MEN.  The quest for MATRIARCHY has never been put on the table, only equal rights for women were discussed.......But now through this what is happening - & everyone is not aware yet - all that William Bond said, I said & Ajax the Great is reiterating - will be seen as FACTS.  Even the dissidents are not getting it right, it's not yet BROKEN THROUGH but it will - the females are stepping up, the female docs, nurses & activists are stepping up & declaring what the wicked are doing on purpose - but they are still not suggesting MATRIARCHY.  But once it is FULLY REVEALED this is SATAN IT WILL BE PUT ON THE TABLE. Oh yes, like I started to say, the dissidents are speaking up - many men after the example of David Icke, are claiming an ALIEN TAKEOVER OF BLOOD LINES     on earth which are RULING OUR WORLD.  Easy way to get out of saying IT'S THE MEN - working through Patriarchy.  OK, so now the gig will be up, Satan & his plans will be revealed, it had to come to this as people never believed it was Satan, now they will see his FACE or WHO HE IS - Men working with the system called PATRIARCHY. 

Answer to article from Ajax the Great from Rasa: 

One thousand percent true. WE THE SHEEPLE have been controlled, herded, browbeaten, pushed around, BULLIED to the point that we don't know if they are going to just en masse TAKE US AWAY where we'll never be heard from again. It's like all that we ever heard about Communist Russia from long ago, when Communists were labeled the most repressive tyrannical govt on earth. Now we are under that regime while they have become 'normal' or 'fair.' We used to have freedom of body, while Noam Chomsky said we had that sort of freedom, but they worked to enslave our MINDS. Well, WE THE SHEEPLE got their minds enslaved & how? Through MEDIA. 

            In the mid 90’s when I began to study Noam Chomsky, Michael Parenti & Howard Zinn – the dissidents – Chomsky explained that recently all the mainstream media of the world had about 27 owners.  But this was quickly consolidated where before long only 5 CORPORATIONS owned the international media!  And therefore, what people heard & usually believed {except for those who didn’t swallow it & sought ALTERNATIVE MEDIA} was WHAT THEY TOLD US, which was LIES & therefore BRAINWASHING.  At first, it seemed fairly benign to the average person {but not to those in the know, they knew something was up – very bad – they knew we were heading for disaster & FEARED any edicts, new laws, rules, activities, INJECTIONS, anything & every thing our Knights in dull armor were doing.}

            The writing was on the web wall ALL OVER THE PLACE, BUT John & Jane Sheeple DIDN’T LOOK.  They watched mainstream news, mainstream publications, mainstream gossip, all a part of the brainwash.  Lies followed lies, & lemmings ditto, right over the cliff.  When ‘conspiracy nuts’ like myself spoke, we were laughed at, told what we said was ‘out there,’ – like Noah who warned of a coming flood & built his ship over many years, hahahaha what a nut they said.  Then the rains came, 40 days, 40 nights, wouldn’t stop.  But he had gotten those he could save, two by two animals, shoved them into his ark & away they floated, too bad for those left behind, let them laugh.

            OK, the flood is beginning, the rain is hard.  We might get engulfed soon where we don’t know what will become of us.  The best people were fooled, all because they believed the demons disguised as sheep were sheep.  It was wishful thinking.  No one wants to believe in the God awful, disastrous, frightening, deadly TRUTH.  It’s too ugly & it DEMANDS ACTION.

            Now WHAT DO WE DO?

            Evil men do not go away because you ask them to.  The women’s movement was a battle; women FOUGHT BACK.  Had they not done so there would be still no equal rights for women, same ole’ slavery as been for thousands of years.  But fighting gained back some of our freedoms.

            Then Martin Luther King Jr. headed the Civil Rights in America, it won back many freedoms lost by the blacks.

            Mahatma Gandhi did his thing, resisting the United Kingdom’s takeover of India step by step.  Who would have ever thought it?  Innocent trade ended up with their military takeover & dictating to Indians, a huge & free country, what they could & could not do?  And when Indians started to fight back, many were bombarded with machine guns – when they gathered - & murdered.  But eventually, Britain hi tailed it out of India, all thanks to ONE MAN & his ideas of PASSIVE RESISTANCE.           

