Tuesday 9 November 2021




 11-9-21    To My Matriarchal Friends, William Bond, Ajax the Great & Freyja Derrickson


          Yes I agree.  In some ways one might feel helpless but we are not.  We MUST accept what is happening as the WILL OF GOD although it is ‘evil’ from the hands of the wicked.  God has permitted it.  That is what I learned from SAINTS, both Catholic & Hindu "Surrender to the Will of God."  No, do not surrender to the govt or the wicked or the shots - but to the Will of God.


          How do we know her Will?  We can’t change what is happening, no matter how criminal;  She can, but She isn’t.  And so, by letting it happen, IT IS HER WILL for the time being.  We don’t know what She has in mind, what good She will bring out of this, but Mother knows best, & She will deal with it, She is NOT HELPLESS, She can DO ALL THINGS, She KNOWS ALL, She CANNOT FAIL, She is the Creator & Maintainer of the Infinite Universe – She is all things to all people, She is not afraid of Satan & his works, She is not afraid of ‘death,’ She does not fear sickness, She fears nothing & no one.  She is Infinite Joy, Bliss& Ecstasy.  In her there is no misery, defect, defeat, failure, injury, chaos, unhappiness, depression, sorrow or pain – It DOES NOT EXIST where She is in the Highest realms.


          You might ask her these questions, instead of ‘feeling helpless,’ like so:


          “Mother God, what are you planning or orchestrating through this dilemma the world is in?”


          “How will the machinations of Satan, through Patriarchy, bring us closer to Matriarchy?”


          “Does it take THIS to wake people up to the fact that as William says, ‘Men have done a terrible job of ruling the world’& it’s time for women to take over?’ ”


         “Will people WAKE UP when the knife is in THEIR BACK?  They have watched atrocities to ‘foreigners,’ {including those on our shores, the Indians} when ‘civilized’ & powerful governments have destroyed humans with guns, bombs, even nuclear bombs, heinous warfare, tyrannical laws, – but it was never done TO US.  As we realize that WE are now the VICTIMS, cornered, our children targeted, our lives AT STAKE, will we now, as a corporate entity, finally ask the question never allowed on the table, ‘IS IT TIME FOR WOMEN TO TAKE THE WORLD INTO THEIR HANDS & STRAIGHTEN IT OUT?’  Because with the GUN TO OUR HEADS we no longer look to Democrat, Republican, men on white horses, men in shining armor.  Those delusions ARE OVER.  Will women for the first time step up to the plate no matter what it takes, with good helpmate men at their sides?”


          We Matriarchs have knocked ourselves out, like lone wolves howling at the moon, for answers, some of us all our lives – for people to realize the truth about Female Empowerment, Female Supremacy, male inferiority, male brutishness, males being the main ones evil works through, males are running the world terribly, males are spreading lies, males are torturing people, males are committing most of the sins, atrocities, genocides, tyrannies, murders, terrorisms & on & on & on.  Most of the evil on earth has been done by men, women were their first victims & have been shut up, put down, over-run, silenced, negated, abused, etc.  But will they now, pushed against the wall when it is DEATH or FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE; finally fight, en masse, join sisters & DO SOMETHING about it?


          No more time for sisters to look for RICH HUSBANDS, cosmetic surgeries & makeup, beautiful clothes, a good lifestyle, - none of this matters.  We are down to the bare necessities - no more ‘bread & circuses’, entertainment to distract us from what men are doing.  No more.  It is skip the makeup, the cosmetics, the beautiful clothes, the coquetry, put on the Amour of God, the Power of the Faith, join sisters & decent men & fight for your lives.


          But we complained they WOULDN’T LISTEN to us. {Our female followers weren’t really committed to the cause, they were pushing their self-aggrandizement, like those who followed me in female body building, those who followed us in Matriarchy – except for Freyja, were looking for earthly thrones} & yes, here & there when William & I proselytized full time, there sprang up a RESISTANCE & HOT SPRINGS bursting forth from Volcanoes of truth – even in the mainstream, like Hannah Rosen’s ‘The End of Men.’  But when William & I quieted down to do other things – me being a Cougar, {which was also for Female Empowerment} & he working on Mermaids {also Female Empowerment} – the rest of them died down.


