Wednesday 24 November 2021

The Games of Love Dreams


11-20-21        Dreams  -  Romantic Events  – COUGAR wins dreams


In the last week I’ve had like 3 dreams where I appear as a MESSAGE OF THE EVENT in front of the White House, where I preached.

First, where I sent a message to my spiritual husband not to get shots, etc.  It appeared as a message in a newspaper, black & white, underlined sentences, a pic of me preaching, over two entire pages in the middle, a ‘center spread’ in this paper’.  Bob got the paper.


*** CENTER SPREAD UNDERLINED:  Underlined, underscored, is an important message.  Center spread over two sheets, extremely important.  He got the message, knew it was from you. ***


Next dream days later I see him & me running from the horizon, he is a grey pretty suit, she is a bridal gown & veil, she gleeful, toward me – means soon-to-be-marriage.


Days later I see him & me again dressed for marriage, walking or running from the sort of ‘White House’ scene toward me.  This time I notice her veil.  There’s a WHITE STRING around her face, holding the veil, & the rest is the same, long bridal veil, full tulle dress, he like before.  What is that God?


*** THE STRING AROUND YOUR HEAD, HOLDING THE VEIL:  A "no strings attached" relationship is one in which there are no special conditions or restrictions for emotional or physical fidelity or support.


This means there is a STRING attached to your head holding the veil.  Mother God, explain more in detail why is the string on MY HEAD holding the veil, not on HIS HEAD?  Does it mean I will be forced to be faithful but he’s not? 


MG:  Not at all.  The veil represents a separation between you.  If he wants you, the separation to be moved or veil to be withdrawn, there is a large string to it, which means faithfulness, commitment, monogamy.  You’ve been thinking about what a run-around he’s been all his life.  If this is for keeps, he will not be permitted to run around any more with anyone, it is like the many birds who mate for life – case closed.  That ends the debate in your mind what his behavior will be.  That message here is loud & clear, like the message of Fatima before the White House, & it will bear results, like that message did. ***



11-20-21            Sports, Entertainment


First I’m in a sort of outside enclosure & playing ball with a male & female.  I’m holding a small bat & he throws me a ball, I hit it, it bounces backward.  I go to find it but cannot.  There’s a fence – like black crisscrossed metal covered in plastic, across from it a brick wall covered in light plaster, the space here being maybe 15’ wide, 12’ deep - here the ground is uneven, it might have hidden in a crevice.  I go tell the 2 friends I can’t find it & she says,

          “Oh, that was his favorite ball.”


          *** PLAYING BALL, HIM, YOU, ANOTHER FEMALE:  This is when you went out to HAVE FUN the way God told you, got involved with Bob.  The baseball game represents sex or PLAYING BALL/BALLING.  You holding the bat is his penis, he throwing the ball at you is he ‘balling’ you, you ‘hitting the ball’ so well is doing sex well. 

          But the ball or the GAME OF SEX gets ‘LOST’ or STOPS & the other female – I venture is his wife Ruthie, - is saying YOU WERE HIS FAVORITE PERSON TO HAVE SEX WITH or to ‘ball,’ ‘his favorite ball.’


 {I will ask Mother God why is Ruthie here as the THIRD PERSON & admitting the TRUTH re my being his favorite person for intimacy?  In the past we had nothing but conflict, physically, mentally, metaphysically; she never admitted I was his fave even in dreams, now she is admitting to the truth of what I claimed all along.  Why?

MG:  Because she has no choice.

ME:  What do you mean?  She can say or think anything she wants.  Why this?

MG:  It’s OVER for them, so – she has NOTHNG TO LOSE, she’s already lost him.  And so, admitting the truth is what happens when a person is against the wall, nowhere to go, has to say ‘Amen – this is it – this is the truth.’

It’s like Mickey Hargitay was grieving for his dead wife, Jayne Mansfield, who left him for other guys, & he consoled himself with THE TRUTH which he kept explaining to you,

“If she left me, I NEVER HAD HER.’