            What do we do now?  Are we going to go the way of LITHUANIA & Australia?  The Australians said they are looking to us for salvation.  Can we save ourselves & the world?  How?  Will someone who laughed before now suggest what we do?  Of course David Icke says resistance.  I have resisted while watching all my neighbors give in.  I wore no mask unless forced.  I got no vaccines nor did I permit anyone under my care to get them, & I advised all I knew not to get shots, not to have their kids inoculated.  Did they listen?  No, they were listening to mainstream media & their numb nuts neighbors.  Moms would say things like this to me,

            “My friend’s kids got vaccinated, nothing happened, & so did my nephews & nieces get the vaccines, it was OK.  I don’t know why my child is such a SISSY when jabbed!  But these Moms were not looking at STATISTICS – I was, the statistics on AUTISM which explained that now AUTISM in children had skyrocketed, & the conspiracy ‘nuts’ explained there was mercury & aluminum & aborted baby fetal tissue in the vaccines, & NONE OF THESE PEOPLE BELIEVED US.

            OK you unbelievers, now that folks are headed for underground bunkers in the near future or cremated before they even know they’re dead – what do we do?  You were so smart before, what is your solution now?  You have none, do you? 

            As Ajax says, as I say - Bullies do not go away, stop tortures just because we say ‘Please stop, you’re hurting me – us.’

            They WANT TO HURT; they have no conscience, empathy, love.  They are demonic.  How do you stop them? - By fighting.  What style of fighting?  Look to history.  Review Emmeline Pankhurst, Martin Luther King Jr. & Mahatma Gandhi, Betty Freidan.  Try to start there.  But at this point, will that be enough?  Were those actions implemented in more normal times?  Are we over the edge & just face the firing squad?  Anyone have answers?

            Ajax suggested what the govt SHOULD NOT DO.  OK friend, you are right.  But how do we make them?


Rasa continues:  What is so relevant & powerful is the FEAR OF WOMEN TAKING OVER is SO STRONG that men who can see the evil, the demonic like David Icke - fine some way, any way, of blaming it on SOMEONE ELSE - NOT THE MEN.  And so this diverts, diffuses our struggle for Matriarchy because instead of deposing the men, putting them out of office, we now have to look at ALIENS & figure out how to get rid of ALIENS off our planet!


And if these are ALIENS doing this to us - & if they are such SUPERIOR BEINGS that they can infiltrate our planet, take it over, & look upon us as cattle - then there is no hope, no more than for the cattle, sheep & goats to throw off the yoke of humans from their necks.  Animals cannot figure out how to get rid of us, humans could not, would not be able to figure out how to get aliens off us, & so, there would BE NO SOLUTION.


BUT THERE IS ONE - Matriarchy is the solution.  When will humanity wake up to this?  When will the women wake up & do everything they can individually & collectively to throw off the male yoke?  What will it take?  How close are we to seeing women wake up to this?


From Ajax the Great: 

Very well-said overall, Rasa. The only real solution is mass non-compliance with all of these insane edicts, full stop. By a critical mass of We the People. Which should have been done long ago. Some countries like Australia may be too late to save now, but the USA I think still has a chance thanks to a few brave governors like Ron DeSantis and Kristi Noem who threw a monkey wrench into the plans of the oligarchy. But that window is closing fast.

As for Chomsky, unfortunately he seems to have been compromised too, recently chillingly saying that unvaccinated people should be "isolated from society". Just like the ACLU has sold out, and so many others too. And even Sweden's new incoming PM has apparently been compromised now, as has even the vaunted Anders Tegnell too. And the entire country of Turkmenistan has apparently been compromised as well, doing a complete 180 degree turn from denying the narrative completely to mandating vaccines for everyone just like Austria plans to.

The oligarchs are in a hurry to eliminate the control group by forcing as many people to get jabbed (and then boostered) as possible as the narrative rapidly collapses all around us now. The longer We the People can HOLD THE LINE, the longer we can see the narrative completely laid waste before it escalates to the point of no return, God willing.


Rasa says: 

OMG Noam Chomsky selling out!  That is a sad funeral.  I did not know this list here that you explained; it is a sad, sad day for humanity. 