          All the while Satan was planning his biggest coup – destroy the world before he goes down.  But Mother God STOOD FOR IT.  She has not stopped them.  Why?


          Because, as with all things, she has her Checkmate move that he cannot anticipate – She will use, I suspect, his ‘victory’ of depopulating the world, into his downfall.  One theory I have is that FAR MORE MEN WILL DIE THAN WOMEN because they only have one X chromosome, the Y chromosome cannot repair itself, & so, we kept complaining that 100k to male extinction is NOT SOON ENOUGH & this could be the way it happens REMARKABLY FAST.


          I am not saying the women will WAKE UP in THIS DECADE.  For this transition to ‘majority women’ will take several decades, let’s say, 50 years or so, & then, for the women to begin waking up & taking over the world, another 50 years.  Then maybe 100 years for women to work the governments into Matriarchy!


          Here’s the rub:  The men who have wrecked havoc on our planet have to be found out & ARRESTED & put to trial, & punished – many executed.  But who will arrest them, who will enforce the laws, when they maintain power & control billions & trillions of dollars?  There has to be a PHYSICAL ENFORCEMENT of the Nuremberg codes & other laws that we have or will produce – They themselves are not going to police themselves, arrest themselves, & hit electric chairs of their own free will.  Somebody has to do it & who?  They will pay off all the men & women lackeys on their side, just as they are now controlling the media, the governments, the military & police.  Both the military & police, in spite of their training & bravery, are cowering in front of mandates that strip them of all their resources & rights & they have nowhere to turn - they are as ‘hopeless & helpless’ as the rest of us, unless they go Nazi & kill the citizens.


          And so, during this time of takeover from Patriarchy to Matriarchy – if it happens in the next millennia – women have to take over the militaries, the police forces, the governments, the educational systems, the Big Pharmas & all other huge corporations which hold sway over us.


          I am wondering whether the planned depopulation, when men diminish, will be part of the way this speeds up.

Being that they are CONSITUTIONALLY WEAKER {not in muscles, in chromosomes} & many more men die than women – that gives women a governmental edge.  I have said for many years in order for Matriarchy to rise up, the extinction of men has to be where there are less than 50% men to women {in rulership seats}.  Not saying that automatically creates Matriarchy, but it starts there.  When there are only 25% men to 50% women no matter how BRUTAL they are, the women will overpower them.  This present ‘depopulation genocide’ could then be the Checkmate Mother God is creating for Satan.


          And of course as we three know, the onset of Matriarchy is a world of Love, where caring is the word – not what it’s been since Patriarchy.  Kali Yuga, an evil age, is then over.  They trapped us, did they?  They did not entrap Mother God.


Guru Rasa Von Werder   11-9-21


 This article responds to these letters:


From William Bond: Hi Rasa and Ajax the Great,

I agree the world is becoming totally insane and of course we feel helpless when we look too closely at it. So this is why I've gone back to try and meditate each day and to practice positive thinking. I think this is the time when we mustn't get sucked into all the insanity happening around us. 

I think that the madness that is going on is happening because people are moving further away from MotherGod and we mustn't do the same. Everyone has freewill and so if they choose to move further into chaos, then there is nothing we can do about it. But if we are resolute of keep our contract with MotherGod as well as think positive thoughts then MotherGod can work through us and hopefully communicate to them the love and wisdom of MotherGod.                          William


From Ajax the Great:  

 Thank you, Rasa.  Very sad but true, unfortunately.  Indeed, what we are doing in the movement now is really more with the next seven generations in mind, like the Iroquois.  Barring a miracle of miracles, the pace is rather glacial.                  Best wishes,   Ajax the Great 


Rasa’s original letters:


Thanks much Ajax. Your words & energy make the world more beautiful. I also hope women would take over at least part of the world by 2030 but when I talk to women out there, some randomly, some casual friends, they are far from even understanding the first thing about Matriarchy. I think there will be several generations of change before it even begins to be visible. They are not even to the point of being 'friends' like sisters, helping one another, creating groups of women, political groups, religious groups, sorority groups, any kind of groups. It seems friendship for women sadly ends after they leave school & get married. And so for women to 'take over America' in 9 years will not happen. If they start forming groups in 9 years, that might happen, considering the shyt going on today, women grouping will be a beginning. I am not a pessimist or a Poly-Anna, just trying to be realistic & face facts. Have you ever talked to women out there, randomly or not randomly, see how they feel about Matriarchy? Try it. Lol. You will be disheartened. How do I know? I have tried it a thousand times.



You're very welcome, Rasa. Alas, you are probably correct about that, and it would likely take a miracle of miracles to make it happen. Indeed, on the few occasions I have discussed the subject with various women, I recall most such occasions were rather disheartening. Even many feminists say they don't want to create a Matriarchy, since they falsely assume it will simply be the mirror image of patriarchy. And then I have to "mansplain" it to them that it is a fundamentally different paradigm, lol. Oh well.

Best wishes    



from Rasa:


And ‘ordinary’ women or women on the street? - Hopeless almost. Yes, one could work with the college students – I met them, many were willing to listen while we were downtown. But when it came to having meetings, they never would commit, would not show up or call me for an appt. And the regular middle aged women? - They are mostly lost, either surrendered to their husbands or hopes of getting one, or given up on anything unusual or dynamic in life – just want to sustain what they have. No energy, no motivation, no zeal or drive. The young have possibilities, but they are so distracted by chasing boys, its ridiculous.

The only real female I met who has what it takes is Freyja, & she isn’t talking to me any more, but my inner voice says not to give up on her so I won’t.

It can be done – but in another lifetime. I cannot do this any more, that is, go into the streets, gather college students, for instance. I haven’t got the physical strength or time any more. Someone else has to do this. I have the energy to write. I can teach, write, inspire this way, but I can no longer do what I did physically in the past.

The only people who have truly helped me, besides Freyja, are you & William Bond. I rest my case. I trust in Mother God, that somehow, She will bring our world to success, She cannot lose, no matter what. But how, I don’t know. I just know it will take time.


From Ajax the Great:


The War on Women has been going on for at least 7000 years now. We just call it "patriarchy" to make it sound nicer. And it needs to end yesterday.

Us fellas truly screwed the world up big time. We paved paradise and put up a parking lot, we created a desert and called it "peace". We devoured and suffocated our own empire, and now the world is on fire in more ways than one.

If there is a silver lining at all to the horrors of current events, perhaps it will accelerate the transition to Matriarchy before it is too late, God willing. And perhaps my prediction for Women effectively taking over the world (or at least the
USA) by 2030, to one degree or another, will not be too far off the mark after all.


  1. Amen to that! Very well-said overall, Rasa. If there is any silver lining to all of these atrocities, that would have to be it--accelerating the transition to Matriarchy.

    Best wishes,

  2. Thanks for all your help i sharing & your comments Ajax...

    1. You're very welcome, Rasa. I'm glad I can help :)


  3. I thought of something else today. Many good & innocent people will die because of this, but they will enter Heaven. At the same time, the parasites, the psychopaths, sociopaths, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, thieves & deceiving liars will also die. There are more of them than the good. It will be like the days of Noah, the great flood, which much of humanity was taken out. In the bible it calls it a cleansing. And so our earth might be cleansed of 'overpopulation caused by Patriarchs who are forcing their parasitic DNA into women's bodies with no end in sight. We know oeverpopulation causes terrible pollution of all types, including in the oceans, miles of debris, nets that strange & kill ocean creatures, bottles & cans animals put their heads into & die - nuclear wastes that will take hundreds or thousands of years to dissipate. Then there's the loss of animal habitat - many species going extinct, animals suffering greatly from human invasion - that will diminish. We have been hoping for the population of humans to diminish through Matriarchy, the slow way, but Mother Go just might use this sudden & devastating overpopulation - assuming this happens - to her Will.