So now Ruthie, faced with the fact that they are finished, is saying,

“I haven’t lost him as I never had him.’}


          The ‘ball’ gets lost in a place that symbolizes YOUR BEDROOM.  It STOPS or ‘gets lost’ there.  It’s the dimensions approx of your bedroom.  The FENCE being black wire, plastic, criss crossed {Cross is ending}, is that this end or ‘funeral black’ was the Will of God – {metal mostly representing the Will of God in that the NAILS nailing Our Lord to the Cross were metal & represented Her Will}…..and on the other side the brick wall covered in plaster – You can’t get through a brick wall, it’s the end, it’s a barrier.  The ball falling into a crevice is you can’t play ball or have sex any more.

          {It is notable, however, that this CREVICE is also another IMPORTANT SYMBOL.  Last night you saw a movie of ‘Iceland – The Newborn Island’ on You Tube, & in it a bird was laying her eggs on the ground, but in a CREVICE WITHIN ROCKS covered in moss, & when the birds hatched, they emerged, but when there was a large predatory bird overhead, seeking the lives of the baby birds, the Mom would call them to the crevice, sit on top of them where her speckled body was completely camouflaged & the tots were safe.  This represents that your sex acts are now hidden, like eggs, but they will hatch, emerge later, they will be kept safe – you will have sex again when it’s time for you to resume your relationship.  WONDERFUL subtle symbol.  Watch out for the details in dreams!} ***


I’m sorry about that.  I look at my bat with which I so effectively hit that ball, & it’s only the plainest of smallish hollow sticks from the woods, no bark – about a foot long, has a jagged edge but is smooth.  {It looks like one of the sticks I use to feed my wild animals, I use it to stir the sugar on top to distribute it.}


*** THE FOOT LONG BAT ETC:  For sure is his PENIS, & it’s a stick from the woods I use to stir the sugar on top of the animal food – an allusion to sex is ‘stirring sugar’ with his ‘baseball bat’ of a penis where ‘SUGAR’ is also seen as making love.  His penis is indeed the important object of our love making. ***


          We’re having FUN – that’s what this is about.



PARRALLEL DREAM:  Sometimes when you have two or more dreams, a series, they are about the same subject, showing you the meaning of a thing from different perspectives.  This second dream elaborates on the subject of the situation of Bob, Ruthie & myself. 

The scene changes into another type of fun.  Now there’s a large one-story building with mostly glass walls, & all the females of the neighborhood have put on lingerie to entertain all the guys, trying to snag the best ones.  Wow, a new ball game.


          *** NEW PLACE OF FUN WITH GLASS WALLS:  Is when I became a cougar & went downtown to try & have fun, entertain & seduce men.

GLASS WALLS represent PUBLICLY SEEN, not hidden or private behind solid walls.  In fact most of the bars did have large glass walls or windows facing the street.  We were all down there having fun, most of us wanting to snag males, putting on lingerie is putting on sexy clothes. ***


So I do likewise & I go to my bag of clothes & pick out a white bra – very large because it’s me, I have the largest boobs & bra of all the females.  I put this on & go into the building & join everyone, envisioning which guys I will seduce.  In my minds eye I see hottie men, very masculine.


*** LARGEST BOOBS, LARGEST BRA:  This is literally true but also true in terms of breasts representing LOVE.  This could be saying I have more love than the girls downtown. ***


All of us females walk & dance in front of the guys, who are sitting against the glass walls, but I am the best dancer.  I am a pro, they amateurs, & I have some new steps, like I can dance from the ceiling with my feet on it, like Fred Astaire in a move – they are trying & a couple can do some of that but not as well as I can, one can climb the wall & dance but not the ceiling.



MG:  The female climbing the wall is someone who is extremely frustrated.  ‘Climbing the wall’ is agitation.  Who is she?  She is your competitor in turning on whatever hottie you seek to find.  It could be your long-ago ‘competition’ of sorts Jessi, or the one he moved in with, Ruthie.  Since Ruthie has already been spoken of, let’s assume it’s her, the other one has been long forgotten.


You did something no other female could do – a step that was impossible for them, dancing like Fred Astaire on the ceiling, hanging down, still dancing.  If ‘climbing the wall’ is being in pain, {feel frustrated, helpless, and trapped}    dancing on the ceiling is beyond that.  She did something difficult, but you did the IMPOSSIBLE.  Let us think. 