I want to add this comment of yours & make an article which I hope to do tonight along with a dream I had yesterday, so I'll have two articles to present for you to share, - hope it isn't inconvenient.  But I was waiting for another 'addendum' from you so this is it; it is scary as hell for many, but a great addendum although I shudder to think what's ahead for humanity.  And most of these inoculated people haven't got a clue how to heal themselves -  they can't even imagine what's in these vaccines.  I am praying for you & every child of God who got the jabs not to be affected by them, every day.  We do what we can to reach however many we can.  Even a small number saved by our articles is important, every person & creature of God is important.  

How can people non comply when they think the vaccines are safe, the administrators benign & even looking for our welfare? - Can't happen. 

           OK about Noam Chomsky – he never was a conspiracy expert, only a step in that direction, being a ‘dissident,’ – I stopped studying the ‘dissident 3’ – Chomsky, Michael Parenti & Howard Zinn when I embarked on the more advanced conspiracy experts like David Icke, Alex Jones, Ted Gunderson & the like.  They are/were, advanced in their research & observations.  Still, Noam Chomsky has broken my heart IRREPARABLY.  I shall never look to him as MENTOR again.  Long ago I wrote him many letters & he always answered, even praised me for my industriousness for writing & publishing so many books.  But now it’s good bye to him.  Indeed, the unvaxxed should be ISOLATED from the rest of society?  What about when the Jews of Europe long ago were housed in Ghettos?  He has not done his homework as to what these concoctions contain.  Or else, he’s been browbeaten into mouthing the demon narrative.  Maybe they THREATENED him.  I put nothing past them.  They might have threatened his life or his family. 

          As for the ACLU that is a sad day for us.  I have always supported them.  Got their book on do women have equal rights in Patriarchy?  And they explained how we don’t.  So they were extremely helpful.  But what has happened now?  No longer will I admire them or seek the Truth from their quarter. 

          Ditto for AARP, they are carrying the party line – Could all these people, orgs have been paid off or threatened?  Payments could go into millions as they are bought off by money stolen from us, the people - Blood money.  Too bad, I trusted AARP – no more.  The disciples of Righteousness are narrowing by the day, but there are some.  Look at the persons on Brigtheon, Sons of Liberty site, the Washington Standard site, Infowars & the like.  Not everyone has gone down the drain to Hell.  The problem is, people can be bought, cheap or expensive.  Some will sell out for just a vague threat of recrimination; some are given offers they ‘can’t refuse.’  Those who hold out to the end are the winners in the eyes of all that is good – even if it means martyrdom.


From Rasa Von Werder    11-21-21


From Ajax the Great    11-22-21


Good evening, Rasa.  Indeed, it is truly sad when Chomsky sells out. Even sadder than the ACLU and AAP selling out.  And I also added another comment to the article as well about yet another big sellout to the globalist oligarchy--the Russian government under Putin:


Oh, and even Russia of all places has been compromised too, despite all the myths to the contrary. They have their own "vaccine" called Sputnik V, similar to the AstraZeneca/Oxford and J&J jabs, and plenty of coercion to go with it apparently. And it is hardly "safe and effective" either:


Looks like they were "controlled opposition" practically all along. SMH.

Indeed, getting most people to not comply is a tall order.  But even a fairly small percentage can snowball into a truly critical mass, God willing.



Rasa Von Werder:  controlled opposition?   Wow.  This is PROOF the entire world is under the Power of the Shadow Govt.  Russia, China & America, seemingly enemies, all under one roof of Tyranny.


 Ajax the Great:

Indeed, just like it was long thought for decades that the CIA and KGB were both controlled by the same puppetmasters behind the scenes.  Only difference now is that the KGB was renamed the FSB.  The shadow oligarchs love to play both sides of every conflict, as to guarantee that heads they win, tails, we all lose.


Rasa:   Amen - Let the best man win & who is the best man?  Mother God





  1. Amen to that, Rasa! Very well-said. Excellent insights and words of wisdom, and great artwork to go with it as well. I will be sure to share it far and wide.

