Monday 8 November 2021



11-4-21  {spiritual army}


It is in the ELEVENTH HOUR that things start popping – why?  Why does God wait so long, why doesn’t God step in sooner, before we are on the brink?  Could it be because our faith is so small that only when all seems lost we let go of pride, ego, & vanity, ‘I’m big enough for the job;’ let go of human hope, throw in the towel & say, ‘God – this is it, I’m done – our ONLY HOPE IS IN YOU.’


That day has come upon us, the day in the Old Testament will be here shortly, when humanity cried, ‘Mountains fall on us!’


This is the day of SATAN, when for thousands of years he’s tried to destroy the human race.  He’s done wars, atrocities, genocides, murders, everything imaginable to hurt humans, animals & nature.  But he could never gain a majority vote, where he felt in total control, the world was stubborn, he couldn’t get a grasp how to demolish the majority, but he kept on plotting.


This day is the day of his highest ‘achievement’ in evil.  No, everyone doesn’t yet know it – but soon they will.  They are doomed – millions, perhaps billions, by their own consent, tricked into doing something that means their death.

 {Of course, the ones who understand they have been given a death jab & work to find the remedies & use them will most likely recover & be saved – but that would be a small minority, most people will stay ignorant, think their illnesses are unrelated, stay within the Patriarchal medical world, surrender to it to their own detriment.  Like if they get cancer – which is predicted for many who got jabbed – they will permit radiation & chemotherapy instead of using herbs & vitamins & faith in God.}


This is the subject which has been off the table – which ‘friends’ of mine told me was ‘irrelevant’ to our world – the subject is Patriarchy vs Matriarchy, rule of the male vs rule of the female.


Even now they are not yet broaching the subject, no one in any media, not even the dissidents or conspiracy experts, are asking the question when will this demonic rule by men end, when will women take over & save the planet?


But remember, there is a God, & She knows all, sees all, can do all things.  Trust in her.







  1. Amen to that, Rasa! This one came.out excellent as usual, and the artwork and fuzzies goes great with it as well. I will be sure to share this far and wide.

    Best wishes and keep up the great work,

  2. The War on Women has been going on for at least 7000 years now. We just call it "patriarchy" to make it sound nicer. And it needs to end yesterday.

    Us fellas truly screwed the world up big time. We paved paradise and put up a parking lot, we created a desert and called it "peace". We devoured and suffocated our own empire, and now the world is on fire in more ways than one.

    If there is a silver lining at all to the horrors of current events, perhaps it will accelerate the transition to Matriarchy before it is too late, God willing. And perhaps my prediction for Women effectively taking over the world (or at least the USA) by 2030, to one degree or another, will not be too far off the mark after all.

    1. And ‘ordinary’ women or women on the street? Hopeless almost. Yes, one could work with the college students – I met them, many were willing to listen while we were downtown. But when it came to having meetings, they never would commit, would not show up or call me for an appt. And the regular middle aged women? They are mostly lost, either surrenderd to their husbands or hopes of getting one, or given up on anything unusual or dynamic in life – just want to sustain what they have. No energy, no motivation, no zeal or drive. The young have possibilities, but they are so distracted by chasing boys, its ridiculous.

      The only real female I met who has what it takes is Freyja, & she isn’t talking to me any more, but my inner voice says not to give up on her so I won’t.

      It can be done – but in another lifetime. I cannot do this any more, that is, go into the streets, gather college students, for instance. I haven’t got the physical strength or time any more. Someone else has to do this. I have the energy to write. I can teach, write, inspire this way, but I can no longer do what I did physically in the past.

      The only people who have truly helped me, besides Freyja, are you & William Bond. I rest my case. I trust in Mother God, that somehow, She will bring our world to success, She cannot lose, no matter what. But how, I don’t know. I just know it will take time.

  3. Thanks much Ajax. Your words & energy make the world more beautiful. I also hope women would take over at least part of the world by 2030 but when I talk to women out there, some randomly, some casual friends, they are far from even understanding the first thing about Matriarchy. I think there will be several generations of change before it even begins to be visible. They are not even to the point of being 'friends' like sisters, helping one another, creating groups of women, political groups, religious groups, sorority groups, any kind of groups. It seems friendship for women sadly ends after they leave school & get married. And so for women to 'take over America' in 7 years will not happen. If they start forming groups in 7 years, that might happen, considering the shyt going on today, women grouping will be a beginning. I am not a pessimist or a Poly-Anna, just trying to be realistic & face facts. Have you ever talked to women out there, randomly or not randomly, see how they feel about Matriarchy? Try it. Lol. You will be disheartened. How do I know? I have tried it a thousand times.

    1. You're very welcome, Rasa. Alas, you are probably correct about that, and it would likely take a miracle of miracles to make it happen. Indeed, on the few occasions I have discussed the subject with various women, I recall most such occasions were rather disheartening. Even many feminists say they don't want to create a Matriarchy, since they falsely assume it will simply be the mirror image of patriarchy. And then I have to "mansplain" it to them that it is a fundamentally different paradigm, lol. Oh well.

      Best wishes

    2. Indeed Ajax, sad but true. I have not had much success in dealing with feminists, most of them don't get it at all. When we began to push for Female Empowerment, it was actually a step into another world, & it was in conflict with feminists that I knew. Feminists were against the adult trade, & they did not teach Female Supremacy. But equality is now archaic, given the known facts regarding genetics & so many other studies on men vs women. So feminists are way behind the times. I am sad to say the progress of women is slow to the point of infuriating, but yet, something is happening, only 10 times or 100 times slower than we wish. The demon Patriarchy is fighting back with murderous rage before it dies.