Gravity will take a person down from the ceiling, you beat gravity, you beat the earthly laws of nature.  You beat the bonds of your own flesh, lust & jealousy, you gave up the laws of nature by letting go your human desire & still kept dancing; kept your hope, joy, faith, & confidence, that you & your hottie would be together.  You were the only one of all the women there who ENDURED – persevered & persisted.  You waited years, you did not take an exit & find another way, another hottie, you loved only one hottie & waited for him – Bob.  You WON THE CONTEST by rising above yourself – something none of them could do. ***    


Later I go into the dressing room & am scrounging for a change of clothes, accidentally put on the wrong bra, it’s like for a flat chested girl, it’s a stretch knitted green triangle top, I realize it’s not mine, not right, quickly take it off, seek my own large bra, find it, but it’s in water, I wring it out, somehow dry it partially, put it on & go out there again.  It’s all a game; somehow I feel they have not left me behind even though they are all younger than me.


*** ANOTHER FEMALE’S BRA, SHE’S FLAT CHESTED, TRIANGLES, DIAMOND SHAPED BUT FLAT CHESTED CUPS:  Again, going back to the beginning there were 3 of you – You – Bob & Ruthie, a triangle.  We presume it’s Ruthie ‘climbing the wall’ so this bra, to go along with the flow of the dream, must also belong to Ruthie.  Being green is OF THE EARTH, not TRUE LOVE or something higher.  She has no true love, God’s love, she is FLAT when it comes to that.  This doesn’t fit you, so you quickly discard that type of love & go get your TRUE LOVE LARGE BRA.

The FLAT BRA – another possibility is this is YOUR OWN LOVE which was green – of the earth – not the True God Love represented by the extra large white bra, & we already talked about you giving up your earthly love & permitting the God Self to take over – which was the step to SUCCESS. 

  Being in water is you were WASHED/CLEANSED but you are just about over this  cleansing or Purgatory, you are fairly dry now – You will be able to function or activate this love with him.


Also the dream says ‘this is a game’ a game of love of course, & they are all younger than me, but they did not beat me at this game.  Haha.  Cougar won. ***


11-23-21               The STRUGGLE of myself & another female for him 

I am in a wilderness in a hilly area above a body of water – as I look at this scene from above, the water to the left, but I don’t look at the water – my eyes are on the wooded wilderness hill.  My residence or rugged home is higher up, & I take a look lower down, I walk down there.  Beyond it I sense is a beach & then water but I don’t look at that, just this residence.


          *** WILDERNESS & A HILL LIKE A MOUNTAIN:  WILDERNESS represents lack of understanding, like being lost in a wilderness, or in a forest where you can’t see the forest for the trees.  It indicates one not understanding a situation in this dream, it will be CLARIFIED as symbolized by the ASIAN WOMAN who will appear.

          And MOUNTAIN or TALL HILL is usually “Lord, you gave me a mountain,” a BIG problem.  So I am higher up on this hill, which means I had a BIG problem.  Now going lower to another residence I will examine, I am studying the problem. ***


This place recently had a serious fire, which destroyed much of the domicile, so bad that the people in it must move out.  Two things are before me.  One, an oriental female with a small clinging net on top of her head, she greets me with a respectful bow with clasped hands.  I guess she’s one of the residents, but I believe the rest are not Asians.


          *** ASIAN FEMALE:  To me Asians, Orientals always represent the higher beings like Angels or Saints.  The small thin net on top her head which seems to be pushed back a little off her forehead, represents THE VEIL BEING LIFTED or pushed back, where a VEIL HIDES A THING but pushed back off her forehead or head means the veil pushed away from the MIND, something will be REVEALED.  And the fact that this is a female, well, I serve the Sacred Feminine Divine & She is answering me.  The clasped hands of prayerful respect, the bowing head, is a reflection of my own prayers to HER.

This burned up domicile I realize now is not someone else, the burning up of my relationship with Bob, which seemed tragic, will be explained as season following season. ***

Below pic:  Hindu worships the Lingam {penis} which is inserted in the Yoni {vagina} In this religion, SEX IS SACRED

I also notice a stand of straight tree branches placed in a tee-pee style, also a style that some people use for a fire, where Pagan cultures form a circle {even Europeans like in Norway}, with the females having flower wreaths around their heads, everyone traverses the sticks now on fire, holding hands & singing. {This is NOT happening at the moment, it’s simply my memories of seeing such things right now.}

Some of these structures look like a tee-pee, when covered, you could use as a shelter.