    I want to point out that in my comments I actually meant AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) had sold out, rather than AARP, the organization for seniors. (Though it really wouldn't surprise me if the AARP also decides to "go along to get along" as well, just like most Americans have.) The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is of course partly funded by...wait for it...PFIZER! (Whose logo they once proudly displayed on their website as a "partner", but have since scrubbed that for obvious reasons). So their current disgusting stance on jabbing and masking kids now makes perfect sense to them given which side their bread is buttered on.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,


  2. Sorry Ajax I thought AAP was a TYPO & changed it. I will fix that. Thanks for the great comments & responses.

    1. No problem, thanks again and you're very welcome :)

  3. I agree with Ajax that one of the reason why we don’t have nice guys in positions of power is because they are frightened of the bad guys. But It is more that that. Even if a nice guy is courageous and stand up to the bad guys, he can be outmaneuvered by deception and the dirty tricks bad guys will use.

    Because of this, many people with very good intentions have tried to get into positions of power by using the same tricks as the bad guys. As Niccolò Machiavelli once wrote, “The ends justify the means”, and many good people have tried to do this. But in using the methods of deception and dirty tricks to gain power, these people have ended up as bad as the people they are fighting against.

    An example of this is the French Revolution where the intentions of the revolutionaries was to create a more caring and equal society. But because they used violence, torture, deception and indoctrination to achieve this, they ended up being worse than the government they replaced.

    Even female politicians and businesswomen fall into this trap. An example of this was Margaret Thatcher who was Britain's first Prime Minister. But although she was a woman she never showed any feminine qualities of love and compassion. She use devious Machiavellian methods to gain power and outmaneuver her political opponents, but never used her power to help the people she ruled.

    So for this reason many people assume it is impossible for us to live in a more caring world because it seems, “nice guys (or girls) come last”. It seems we live in a world where honest caring people very rarely gain wealth and power. But is deception, trickery, corruption and violence the only way people can gain wealth and power? Not according to what positive thinking authors tell us.

    I have read many positive thinking books and in the ones I’ve read, none of them mention using deception, dirty tricks or aggression to become rich and powerful. So if we take the ideas in positive thinking seriously then it is a method where caring people can gain wealth and power.

  4. Positive thinking is not a new idea and we find examples of it ancient religions like Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism as well as the teachings of Jesus. Yet, unfortunately although these ideas have been around for thousands of years, only a small minority of people use them or can make them work. And the reason for this is that the teachings are either incomplete or have been contaminated by other ideas.

    For instance, both Buddhism and Hinduism both teach meditation, which is foundation of any method to gain gain control over our own minds. But neither religion goes on to explain that having learned meditation, how we can use it to gain power. In fact we find many religions teach against using spiritual methods to gain personal wealth and power. Which is very unhelpful because it is a method where loving and caring people can do this, which will make our world a far better place.

    All of us have been taught we live in a material world and what goes on in our own minds have nothing to do with our reality. Now this teaching very much encourages masculine power. This because men by nature are bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than women. So while we believe we live in a totally material world, men will always have the advantage.

    But if we are taught that we live in a world of mind and spirit and what we think controls our reality, then men’s advantages of size, strength and aggression counts for nothing. This then is why we live in a patriarchal world, because women are unaware of their power.

    This is why I believe the path to feminine power where women can once again rule our world is through a matriarchal religion that worships a female deity and teaches positive thinking. Women are powerless in the patriarchal world because they have lost contact with the Great Mother or MotherGod.

    Now, men can use positive thinking as well as any woman but woman have the advantage if she uses it within a matriarchal religion. When we worship male gods we are worshiping separation. Men by nature and competitive and aggressive and so are male gods. Whereas feminine deities represent love and caring and therefore take us towards harmony and Oneness.

    The One is the most powerful force in the universe but only loving feminine women can access this power. This is because men are by nature egoistic and are frightened of the One as they fear it will destroy their egos and individuality. Women on the other hand do not have the same fears and therefore can easy communicate with the One and access her power and wisdom.

    So when women once again create there own matriarchal religions they can teach each other positive thinking and access the limitless power of the One.

  5. I have an answer to all this, further revelation or insight, how to conquer what is happening in history, now & in the near future. But I need a little time to write it down. You guys might not have thought of it because it's more of the female POV......& as we agree, the female must prevail & so the female has to think of the answers. And I have. Will report later.