This one is standing there partway, I don’t see all of it, it’s like half or ¾ of it is leaning against something – it was not burned.

This situation was a hard event for the family living here, they are leaving the area.


          *** FIRE BURNED UP THEIR DWELLING, THEY ARE LEAVING THE AREA, STICKS REMIND ME OF SOMETHING LIKE A BELTANE CLEBRATION:  This is a clue toward a CHANGE OF SEASONS, something burning up but yet, it is a portent of something new happening.  Here I see an ENDING in that someone’s home has tragically burned up but the sticks indicate also a new BEGINNING. Each season ends something but begins another thing.

This dream will tell me abut something ending, something beginning. ***


But before they leave there is a ceremony.  The people of this burned residence are all together on this field & we are all on our haunches in a circle around a fire like they have in pagan celebrations.

In a few moments we are told to stand, hold hands, & circle the fire, which we do.

Then we all break into pairs to dance.

The man I’m paired with is doing a traditional I think step like it’s repetitious, & I begin to dance with him except I cannot follow his step, I do my own, but I’m a good dancer & we keep dancing.  He’s wearing a shiny black leather full length coat like I used to have, & shoes or boots made of the same material, shiny.

As we dance we begin holding hands & we dance away, where it looks like we’ll be together – a chosen couple, designated for one another.


          *** CHOSEN COUPLE, MEANT TO BE TOGETHER, HOLDING HANDS:  As usual, many of my dreams go onto the subject of Bob & myself, & this is us in the beginning, when we were dating, before Ruthie showed up.  It seemed like Bob & I were together & would be together, would get closer. It was meant to be.

BROWN SHINY LEATHER Bob is wearing, like I used to wear.  Brown is usually suffering, but not total misery like black or ending, just depression.  He was an unhappy person.  The colors I’m wearing as we dance are pleasant, grey with other bright colors. ***


          But as we are next to a building behind us suddenly a woman FLIES at great speed toward my partner & takes his hands, at first I just stand back, then I change my mind about this & try to pry her away, with all my strength.  But as I do so I see the grip can’t be broken, as he’s holding onto her as hard as she’s holding onto him, like their hands are inserted into each other’s like metal into metal - Impossible to break.  It’s like one of his fingers is shaped like a black gun barrel & it fits into her hand, also black – two mostly black hands with a bit of green cemented into each other.


          *** BLACK HANDS CEMENTED INTO EACH OTHER, HIS LIKE A GUN BARREL INTO HER HANDS, INSEPARABLE:  Black hand denotes MAFIA, {in the Godfather 1, they called the Mafia precursor the Black Hand} Mafia says DEMONIC.  They are now temporarily bound by SATAN – probably the DRUG HABIT. ***


          However, something does change.  I now have the man again & I lead him to another house farther up & we enter.  There by the doorway is a woman & her small daughter, & they’re getting ready for some sort of Holiday celebration & this is bizarre, the man is going to be killed, cooked & consumed by the family.  They aren’t mean or cruel, but it just seems natural to them they are cannibals during Holidays especially, or this Holiday.  I see in my mind’s eye they are also preparing beautiful glazed carrots for the feast.  Somehow I led him here – I am NOT going to stop them, not sure why.  Maybe it’s because he betrayed me.


Then the girl standing there makes fun of me, saying,

          “Your man has gone – he left you.”

She’s ridiculing me, that I couldn’t hold the man.


          *** I LED HIM HERE I DIDN’T STOP IT, ANOTHER HOUSE WHERE THEY ARE GOING TO KILL & CONSUME HM FOR THEIR HOLIDAY:  At first I thought I wouldn’t get this, it was too weird.  But this is saying I MADE HIM DO IT – made him hook up with Ruthie & her drugs & I let it happen because he betrayed me.  He was miserable during our dating time, because I gave him back what he gave me – going out with other guys, sometimes pretending to when I wasn’t.  He wanted me to be loyal & faithful no matter how much he ran around & hurt me – but I did not comply.  So when he left me for Ruthie & her drugs, it was his WAY OUT OF PAIN.

In that sense I led him to it, he was ‘against the wall’ with pain, she FLEW IN with her remedy – cocaine supplied on a daily basis.

I need help, Mother God, how are they going, for a holiday, kill & consume him?

MG:  What is the Holiday?  Not Christmas, one of the pagan holidays, - Samhain, also known as the origin of Halloween, was a powerful and special demon of Hell and was one of the 66 Seals. He could only rise when summoned by two powerful witches through three blood sacrifices over three days, with the last sacrifice day on the final harvest, Halloween.”


This woman-mother & her small daughter is the Soul Self of Ruthie & the daughter of this being – Ruthie herself.  They are the wicked witches or servants of the demon.

So it makes sense when the daughter Ruthie makes fun of you or chides you for LOSING BOB.   You brought him to them {by his pain, he couldn’t take it this says} & so he surrendered himself to Ruthie for drugs, & she is ridiculing you for losing him.

How are they consuming or SACRIFICING him to the demon – they being the witches?  It is the SOUL or value/virtue/purity of it that is being consumed, not the body per se.  The devil ERODES what is good in us, eats it up, diminishes it, his intent is to destroy all the good in us, lead us to Hell.  So Ruthie was HIS AGENT.  Hanging out with druggies & alcoholics is a dangerous thing – many of them if not most are possessed by Satan.

And what are the GLAZED CARROTS?  Carrots have to do with eyesight, vitamin A, for vision.  This might allude to ‘understand this’ being a feast not consuming his body but his ‘soul’ – the way people ‘sell their soul’ to the devil.  He’s OFTEN spoken about his demons, selling his soul, & his most recent song lyrics have been about the devil.  He is obsessed with the devil because he’s possessed.  He had demons before, but when he got with Ruthie it was ridiculous. *** 

But I know he’s close by – maybe.  I go up the stairs & to the left & he’s  in a room that houses camera film – before digital – the walls are lined with green/white/black small boxes with film.  He decides he’s going to help himself to a large box or bag of this film although it isn’t his; he packs it up into this bag & decides he’ll take it away.



          THIS HOUSE:  is the house of Ruthie, & he’s leaving it.  The room lined with old-time film is the STORAGE AREA OF HIS MEMORIES. That’s why it’s OLD FILM. Which memories is he taking away?  The ones he CHERISHES, about YOU & HIM. {this is assumed} And he harbored these memories while he was with her, SHE IS NOT HERE but as the clipped cat, you see her reclining in the room adjacent. He’s going to take these memories of you from her house, leave her house, leave her.  The demonic stronghold over him is broken by the accident that BROKE RUTHIE’S BACK.  Breaking the back of someone is symbolically breaking their power.  And in literal terms she had an accident which broke her back. *** 


On a landing to the right @ the front of a second room of this I see a grey Persian cat & wonder if it’s mine & this is where she lives.  She’s lying down leisurely & happily here.  I ask someone somehow, is this my cat or someone else’s?  And the answer is someone else’s, & I look  more closely & see she has gotten a haircut – like she used to when she lived with her original owners, but I never have nor ever will get her cut, so it’s another cat, not the one I have.  That’s fine.


          *** CLIPPED CAT:  I get the ending before I have finished analyzing the middle.  This cat represents RUTHIE being CLIPPED.  Clipped is she was given a HAIRCUT, like Samson by Delilah.  The secret of his strength was his HAIR.  When she found this out & he was unconscious, she cut off his hair, called the Philistines & they captured him – he tried to fight back as before but could not.  Now this is Ruthie, her hair cut, disabled, her strength gone, she cannot hold my Beloved away from me any more.



  1. This one came out great as usual, Rasa. Very interesting and insightful dreams. And great artwork and of course plenty of fuzzies as well.

    Best wishes and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!


  2. About Samhain, there seems to be some confusion about what it is really about, apparently from a popular TV series these days:,on%20the%20final%20harvest%2C%20Halloween.

    The ancient Celtic festival which was later incorporated in to Wicca is rather different than that.

  3. Yes I figured, thanks for the other POV. I shall check it when time permits. But as I googled it this definition WORKED FOR THE MEANING OF THE DREAM. I guess there could be more than one definition or perspective on a thing. Some people will use a holiday this way, others that way. So the demonic thingy worked in the context of this dream. I personally love Wiccans & pagans as in many ways above other religions, so it isn't any kind of prejudice against them. Nature religions are closest to Mother God actually, worshipping Her through Nature, the seasons, the agricultural events & the sun, moon & stars. Lithuanians all used to be pagans & tree worshippers.
